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Re: linux libio status

Richard Henderson wrote:
> Joe Buck wrote:
> > We need to silence these warnings.  For the NULL, I suggest a global
> > s/NULL/0/ in the C++ iostreams headers.
> That's a reasonable solution.  In my version of the libio patches, 
> I make _G_config.h undef and redefine NULL to avoid this problem.
> > I don't know where the missing declarations should go; perhaps HJ has
> > an idea.
> I worked around this for Linux/Alpha by providing versions of 
> libc-lock.h and stdio-lock.h to install with the newly built library.
> Perhaps we do the same thing for Intel?

I worked around this by copying egcs-971009/libio/libio.h into

By the way strstream seems to be broken if you let it dynamically allocate
it's own buffer.  The following program gives a segmentation fault:

#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <strstream.h>
  ostrstream os;
  os << "testing " << 123 << ends;
  string s = os.str();

This one used to work for me under gcc- but is also broken with egcs:

#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <strstream.h>
  char buf[100]
  ostrstream os(buf, 100);
  os << "testing " << 123 << ends;
  string s = os.str();

Gregory L. Galloway
Research Scientist I

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