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Re: [PATCH fix PR71767 2/4 : Darwin configury] Arrange for ld64 to be detected as Darwin's linker

On 11/08/2016 05:49 PM, Iain Sandoe wrote:

On 8 Nov 2016, at 13:39, Mike Stump <> wrote:

On Nov 8, 2016, at 1:05 PM, Iain Sandoe <>

Simple for the simple case is already part of my patch, but
capability for the expert and non-simple case is also present,

I'm trying to ask a specific question, what does the patch allow
that can't be done otherwise?  Kinda a trivial question, and I
don't see any answer.

I'm not looking for, it allows it to work, or it makes the expert
case work.  I'm look for the specific question, and the specific
information you want, and why ld -v doesn't get it.

ld -v gets it when you can execute ld. It doesn’t get it when the
$host ld is not executable on $build.

Providing the option to give the version allows that without
requiring the complexity of other (possibly valid) solutions.  If you
know that you’re building (my patched) ld64-253.9 for powerpc-darwin9
(crossed from x86-64-darwin14) it’s easy, just put —with-ld64=253.9

I think we’ve debated this enough - I’m OK with keeping my extra
facility locally and will resubmit the patch with it removed in due
course, Iain
Your call. But ISTM the ability to specify the linker version or even better, its behaviour is a notable improvement for these crosses.


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