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Results for 4.3.0 20070606 (experimental) testsuite on powerpc-ibm-aix5.2.0.0

LAST_UPDATED: Wed Jun  6 02:52:58 UTC 2007 (Revision: 125353)

Native configuration is powerpc-ibm-aix5.2.0.0

		=== g++ tests ===

Running target unix
FAIL: tmpdir-g++.dg-struct-layout-1/t002 cp_compat_x_tst.o-cp_compat_y_tst.o execute 
FAIL: tmpdir-g++.dg-struct-layout-1/t006 cp_compat_x_tst.o-cp_compat_y_tst.o execute 
FAIL: tmpdir-g++.dg-struct-layout-1/t007 cp_compat_x_tst.o-cp_compat_y_tst.o execute 
FAIL: tmpdir-g++.dg-struct-layout-1/t008 cp_compat_x_tst.o-cp_compat_y_tst.o execute 
FAIL: tmpdir-g++.dg-struct-layout-1/t009 cp_compat_x_tst.o-cp_compat_y_tst.o execute 
FAIL: tmpdir-g++.dg-struct-layout-1/t010 cp_compat_x_tst.o-cp_compat_y_tst.o execute 
FAIL: tmpdir-g++.dg-struct-layout-1/t011 cp_compat_x_tst.o-cp_compat_y_tst.o execute 
FAIL: tmpdir-g++.dg-struct-layout-1/t013 cp_compat_x_tst.o-cp_compat_y_tst.o execute 
FAIL: tmpdir-g++.dg-struct-layout-1/t014 cp_compat_x_tst.o-cp_compat_y_tst.o execute 
FAIL: tmpdir-g++.dg-struct-layout-1/t017 cp_compat_x_tst.o-cp_compat_y_tst.o execute 
FAIL: tmpdir-g++.dg-struct-layout-1/t023 cp_compat_x_tst.o-cp_compat_y_tst.o execute 
FAIL: tmpdir-g++.dg-struct-layout-1/t024 cp_compat_x_tst.o-cp_compat_y_tst.o execute 
FAIL: tmpdir-g++.dg-struct-layout-1/t026 cp_compat_x_tst.o-cp_compat_y_tst.o execute 
FAIL: tmpdir-g++.dg-struct-layout-1/t027 cp_compat_x_tst.o-cp_compat_y_tst.o execute 
FAIL: tmpdir-g++.dg-struct-layout-1/t028 cp_compat_x_tst.o-cp_compat_y_tst.o execute 
FAIL: tmpdir-g++.dg-struct-layout-1/t029 cp_compat_x_tst.o-cp_compat_y_tst.o execute 
FAIL: tmpdir-g++.dg-struct-layout-1/t030 cp_compat_x_tst.o-cp_compat_y_tst.o execute 
FAIL: g++.dg/abi/local1.C execution test
FAIL: g++.dg/conversion/simd1.C (test for excess errors)
FAIL: g++.dg/cpp/_Pragma1.C (test for excess errors)
XPASS: g++.dg/eh/simd-2.C (test for excess errors)
FAIL: g++.dg/ext/alignof2.C execution test
FAIL: g++.dg/ext/attribute-test-1.C (test for excess errors)
FAIL: g++.dg/ext/attribute-test-2.C (test for excess errors)
FAIL: g++.dg/ext/attribute-test-3.C (test for excess errors)
FAIL: g++.dg/ext/attribute-test-4.C (test for excess errors)
FAIL: g++.dg/ext/visibility/anon1.C scan-assembler-not globl.*_ZN.*1fEv
