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Re: [PATCH 2/4] BRIG (HSAIL) frontend: The FE itself.


sorry for the delay.  Couple of weeks ago, I have cloned the github
repo, lookaed at the diff against the trunk and reviewed that, which
resulted in the following pile of notes.

I hope they will be at least mostly understandable, if a little bit
disorganized and perhaps sometimes inconsistent.  I have been
interrupted by a surprisingly high number of issues which required my
quick attention and a disk failure during that period.

- Still quite few things need to be documented better, e.g.:
  + brig_to_generic::get_mangled_name_tmpl and to a lesser extent
    brig_to_generic::get_mangled_name.  It should be clear what is the
    intended difference in usage of the two (specially since the
    former is a template and so the parameter does not give that much
    of a hint to the reader)
  + the visitor classes need some description so that the first time
    readers see them, they understand what they are for and what they
    visit (i.e. what "visiting" even means).

- I know it was me who told you to use gcc_assert and gcc_unreachable
  instead of internal_error.  The thing is, often the error is clearly
  not an internal error but an error in input.  I think that we should
  plan to handle these cases differently and report the issues better
  to the user, give a meaningful error message together width the
  section and the offset there when it was encountered.  I am not
  asking you to audit all asserts now and convert those in this
  category but it would be nice to have a mechanism to easily do so
  (and convert a few obvious places), so that we can convert these as
  we bump into them.

  For asserts that do check for compiler errors in the sense that no
  matter what the input, a condition should never occur, please note
  that gcc_assert (condition) is preferred over

  if (!condition)
     gcc_unreachable ();

  and that gcc_unreachable is a noreturn call and thus there is no
  need to put any return statements after them.  I'm not pointing
  occurrences of this in the review because many of them are actually
  handling input issues and those should probably eventually be calls
  to error() or some encapsulation of it and will probably need a
  bail-out followup.

- A very minor suggestion: In GCC it is customary to write TODO as one
  word.  We generally do not use "TO OPTIMIZE", that is just a TODO
  (as opposed to a FIXME, which hints that something is at least a bit
  wrong here).  I think you can keep your way if you want but for
  example I do have emacs highlighting set up for the traditional

- You do not seem to handle BRIG_OPCODE_ICALL, or have I missed it?
  That is fine, I don't think anybody else does that now anyway, I
  just got curious reading the ipa analysis.

- brig-lang.c:
  + x_flag_whole_program = 0; - talk about this with Honza
  + brig_langhook_type_for_size: has several issues.  Either always
    return a type like go or return error_mark_node instead of NULL.
    Also, do not count on long being 64-bit.  I would just copy what
    go does.  Or lto.
  + brig_langhook_type_for_mode: Also please do not depend on knowing
    that long is 8 bytes, or int being 4 bytes long.  For complex
    modes, the correct thing seems to be to return NULL instead of
    void_type_node.  In any case, it would be better to return
    error_mark_node rather than void_type_node.
  + convert: did you avoid using convert_to_vector deliberately?  The
    size check seems genuinely useful.

- brigfrontend/
  + brig_to_generic::parse: You seem to be handling LDA instruction
    (or more generally, BRIG_KIND_INST_ADDR instructions, but there is
    just the one) with copy_move_inst_handler, which seems just wrong.
    Its operator() blindly casts the instruction to
    BrigInstSourceType, interpreting the segment as if it was a source
    type... am I missing something?

  + build_reinterpret_cast: gcc_unreachable followed by return
    NULL_TREE does not make sense, please convert the whole thing to
    an assert.  More importantly, I think that you really need to
    solve the case of mismatching sizes differently, and not create a
    (single) V_C_E for it.  For register types, you can V_C_E them to
    an unsigned int of the same size, then do a widening NOP_EXPR to
    unsigned type with the same size as the destination and then do a
    V_C_E to whatever you need.  But perhaps this can be solved better
    at the caller side somewhere?

  + brig_to_generic::finish_function: the ifdef'ed debug_functions
    should not be a part of the final submission.  Checking
    m_cf->m_is_kernel twice looks ugly.

  + brig_to_generic::append_group_variable: Don't put a statement
    guarded with an if statement on the same line as the condition.  I
    also believe align_padding, when the offset is not already
    aligned, should be:
       alignment - m_next_group_offset % alignment

  + brig_to_generic::append_private_variable: The same as above.

  + I would suggest that you change brig_to_generic::dump_function to
    a standalone function taking a file parameter.  It is then much
    easier to call it for example from debugger.

  + brig_code_entry_handler::build_tree_operand: The unreachable
    return at the end looks misleading, just removing it should be
    fine.  Ditto for the breaks after returns, the upcoming
    fall-through warning will notify us if we ever get a potentially
    wrong fall-through.

