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Re: [PATCH] Add AddressSanitizer annotations to std::vector

On 05/07/17 20:44 +0100, Yuri Gribov wrote:
On Wed, Jul 5, 2017 at 8:00 PM, Jonathan Wakely <> wrote:
This patch adds AddressSanitizer annotations to std::vector, so that
ASan can detect out-of-bounds accesses to the unused capacity of a
vector. e.g.

 std::vector<int> v(2);
 int* p =;
 return p[1];  // ERROR

This cannot be detected by Debug Mode, but with these annotations ASan
knows that only[0] is valid and will give an error.

The annotations are only enabled for vector<T, std::allocator<T>> and
only when std::allocator's base class is either malloc_allocator or
new_allocator. For other allocators the memory might not come from the
freestore and so isn't tracked by ASan.

One important issue with enabling this by default is that it may
(will?) break separate sanitization (which is extremely important
feature in practice). If one part of application is sanitized but the
other isn't and some poor std::vector is push_back'ed in latter and
then accessed in former, we'll get a false positive because push_back
wouldn't properly annotate memory.

Good point.

Perhaps hide this under a compilation flag (disabled by default)?

If you define _GLIBCXX_SANITIZE_STD_ALLOCATOR to 0 the annotations are
disabled. To make them disabled by default would need some changes, to
use separate macros for "the std::allocator base class can be
sanitized" and "the user wants std::vector to be sanitized".

I'll do that before committing.

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