FAIL: g++.dg/ext/visibility/anon2.C scan-assembler-not globl.*_Z1fv
FAIL: g++.dg/other/fesd-any.C (test for excess errors)
ERROR: g++.dg/other/fesd-any.C: error executing dg-final: couldn't open "fesd-any.s": no such file or directory
UNRESOLVED: g++.dg/other/fesd-any.C: error executing dg-final: couldn't open "fesd-any.s": no such file or directory
FAIL: g++.dg/other/fesd-baseonly.C (test for excess errors)
ERROR: g++.dg/other/fesd-baseonly.C: error executing dg-final: couldn't open "fesd-baseonly.s": no such file or directory
UNRESOLVED: g++.dg/other/fesd-baseonly.C: error executing dg-final: couldn't open "fesd-baseonly.s": no such file or directory
FAIL: g++.dg/other/fesd-none.C (test for excess errors)
ERROR: g++.dg/other/fesd-none.C: error executing dg-final: couldn't open "fesd-none.s": no such file or directory
UNRESOLVED: g++.dg/other/fesd-none.C: error executing dg-final: couldn't open "fesd-none.s": no such file or directory
FAIL: g++.dg/other/fesd-reduced.C (test for excess errors)
ERROR: g++.dg/other/fesd-reduced.C: error executing dg-final: couldn't open "fesd-reduced.s": no such file or directory
UNRESOLVED: g++.dg/other/fesd-reduced.C: error executing dg-final: couldn't open "fesd-reduced.s": no such file or directory
FAIL: g++.dg/other/fesd-sys.C (test for excess errors)
ERROR: g++.dg/other/fesd-sys.C: error executing dg-final: couldn't open "fesd-sys.s": no such file or directory
UNRESOLVED: g++.dg/other/fesd-sys.C: error executing dg-final: couldn't open "fesd-sys.s": no such file or directory
WARNING: g++.dg/other/ucnid-1.C compilation failed to produce executable
FAIL: g++.dg/other/unused1.C scan-assembler (string|ascii?)z?\\t"class2("|\\\\\\\\000)
FAIL: g++.dg/other/unused1.C scan-assembler (string|ascii?)z?\\t"printer("|\\\\\\\\000)
FAIL: g++.dg/template/repo3.C (test for excess errors)
FAIL: g++.dg/special/conpr-2.C execution test
FAIL: g++.dg/special/conpr-4.C execution test
FAIL: g++.dg/special/initp1.C execution test
FAIL: g++.dg/special/initpri1.C execution test
XPASS: g++.old-deja/g++.other/init19.C execution test
FAIL: g++.old-deja/ (test for excess errors)
FAIL: g++.old-deja/ (test for excess errors)
FAIL: g++.old-deja/ (test for excess errors)
FAIL: g++.old-deja/ (test for excess errors)

