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[Ada] Warning on recursive call within postcondition

This patch adds a warning to a function call that appears within a
postcondition for said function. This may mean an omission of an attribute
reference 'Result, and may lead to an infinite loop on a call to that function.

Compiling must yield:
        warning: postcondition does not mention function result
       warning: call to "Foo" within its postcondition will lead
         to infinite recursion
package Post_Error is
   function Foo (A : out Integer) return Integer
     with Post => Foo (A)  /= 0;
   pragma Import (C, Foo);
end Post_Error;

Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on trunk

2018-05-28  Ed Schonberg  <>


	* sem_util.adb (Is_Function_Result): Add a warning if a postcondition
	includes a call to function to which it applies. This may mean an
	omission of an attribute reference 'Result, in particular if the
	function is pqrameterless.
--- gcc/ada/sem_util.adb
+++ gcc/ada/sem_util.adb
@@ -3880,6 +3880,17 @@ package body Sem_Util is
                Result_Seen := True;
                return Abandon;
+            --  Warn on infinite recursion if call is to current function.
+            elsif Nkind (N) = N_Function_Call
+              and then Is_Entity_Name (Name (N))
+              and then Entity (Name (N)) = Subp_Id
+              and then not Is_Potentially_Unevaluated (N)
+            then
+               Error_Msg_NE ("call to & within its postcondition "
+                 & "will lead to infinite recursion?", N, Subp_Id);
+               return OK;
             --  Continue the traversal

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