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Re: RFC: Patch to implement Aarch64 SIMD ABI

Hi Steve,

> This patch checks for SIMD functions and saves the extra registers when
> needed.  It does not change the caller behavour, so with just this patch
> there may be values saved by both the caller and callee.  This is not
> efficient, but it is correct code.

I tried a few simple test cases. It seems calls to non-vector functions don't mark
the callee-saves as needing to be saved/restored:

void g(void);

void __attribute__ ((aarch64_vector_pcs))
f1 (void)

	str	x30, [sp, -16]!
	bl	g
	ldr	x30, [sp], 16
	b	g

Here I would expect q8-q23 to be preserved and no tailcall to g() since it is not a vector
function. This is important for correctness since f1 must preserve q8-q23.

// compile with -O2 -ffixed-d1 -ffixed-d2 -ffixed-d3 -ffixed-d4 -ffixed-d5 -ffixed-d6 -ffixed-d7
float __attribute__ ((aarch64_vector_pcs))
f2 (float *p)
  float t0 = p[1];
  float t1 = p[3];
  float t2 = p[5]; 
  return t0 - t1 * (t1 + t0) + (t2 * t0);

	stp	d16, d17, [sp, -48]!
	ldr	s17, [x0, 4]
	ldr	s18, [x0, 12]
	ldr	s0, [x0, 20]
	fadd	s16, s17, s18
	fmsub	s16, s16, s18, s17
	fmadd	s0, s17, s0, s16
	ldp	d16, d17, [sp], 48

This uses s16-s18 when it should prefer to use s24-s31 first. Also it needs to save q16-q18,
not only d16 and d17.

Btw the -ffixed-d* is useful to block the register allocator from using certain registers.


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