  + brig_code_entry_handler::get_tree_cst_for_hsa_operand: GCC coding
    standard mandates that if a branch has only one statement in it,
    it should not be encapsulated in braces.

    If, in the condition

      if (type != NULL && TREE_CODE (type) == ARRAY_TYPE)

    type can ever actually be NULL, then the function will segfault
    just before ending, when again checking whether type is an array.
    If it cannot be NULL, then please gcc_checking_assert it instead.

  + brig_code_entry_handler::build_address_operand: I must say I
    really dislike how the end of the function is structured, it is
    terrible difficult to read given that it is not doing anything that
    complicated and I think it does not handle correctly an (LDA of a)
    NULL address, which unfortunately I believe is valid for private
    and group segment addresses.  Dealing with the most complex case
    by converting symbol to size_type looks exactly backwards,
    especially given that you have converted the base of the
    POINTER_PLUS_EXPR only few lines before.  I think the code would
    be a lot nicer and easier to comprehend if you clearly
    distinguished the various cases (symbol_base != NULL (and sub
    cases when ptr_base is or is not NULL), ptrbase != NULL and simple
    constant, even NULL constant, which you do not handle but fail an
    assert, I think) and handled them separately, including all type
    conversions.  ptr_base is an unfortunate name, IMHO, in many cases
    it has the role of a variable offset rather than a base.
    Similarly, ptr_ofset is really a constant_offset.

  + brig_code_entry_handler::get_tree_type_for_hsa_type: I believe it
    is better to and the type with BRIG_TYPE_PACK_MASK if you want to
    determine whether you are looking at a vector (packed) HSAIL
    instruction.  I also think that putting that test into a separate
    function and calling it from all places when you do this would be
    more future-proof (something like hsa_type_packed_p in gcc/hsa.c).

    For the (inner_brig_type == BRIG_TYPE_F16) vector case, you do not
    end up calling build_type_variant (why is it necessary in any
    case?) but for other vector types you do.  Is that intentional?

  + brig_code_entry_handler::expand_or_call_builtin: If I am correct
    that the operands parameter contains only input operands at this
    point, please state so in the function comment.  Since we only
    allow ourselves 80 characters wide code, it is customary not to
    put code into else branches if the if branch returns (or
    breaks/continues) anyway.

    Given that this function builds vectors only to pile them
    element-wise to arguments of variable-argument-length function
    call_builtin, which then builds vectors out if its
    elements... have you considered having an overloaded
    implementation of call_builtin that would not do this?  It seems
    particularly wasteful.

  + brig_code_entry_handler::build_operands: Please make the return
    type consistent with the one in class definition (tree_stl_vec
    instead of explicit std::vector<tree>, assuming you prefer the

    GCC coding standard mandates that if a branch has only one
    statement in it, it should not be encapsulated in braces.

    Please replace
      if (operand == NULL_TREE)
   	    gcc_unreachable ();
    with gcc_assert (operand);
    Please rewrite conditions like !(TREE_CODE (operand) == TREE_VEC)
    as (TREE_CODE (operand) != TREE_VEC)

    Again you are creating VIEW_CONVERT_EXPR for an operand that is of
    a different size than the result type.  For scalar types, this is
    bound to cause trouble sooner or later and I really think you need
    to avoid it.

  + scalarized_sat_arithmetics::scalarized_sat_arithmetics: Do not
    undef macros preemptively.  Instead, undef them right after using
    them, after the include of a .def file.
  + brig_basic_inst_handler::must_be_scalarized: I am intrigued by the
    (elements < 16) part of the condition.  This function would also
    benefit from a comment.
  + scalarized_sat_arithmetics::builtin - please prefix with m_, ditto
    for brig_inst_ (why the trailing underscore?)
  + brig_basic_inst_handler::must_be_scalarized needs a comment
    explaining what it is for.
  + brig_basic_inst_handler::get_raw_type: Unless "raw" is some HSA
    term I have missed, I would strongly suggest that you rename the
    function to something more immediately obvious, like uint_for_type
    or something like that.  Also, don't use literal 8 but
    BITS_PER_UNIT.  Also, do we really need both this function and
    brig_code_entry_handler::get_raw_tree_type ?

  + build_shuffle, build_unpack, build_pack, build_unpack_lo_or_hi and
    build_lower_element_broadcast: I admit that so far I have only
    very briefly skimmed through these functions.  In any way, use
    BITS_PER_UNIT instead of 8.