		=== g++ Summary ===

# of expected passes		14902
# of unexpected failures	43
# of unexpected successes	2
# of expected failures		91
# of unresolved testcases	5
# of unsupported tests		206
/tmp/20070605/gcc/testsuite/g++/../../g++  version 4.3.0 20070606 (experimental)

		=== gcc tests ===

Running target unix
WARNING: program timed out.
FAIL: gcc.c-torture/compile/limits-externalid.c  -O3 -g  (test for excess errors)
FAIL: gcc.dg/cpp/_Pragma6.c (test for excess errors)
XPASS: gcc.dg/cpp/cmdlne-dI-M.c scan-file (^|\\\\n)cmdlne-dI-M.*:[^\\\\n]*cmdlne-dI-M.c
XPASS: gcc.dg/cpp/cmdlne-dM-M.c scan-file (^|\\\\n)cmdlne-dM-M[^\\\\n]*:[^\\\\n]*cmdlne-dM-M.c
XPASS: gcc.dg/20020103-1.c scan-assembler-not LC[0-9]
FAIL: gcc.dg/alias-7.c execution test
FAIL: gcc.dg/asm-names.c scan-assembler-not ____frob14
FAIL: gcc.dg/fesd-any.c (test for excess errors)
ERROR: gcc.dg/fesd-any.c: error executing dg-final: couldn't open "fesd-any.s": no such file or directory
UNRESOLVED: gcc.dg/fesd-any.c: error executing dg-final: couldn't open "fesd-any.s": no such file or directory
FAIL: gcc.dg/fesd-baseonly.c (test for excess errors)
ERROR: gcc.dg/fesd-baseonly.c: error executing dg-final: couldn't open "fesd-baseonly.s": no such file or directory
UNRESOLVED: gcc.dg/fesd-baseonly.c: error executing dg-final: couldn't open "fesd-baseonly.s": no such file or directory
FAIL: gcc.dg/fesd-none.c (test for excess errors)
ERROR: gcc.dg/fesd-none.c: error executing dg-final: couldn't open "fesd-none.s": no such file or directory
UNRESOLVED: gcc.dg/fesd-none.c: error executing dg-final: couldn't open "fesd-none.s": no such file or directory
FAIL: gcc.dg/fesd-reduced.c (test for excess errors)
ERROR: gcc.dg/fesd-reduced.c: error executing dg-final: couldn't open "fesd-reduced.s": no such file or directory
UNRESOLVED: gcc.dg/fesd-reduced.c: error executing dg-final: couldn't open "fesd-reduced.s": no such file or directory
FAIL: gcc.dg/fesd-sys.c (test for excess errors)
ERROR: gcc.dg/fesd-sys.c: error executing dg-final: couldn't open "fesd-sys.s": no such file or directory
UNRESOLVED: gcc.dg/fesd-sys.c: error executing dg-final: couldn't open "fesd-sys.s": no such file or directory
FAIL: gcc.dg/initpri1.c execution test
FAIL: gcc.dg/memcpy-1.c scan-tree-dump-times nasty_local 0
FAIL: gcc.dg/pthread-init-1.c (test for excess errors)
FAIL: gcc.dg/pthread-init-2.c (test for excess errors)
WARNING: gcc.dg/ucnid-2.c compilation failed to produce executable
WARNING: gcc.dg/ucnid-3.c compilation failed to produce executable
WARNING: gcc.dg/ucnid-4.c compilation failed to produce executable
WARNING: gcc.dg/ucnid-5.c compilation failed to produce executable
XPASS: gcc.dg/ucnid-6.c (test for excess errors)
FAIL: gcc.dg/matrix/matrix-1.c scan-ipa-dump-times Flattened 3 dimensions 1
FAIL: gcc.dg/matrix/matrix-3.c scan-ipa-dump-times Flattened 2 dimensions 1
FAIL: gcc.dg/matrix/matrix-6.c scan-ipa-dump-times Flattened 2 dimensions 1
FAIL: gcc.dg/matrix/transpose-1.c scan-ipa-dump-times Flattened 3 dimensions 1
FAIL: gcc.dg/matrix/transpose-1.c scan-ipa-dump-times Transposed 3
FAIL: gcc.dg/matrix/transpose-2.c scan-ipa-dump-times Flattened 3 dimensions 1
FAIL: gcc.dg/matrix/transpose-4.c scan-ipa-dump-times Flattened 3 dimensions 1
FAIL: gcc.dg/matrix/transpose-4.c scan-ipa-dump-times Transposed 2
FAIL: gcc.dg/matrix/transpose-5.c scan-ipa-dump-times Flattened 3 dimensions 1
FAIL: gcc.dg/matrix/transpose-6.c scan-ipa-dump-times Flattened 3 dimensions 1
XPASS: gcc.dg/tree-ssa/update-threading.c scan-tree-dump-times Invalid sum 0
XPASS: (test for excess errors)
FAIL: scan-assembler popcntb
FAIL: scan-assembler popcntb

		=== gcc Summary ===

# of expected passes		41269
# of unexpected failures	25
# of unexpected successes	6
# of expected failures		100
# of unresolved testcases	5
# of unsupported tests		566
/tmp/20070605/gcc/xgcc  version 4.3.0 20070606 (experimental)

