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Snapshot, diffs and crap

That's about the third snapshot I've run into the same problem...

- dig up old snapshot.
- get diffs towards latest snapshot, apply them using latest patch (2.5).
- try to compile.
- got into strange error.

- got latest snapshot directly.
- compile it without problem.

Would it be that difficult to write a script on that 
procures the next-to-latest snapshot, applies the diff, compare
the result with the latest snapshot and complains if something 
went wrong ?

If you don't have the time for that, if somebody can tell me where
the various files are located on the ftp server, I believe I can
whip a perl script up in five minutes that will do the job...

Right now, `playing' with egcs without a fast internet link is a
nightmare, as you mostly have to get one full archive every snapshot
to get something reliable...

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