  + brig_basic_inst_handler::build_instr_expr: Please remove the 'r'
    and make it build_inst_expr for the sake of consistency.  If I
    understand the code correctly, the operands parameter contains
    only input operands.  In that case, please state so in the
    function comment and remove the local variable first_input, it has
    no purpose but to confuse.  Also, please move the definition and
    assignments to local variable input_count (and possibly also
    output_count) down to where it is used.

  + brig_basic_inst_handler::operator (): It seems that the opcode
    local variable is only used to identify the return brig
    instructions which seems wasteful.  Generally, it would be nice to
    clean this function up a little by moving assignments to some of
    the very many local variables down, as close to their first use as
    reasonable.  Surprisingly often, you'd remove the need to compute
    them in many cases at all, e.g. look at element_count and

    Extra points for a function comment explaining how work is divided
    in between operator() itself and its main helpers such as
  + brig_basic_inst_handler::get_tree_code_for_hsa_opcode: The comment
    says the special value returned when it is necessary to use a
    chain of tree expressions or an builtin is NULL_TREE, but the
    function itself returns TREE_LIST or CALL_EXPR.

  + brig_cmp_inst_handler::operator (): the neg_expr seems to be
    something left from earlier times?  Use BITS_PER_UNIT instead of
    8, having both result_width and element_width seems unnecessary
    (and speaking of elements, is that actually even a vector case?),
    and should be initialized only in the case when it is used.  In
    case of vector results, please build either all_ones or all_zeros,
    it is wasteful to allocate both.

- I believe that using the alignment
  modifier is something that we should try to get done as soon as
- This seems like something that we should
  at least warn about (in case when effectively an unsupported
  operation is requested).

- At this point I'm trying to read quickly
  but it seems to me you do not support conversion between flat and
  global segment... how come?

  + brig_copy_move_inst_handler::operator (): The function definitely
    should not cast LDA instructions to BrigInstSourceType*!

- I only skimmed through this, looks
  good, although I should probably come back to take a closer look

- I believe that as long as the builtins
  representing barriers are not pure, they will not be hoisted out of
  a loop.  Nonduplication might indeed be a problem, although short of
  whole function cloning, I could not think of a transformation gcc
  performs that might pause a problem.  Nevertheless, we probably
  should introduce an attribute for it and look for it in
  gimple_can_duplicate_bb_p (and in cfg_layout_can_duplicate_bb_p?).
  An important issue, but hopefully for later.

  + brig_directive_variable_handler::operator (): Please use
    BITS_PER_UNIT instead of 8.
  + build_variable: Likewise.  I am a bit concerned that unlike in
    operator(), you do not make the alignment at least as big as
    natural one, which means that in theory (and probably only on
    malformed BRIG, I suppose), the two functions might disagree about
    alignment?  I think it would be nice to outline the extraction of
    alignment to an independent function and use that from both

  + brig_directive_function_handler::operator: Please use gcc_assert
    instead of assert.  (Well, in this case it is clearly input error
    which, eventually, we will want to give nice errors about.  But at
    least do not use assert.)

  + brig_function::analyze_calls: The first if condition should be
    terminated by a newline

  + brig_function::add_wi_loop:  Is the second TODO now obsolete?

  + brig_function::build_launcher_and_metadata: The ASM directive is
    really an ugly hack.  It is isolated so I am not that much
    concerned, but building a structure and filling it with data (like
    we do for example in hsa_output_libgomp_mapping) seems cleaner.

  + gccbrig_is_raw_operation: I think that calling the operations
    "bit" operations instead of "raw" would make life of readers of
    the code slightly but noticeably easier.

  + gccbrig_hsa_type_bit_size: If possible, please make the default
    case be gcc_unreachable().  (If zero is expected in some cases,
    then all callers should check for it, so that we for example do
    not divide by zero in

  + might_be_host_defined_var: there is no need for the returned
    expression to start on a new line.

- gcc/builtins.def: In the added DEF_HSAIL_*_BUILTIN macros, please
  arrange it so that they only pass true in the last argument of
  DEF_BUILTIN when gcc is configured with BRIG FE.  Builtins are not
  free and should not be added needlessly.

Overall, the code has improved significantly.  As far as I am
concerned, the only real issue I see are the VIEW_CONVERT_EXPRs with
mismatched operands.  They are asking for trouble, only Ada produces
those (although it is acknowledged it should not) and Ada only does it
for aggregates.

If I understood you correctly, both you and your sponsor have already
signed the Copyright assignment, right?  If that is so, I'll ask the
steering committee to approve the intention and then ask a global
reviewer to also peek at it.

Meanwhile, I'll look very quickly at the run-time library and see if
there is any integration with my work to be done.

Thanks for your patience,


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