		=== gfortran tests ===

Running target unix
FAIL: gfortran.dg/integer_exponentiation_4.f90  -O  (internal compiler error)
FAIL: gfortran.dg/integer_exponentiation_4.f90  -O   (test for errors, line 24)
FAIL: gfortran.dg/integer_exponentiation_4.f90  -O   (test for errors, line 25)
FAIL: gfortran.dg/integer_exponentiation_4.f90  -O   (test for errors, line 26)
FAIL: gfortran.dg/integer_exponentiation_4.f90  -O   (test for errors, line 27)
FAIL: gfortran.dg/integer_exponentiation_4.f90  -O   (test for errors, line 35)
FAIL: gfortran.dg/integer_exponentiation_4.f90  -O   (test for errors, line 36)
FAIL: gfortran.dg/integer_exponentiation_4.f90  -O   (test for errors, line 37)
FAIL: gfortran.dg/integer_exponentiation_4.f90  -O   (test for errors, line 38)
FAIL: gfortran.dg/integer_exponentiation_4.f90  -O   (test for errors, line 41)
FAIL: gfortran.dg/integer_exponentiation_4.f90  -O   (test for errors, line 42)
FAIL: gfortran.dg/integer_exponentiation_4.f90  -O  (test for excess errors)
FAIL: gfortran.dg/static_linking_1.f  -O0  execution test
FAIL: gfortran.dg/static_linking_1.f  -O1  execution test
FAIL: gfortran.dg/static_linking_1.f  -O2  execution test
FAIL: gfortran.dg/static_linking_1.f  -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer  execution test
FAIL: gfortran.dg/static_linking_1.f  -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -funroll-loops  execution test
FAIL: gfortran.dg/static_linking_1.f  -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -funroll-all-loops -finline-functions  execution test
FAIL: gfortran.dg/static_linking_1.f  -O3 -g  execution test
FAIL: gfortran.dg/static_linking_1.f  -Os  execution test
FAIL: gfortran.fortran-torture/execute/intrinsic_nearest.f90 execution,  -O0 
FAIL: gfortran.fortran-torture/execute/intrinsic_nearest.f90 execution,  -O1 
FAIL: gfortran.fortran-torture/execute/intrinsic_nearest.f90 execution,  -O2 
FAIL: gfortran.fortran-torture/execute/intrinsic_nearest.f90 execution,  -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer 
FAIL: gfortran.fortran-torture/execute/intrinsic_nearest.f90 execution,  -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -funroll-loops 
FAIL: gfortran.fortran-torture/execute/intrinsic_nearest.f90 execution,  -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -funroll-all-loops -finline-functions 
FAIL: gfortran.fortran-torture/execute/intrinsic_nearest.f90 execution,  -O3 -g 
FAIL: gfortran.fortran-torture/execute/intrinsic_nearest.f90 execution,  -Os 

		=== gfortran Summary ===

# of expected passes		17971
# of unexpected failures	28
# of expected failures		7
# of unsupported tests		106
/tmp/20070605/gcc/testsuite/gfortran/../../gfortran  version 4.3.0 20070606 (experimental)

		=== objc tests ===

Running target unix

		=== objc Summary ===

# of expected passes		1766
# of expected failures		17
# of unsupported tests		28
/tmp/20070605/gcc/xgcc  version 4.3.0 20070606 (experimental)

		=== libgomp tests ===

Running target unix

		=== libgomp Summary ===

# of expected passes		1564
# of unsupported tests		2
		=== libstdc++ tests ===

Running target unix
FAIL: 22_locale/ctype/is/char/ execution test
FAIL: 27_io/ios_base/storage/ execution test
FAIL: 27_io/objects/char/ execution test
FAIL: 27_io/objects/wchar_t/ execution test
FAIL: ext/mt_allocator/ execution test
FAIL: ext/pb_ds/example/ execution test
WARNING: program timed out.
FAIL: ext/pb_ds/regression/ (test for excess errors)
WARNING: ext/pb_ds/regression/ compilation failed to produce executable
WARNING: program timed out.
FAIL: ext/pb_ds/regression/ (test for excess errors)
WARNING: ext/pb_ds/regression/ compilation failed to produce executable
WARNING: program timed out.
FAIL: ext/pb_ds/regression/ (test for excess errors)
WARNING: ext/pb_ds/regression/ compilation failed to produce executable
WARNING: program timed out.
FAIL: ext/pb_ds/regression/ (test for excess errors)
WARNING: ext/pb_ds/regression/ compilation failed to produce executable
WARNING: program timed out.
FAIL: ext/pb_ds/regression/ (test for excess errors)
WARNING: ext/pb_ds/regression/ compilation failed to produce executable
FAIL: ext/pool_allocator/ execution test

		=== libstdc++ Summary ===

# of expected passes		4368
# of unexpected failures	12
# of expected failures		40
# of unsupported tests		326

Compiler version: 4.3.0 20070606 (experimental) 
Platform: powerpc-ibm-aix5.2.0.0
configure flags: --prefix=/farm/dje/install/powerpc-ibm-aix5.2.0.0-20070605 --disable-werror --enable-languages=c,c++,fortran,objc --with-gmp=/farm/dje --with-mpfr=/farm/dje

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