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Re: GCC build failed for native with your patch on 2003-09-05T11:02:39Z.

On Saturday, Sep 6, 2003, at 18:01 US/Pacific, Jan Hubicka wrote:

Please do,
time to go sleep for me, but I will take a look into it tommorow.

Thank you for testing!

Here it is (I am getting good at this reducing thing), I have not tested your newer patch though:

template<typename _CharT>
  struct __timepunct_cache
    static const _CharT* _S_timezones[14];
template<> const char* __timepunct_cache<char>::_S_timezones[14];
template<typename _CharT>
  class time_get
    typedef _CharT char_type;
    void _M_extract_name(const _CharT** __names) const;
    void _M_extract_via_format() const;

template<typename _CharT>
  _M_extract_via_format() const
template class time_get<char>;

Can you please send me the assembly I am supposed to get and what is
wrong there? The symbol in question seems to be defined just well in my
version (but I have somewhat modified tree so perhaps I fixed it in
meantime). I will try fresh one tomorrow.

Here is the diff of the two assembly, the good one is "+" where there is a non_lazy_ptr:
--- temp.s Sat Sep 6 18:07:54 2003
+++ temp.1.s Sat Sep 6 18:07:46 2003
@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@
stw r0,8(r1)
lwz r0,8(r1)
- addis r4,r31,ha16(__ZN17__timepunct_cacheIcE12_S_timezonesE-"L00000000001$pb")
+ addis r4,r31,ha16(L__ZN17__timepunct_cacheIcE12_S_timezonesE$non_lazy_ptr- "L00000000001$pb")
lwz r31,-4(r1)
+ lwz r4,lo16(L__ZN17__timepunct_cacheIcE12_S_timezonesE$non_lazy_ptr- "L00000000001$pb")(r4)
mtlr r0
- la r4,lo16(__ZN17__timepunct_cacheIcE12_S_timezonesE-"L00000000001$pb")(r4)
b L__ZNK8time_getIcE15_M_extract_nameEPPKc$stub
@@ -37,6 +37,11 @@
.indirect_symbol __ZNK8time_getIcE15_M_extract_nameEPPKc
.long dyld_stub_binding_helper
+ .indirect_symbol __ZN17__timepunct_cacheIcE12_S_timezonesE
+ .long 0

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