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Re: typedef vs. typename confusion

>>>>> Noel Yap <> writes:

>> If we make the requirement for typename the default, people suddenly
>> cannot compile lots of free software.  If egcs's main purpose were for
>> commercial developers, maybe

> I would guess ('cos I haven't really used it) that autoconf would be
> able to tell what compiler switches should be used.  Also, I haven't
> seen too much freeware written in C++, much less ones using templates.

Then you haven't been looking.  To take one prominent example, much of
Netscape/Mozilla is written in C++.  Here at Cygnus we have some 30-odd
freeware C++ packages pulled off the net that we use to test the compiler.
And there are more out there that we aren't using yet (including Mozilla,
largely because it hasn't been autoconfiscated yet).


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