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Linking problems with c++ egcs 1.0.2-8

S c i e n c e . D . V i s i o n s

Emil-Figge Str. 80     D-44227 Dortmund     Germany
Phone: ++ 49 231 9742 188  Fax:  ++ 49 231 9742 189


I'm currently trying to port an application from SGI to linux. The c++
files for this application are generated under SGI using the rapidapp
GUI builder.

I currently have a standard RedHat 5.1 Linux including the c++ egcs
1.0.2 on my system.

The application compiles fine. However during linking, I get these error

g++ main.o FormClass.o FormClassUI.o SimpleWindowClass.o 
unimplemented.o    -o linux_tst -L/usr/X11/lib
-L/home/devel/Mesa-3.0/lib  -lX11 -lXpm -lXext -lXmu -lXm -lXt -lXi -lXp
-lSM -lICE -ldl   -lvk -lvkhelp    -lGLw -lGL -lGLU 
FormClassUI.o: In function `FormClassUI type_info function':
/home/devel/rolf_tests/rap_test2/FormClassUI.C:403: undefined reference
to `VkComponent type_info function'
/home/devel/rolf_tests/rap_test2/FormClassUI.C:403: undefined reference
to `VkComponent type_info node'
SimpleWindowClass.o: In function `SimpleWindowClass type_info function':
/home/devel/rolf_tests/rap_test2/SimpleWindowClass.C:147: undefined
reference to `VkSimpleWindow type_info function'
/home/devel/rolf_tests/rap_test2/SimpleWindowClass.C:147: undefined
reference to `VkSimpleWindow type_info node'
I have included 2 code fragments at the end of this email.
Does anybody know, what's going on here ?

Thanks for your help!




#include "SimpleWindowClass.h"

#include <Vk/VkApp.h>
#include <Vk/VkResource.h>

// Externally defined classes referenced by this class: 

#include "FormClass.h"

extern void VkUnimplemented ( Widget, const char * );

//---- Start editable code block: headers and declarations

//---- End editable code block: headers and declarations

// These are default resources for widgets in objects of this class
// All resources will be prepended by *<name> at instantiation,
// where <name> is the name of the specific instance, as well as the
// name of the baseWidget. These are only defaults, and may be overriden
// in a resource file by providing a more specific resource name

String  SimpleWindowClass::_defaultSimpleWindowClassResources[] = {

        //---- Start editable code block: SimpleWindowClass Default

        //---- End editable code block: SimpleWindowClass Default


//---- Class declaration

SimpleWindowClass::SimpleWindowClass ( const char *name,
                                      ArgList args,
                                      Cardinal argCount) : 
                                VkSimpleWindow ( name, args, argCount )
    // Load any class-default resources for this object

    setDefaultResources ( baseWidget(),
_defaultSimpleWindowClassResources  );

    // Create the view component contained by this window

    _formClass = new FormClass ( "formClass",mainWindowWidget() );

    XtVaSetValues ( _formClass->baseWidget(),
                    XmNwidth, 509, 
                    XmNheight, 558, 
                    (XtPointer) NULL );

    // Add the component as the main view

    addView ( _formClass );

    //---- Start editable code block: SimpleWindowClass constructor

    //---- End editable code block: SimpleWindowClass constructor

}    // End Constructor

    delete _formClass;
    //---- Start editable code block: SimpleWindowClass destructor

    //---- End editable code block: SimpleWindowClass destructor
}    // End destructor

const char *SimpleWindowClass::className()
    return ("SimpleWindowClass");
}    // End className()

Boolean SimpleWindowClass::okToQuit()
    //---- Start editable code block: SimpleWindowClass okToQuit

    // This member function is called when the user quits by calling
    // theApplication->terminate() or uses the window manager close
    // This function can abort the operation by returning FALSE, or do
    // cleanup before returning TRUE. The actual decision is normally
passed on
    // to the view object

    // Query the view object, and give it a chance to cleanup

    return ( _formClass->okToQuit() );

    //---- End editable code block: SimpleWindowClass okToQuit
}    // End okToQuit()




#include <Vk/VkSimpleWindow.h>

//---- Start editable code block: headers and declarations

//---- End editable code block: headers and declarations

//---- SimpleWindowClass class declaration

class SimpleWindowClass: public VkSimpleWindow {


    SimpleWindowClass( const char * name, 
                       ArgList args = NULL,
                       Cardinal argCount = 0 );
    const char *className();
    virtual Boolean okToQuit();

    //---- Start editable code block: SimpleWindowClass public

    //---- End editable code block: SimpleWindowClass public


    // Classes created by this class

    class FormClass *_formClass;

    // Widgets created by this class

    //---- Start editable code block: SimpleWindowClass protected

    //---- End editable code block: SimpleWindowClass protected


    static String  _defaultSimpleWindowClassResources[];

    //---- Start editable code block: SimpleWindowClass private

    //---- End editable code block: SimpleWindowClass private

//---- Start editable code block: End of generated code

//---- End editable code block: End of generated code



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