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[Ada] Fix Reraise_Occurrence of Foreign_Exception

In a sequence like

(d)            (c)                 (b)              (a)
c++ raises <-- Ada calls c++,  <-- c++ call Ada <-- Ada calls
exception      others handler      and handles      c++
               gets foreign        c++ exception
               exception and

the original exception raised on the C++ world at (d) couldn't be caught
as a regular c++ exception at (b) when the re-raise performed at (c) is
done with an explicit call to Ada.Exceptions.Reraise_Occurrence.

Indeed, the latter just re-crafted a new Ada-ish occurence and the
nature and contents of the original exception object were lost.

This patch fixes this by refining Reraise_Occurrence to be more careful
with exceptions in the course of a propagation, just resuming propagation
of the original object.

>From the set of soures below, compilation and execution with:

  g++ -c && gnatmake -f -g a.adb -largs bd.o --LINK=g++ && ./a

is expected to output:

foreign exception caught, reraising ...
b() caught x = 5



extern "C" {
  extern void c();

  void b ();
  void d ();

void b ()
  try {
  } catch (int x) {
    printf ("b() caught x = %d\n", x);

void d ()
  throw (5);

-- a.adb

with C;
procedure A is
   procedure B;
   pragma Import (Cpp, B);


procedure C;
pragma Export (C, C, "c");

-- c.adb

with Ada.Exceptions; use Ada.Exceptions;
with System.Standard_Library;
with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure C is
   package SSL renames System.Standard_Library;
   use type SSL.Exception_Data_Ptr;

   function To_Exception_Data_Ptr is new
     Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Exception_Id, SSL.Exception_Data_Ptr);

   procedure D;
   pragma Import (Cpp, D);

   Foreign_Exception : aliased SSL.Exception_Data;
   pragma Import
     (Ada, Foreign_Exception, "system__exceptions__foreign_exception");
   when E : others =>
      if To_Exception_Data_Ptr (Exception_Identity (E))
        = Foreign_Exception'Unchecked_access
         Put_Line ("foreign exception caught, reraising ...");
         Reraise_Occurrence (E);
      end if;

Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on trunk

2018-05-22  Olivier Hainque  <>


	* libgnat/a-except.adb (Exception_Propagation.Propagate_Exception):
	Expect an Exception_Occurence object, not an Access.
	(Complete_And_Propagate_Occurrence): Adjust accordingly.
	(Raise_From_Signal_Handler): Likewise.
	(Reraise_Occurrence_No_Defer): If we have a Machine_Occurrence
	available in the provided occurrence object, just re-propagate the
	latter as a bare "raise;" would do.
	* libgnat/a-exexpr.adb (Propagate_Exception): Adjust to spec change.
	* libgnat/a-exstat.adb (String_To_EO): Initialize X.Machine_Occurrence
	to null, to mark that the occurrence we're crafting from the stream
	contents is not being propagated (yet).
--- gcc/ada/libgnat/a-except.adb
+++ gcc/ada/libgnat/a-except.adb
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ package body Ada.Exceptions is
       function Allocate_Occurrence return EOA;
       --  Allocate an exception occurrence (as well as the machine occurrence)
-      procedure Propagate_Exception (Excep : EOA);
+      procedure Propagate_Exception (Excep : Exception_Occurrence);
       pragma No_Return (Propagate_Exception);
       --  This procedure propagates the exception represented by Excep
@@ -940,7 +940,7 @@ package body Ada.Exceptions is
    procedure Complete_And_Propagate_Occurrence (X : EOA) is
       Complete_Occurrence (X);
-      Exception_Propagation.Propagate_Exception (X);
+      Exception_Propagation.Propagate_Exception (X.all);
    end Complete_And_Propagate_Occurrence;
@@ -1091,7 +1091,7 @@ package body Ada.Exceptions is
-        (Create_Occurrence_From_Signal_Handler (E, M));
+        (Create_Occurrence_From_Signal_Handler (E, M).all);
    end Raise_From_Signal_Handler;
@@ -1587,12 +1587,25 @@ package body Ada.Exceptions is
    procedure Reraise_Occurrence_No_Defer (X : Exception_Occurrence) is
-      Excep    : constant EOA := Exception_Propagation.Allocate_Occurrence;
-      Saved_MO : constant System.Address := Excep.Machine_Occurrence;
-      Save_Occurrence (Excep.all, X);
-      Excep.Machine_Occurrence := Saved_MO;
-      Complete_And_Propagate_Occurrence (Excep);
+      --  If we have a Machine_Occurrence at hand already, e.g. when we are
+      --  reraising a foreign exception, just repropagate. Otherwise, e.g.
+      --  when reraising a GNAT exception or an occurrence read back from a
+      --  stream, set up a new occurrence with its own Machine block first.
+      if X.Machine_Occurrence /= System.Null_Address then
+         Exception_Propagation.Propagate_Exception (X);
+      else
+         declare
+            Excep : constant EOA
+              := Exception_Propagation.Allocate_Occurrence;
+            Saved_MO : constant System.Address := Excep.Machine_Occurrence;
+         begin
+            Save_Occurrence (Excep.all, X);
+            Excep.Machine_Occurrence := Saved_MO;
+            Complete_And_Propagate_Occurrence (Excep);
+         end;
+      end if;
    end Reraise_Occurrence_No_Defer;

--- gcc/ada/libgnat/a-exexpr.adb
+++ gcc/ada/libgnat/a-exexpr.adb
@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ package body Exception_Propagation is
    -- Propagate_Exception --
-   procedure Propagate_Exception (Excep : EOA) is
+   procedure Propagate_Exception (Excep : Exception_Occurrence) is
       Propagate_GCC_Exception (To_GCC_Exception (Excep.Machine_Occurrence));
    end Propagate_Exception;

--- gcc/ada/libgnat/a-exstat.adb
+++ gcc/ada/libgnat/a-exstat.adb
@@ -256,6 +256,11 @@ package body Stream_Attributes is
          end loop;
       end if;
+      --  The occurrence we're crafting is not currently being
+      --  propagated.
+      X.Machine_Occurrence := System.Null_Address;
       --  If an exception was converted to a string, it must have
       --  already been raised, so flag it accordingly and we are done.

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