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Re: error message formatting

> 	Unfortunately, this is mainly due to the structure of the STL.  Because
> it is so template based, you're going to get those long lines.  I think the SGI

Yes, but, as I said, "This is OUTRAGEOUS".

Are you a compiler writer by the way?

No offense, but this sounds like an excuse by a compiler writer for not doing
something which is hard, not an explanation. I don't consider this an
acceptable answer.

I am stating what I, as the USER, wants to see. (The USER rules, or should!) I
know it's possible, because I can imagine algorithms which will do it. (E.g.,
a not-great algorithm might be: go over all the visible typedefs and
substitute when a typedef with fewer characters matches something with more

As templates get more common, something must be done about hiding their
names. I use them fairly regularly now. I have nested templates up to 3 levels
(e.g., map <string<char>, <vector <pair <int, float> > >)

if I have typefed that to my_map, that's what I want to see in my error

-- DavidC

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