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Re: Enabling -frename-registers?

On Wed, May 04, 2016 at 12:52:47AM +0200, Bernd Schmidt wrote:
> I must say I find the argumentation about the fallout not compelling. It's a
> normal consequence of development work, and by enabling it at -O2, we have
> found:
>  * a Linux kernel bug
>  * a rs6000 testsuite bug
>  * some issues that can cause performance problems
>  * and a compare-debug problem in regrename itself.
> All of these are _good_ things. If we don't want to run into such issues
> we'll have to cease all development work.

I agree it's good to find these things..  Another nasty bug to add to
the list is complete breakage of gccgo on powerpc64le.  I see register
renaming around the prologue call to __morestack, which trashes
function arguments.

Dump of assembler code for function main:
   0x00000000100014e0 <+0>:	lis     r2,4098
   0x00000000100014e4 <+4>:	addi    r2,r2,-18176
   0x00000000100014e8 <+8>:	ld      r0,-28736(r13)
   0x00000000100014ec <+12>:	addi    r12,r1,-16496
   0x00000000100014f0 <+16>:	nop
   0x00000000100014f4 <+20>:	cmpld   cr7,r12,r0
   0x00000000100014f8 <+24>:	blt     cr7,0x10001550 <main+112>
   0x00000000100014fc <+28>:	mflr    r5
   0x0000000010001500 <+32>:	std     r30,-16(r1)
   0x0000000010001504 <+36>:	std     r31,-8(r1)
   0x0000000010001508 <+40>:	li      r8,0
   0x000000001000150c <+44>:	nop
   0x0000000010001510 <+48>:	ld      r10,-32664(r2)
   0x0000000010001514 <+52>:	nop
   0x0000000010001518 <+56>:	ld      r6,-32672(r2)
   0x000000001000151c <+60>:	std     r5,16(r1)
   0x0000000010001520 <+64>:	stdu    r1,-112(r1)
   0x0000000010001524 <+68>:	stb     r8,0(r6)
   0x0000000010001528 <+72>:	lbz     r9,0(r10)
   0x000000001000152c <+76>:	cmpwi   r9,0
   0x0000000010001530 <+80>:	beq     0x1000156c <main+140>
   0x0000000010001534 <+84>:	li      r3,0
   0x0000000010001538 <+88>:	addi    r1,r1,112
   0x000000001000153c <+92>:	ld      r0,16(r1)
   0x0000000010001540 <+96>:	ld      r30,-16(r1)
   0x0000000010001544 <+100>:	ld      r31,-8(r1)
   0x0000000010001548 <+104>:	mtlr    r0
   0x000000001000154c <+108>:	blr
=> 0x0000000010001550 <+112>:	mflr    r3		# argc trashed
   0x0000000010001554 <+116>:	std     r3,16(r1)
   0x0000000010001558 <+120>:	bl      0x10001818 <__morestack>
   0x000000001000155c <+124>:	ld      r4,16(r1)
   0x0000000010001560 <+128>:	mtlr    r4
   0x0000000010001564 <+132>:	blr
   0x0000000010001568 <+136>:	b       0x100014fc <main+28>

__morestack has a non-standard calling convention.  After buying more
stack, it calls its caller!  In this case that means a call to
0x10001568.  So regrename can't use r3 at 0x10001550 as it is a
parameter passing reg for main.  The use of r4 at 0x1000155c would
also be wrong for a function that returns a value in r4.

Alan Modra
Australia Development Lab, IBM

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