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New hashtable power 2 rehash policy


Here is a patch to introduce a new power of 2 based rehash policy. It enhances performance as it avoids modulo float operations. I have updated performance benches and here is the result: tr1 benches 455r 446u 8s 0mem 0pf std benches 466r 460u 6s 0mem 0pf std2 benches 375r 369u 6s 0mem 0pf

std2 benches is the one using power of 2 bucket count.

Note that I made use of __detected_or_t to avoid duplicating all the code of _Rehash_base<>.

It brings a simplification of _Insert<>, it doesn't take a _Unique_keys template parameter anymore. It allowed to remove a specialization.

It also improve behavior when we reach maximum number of buckets, we won't keep on trying to increase the number as it is impossible.

Last it fixes a small problem in bench. We were using __uset_traits rather than __umset_traits in definition of __umset. Results were not the expected ones.

2016-04-22  FranÃois Dumont <>

    * include/bits/hashtable_policy.h
    (_Prime_rehash_policy::__has_load_factor): New. Mark rehash policy
    having load factor management.
    (_Mask_range_hashing): New.
    (_NextPower2<size_t>): New.
    (_Power2_rehash_policy): New.
    (_Inserts<>): Remove last template parameter _Unique_keys. Use the same
    implementation when keys are unique no matter if iterators are constant
    or not.
    * src/c++11/ (_Prime_rehash_policy::_M_next_bkt):
    Consider when last prime number has been reach.
    * testsuite/23_containers/unordered_set/hash_policy/
    * testsuite/performance/23_containers/insert/ Add bench using
    the new hash policy.
    * testsuite/performance/23_containers/insert_erase/ Likewise.

Tested under linux x64_86, ok to commit ?


Index: include/bits/hashtable_policy.h
--- include/bits/hashtable_policy.h	(révision 235348)
+++ include/bits/hashtable_policy.h	(copie de travail)
@@ -457,6 +457,8 @@
   /// smallest prime that keeps the load factor small enough.
   struct _Prime_rehash_policy
+    using __has_load_factor = std::true_type;
     _Prime_rehash_policy(float __z = 1.0) noexcept
     : _M_max_load_factor(__z), _M_next_resize(0) { }
@@ -501,6 +503,136 @@
     mutable std::size_t	_M_next_resize;
+  /// Range hashing function assuming that second args is a power of 2.
+  struct _Mask_range_hashing
+  {
+    typedef std::size_t first_argument_type;
+    typedef std::size_t second_argument_type;
+    typedef std::size_t result_type;
+    result_type
+    operator()(first_argument_type __num,
+	       second_argument_type __den) const noexcept
+    { return __num & (__den - 1); }
+  };
+  /// Helper type to compute next power of 2.
+  template<typename _SizeT,
+	   std::size_t _N = sizeof(_SizeT) << 2, bool _Increment = true>
+    struct _NextPower2
+    {
+      static _SizeT
+      _Get(_SizeT __n)
+      {
+	_SizeT __next = _NextPower2<_SizeT, (_N >> 1), false>::_Get(__n);
+	__next |= __next >> _N;
+	if (_Increment)
+	  ++__next;
+	return __next;
+      }
+    };
+  template<typename _SizeT>
+    struct _NextPower2<_SizeT, 1, false>
+    {
+      static _SizeT
+      _Get(_SizeT __n)
+      {
+	--__n;
+	return __n |= __n >> 1;
+      }
+    };
+  /// Rehash policy providing power of 2 bucket numbers. Ease modulo
+  /// operations.
+  struct _Power2_rehash_policy
+  {
+    using __has_load_factor = std::true_type;
+    _Power2_rehash_policy(float __z = 1.0) noexcept
+    : _M_max_load_factor(__z), _M_next_resize(0) { }
+    float
+    max_load_factor() const noexcept
+    { return _M_max_load_factor; }
+    // Return a bucket size no smaller than n (as long as n is not above the
+    // highest power of 2).
+    std::size_t
+    _M_next_bkt(std::size_t __n) const
+    {
+      constexpr auto __max_bkt
+	= std::size_t(1) << ((sizeof(std::size_t) << 3) - 1);
+      std::size_t __res = _NextPower2<std::size_t>::_Get(__n);
+      if (__res == 0)
+	__res = __max_bkt;
+      if (__res == __max_bkt)
+	// Set next resize to the max value so that we never try to rehash again
+	// as we already reach the biggest possible bucket number.
+	// Note that it might result in max_load_factor not being respected.
+	_M_next_resize = std::size_t(0) - 1;
+      else
+	_M_next_resize
+	  = __builtin_floor(__res * (long double)_M_max_load_factor);
+      return __res;
+    }
+    // Return a bucket count appropriate for n elements
+    std::size_t
+    _M_bkt_for_elements(std::size_t __n) const
+    { return __builtin_ceil(__n / (long double)_M_max_load_factor); }
+    // __n_bkt is current bucket count, __n_elt is current element count,
+    // and __n_ins is number of elements to be inserted.  Do we need to
+    // increase bucket count?  If so, return make_pair(true, n), where n
+    // is the new bucket count.  If not, return make_pair(false, 0).
+    std::pair<bool, std::size_t>
+    _M_need_rehash(std::size_t __n_bkt, std::size_t __n_elt,
+		   std::size_t __n_ins) const
+    {
+      if (__n_elt + __n_ins >= _M_next_resize)
+	{
+	  long double __min_bkts = (__n_elt + __n_ins)
+					/ (long double)_M_max_load_factor;
+	  if (__min_bkts >= __n_bkt)
+	    return std::make_pair(true,
+	      _M_next_bkt(std::max<std::size_t>(__builtin_floor(__min_bkts) + 1,
+						__n_bkt * _S_growth_factor)));
+	  _M_next_resize
+	    = __builtin_floor(__n_bkt * (long double)_M_max_load_factor);
+	  return std::make_pair(false, 0);
+	}
+      else
+	return std::make_pair(false, 0);
+    }
+    typedef std::size_t _State;
+    _State
+    _M_state() const
+    { return _M_next_resize; }
+    void
+    _M_reset() noexcept
+    { _M_next_resize = 0; }
+    void
+    _M_reset(_State __state)
+    { _M_next_resize = __state; }
+    static const std::size_t _S_growth_factor = 2;
+    float		_M_max_load_factor;
+    mutable std::size_t	_M_next_resize;
+  };
   // Base classes for std::_Hashtable.  We define these base classes
   // because in some cases we want to do different things depending on
   // the value of a policy class.  In some cases the policy class
@@ -775,8 +907,7 @@
 	   typename _ExtractKey, typename _Equal,
 	   typename _H1, typename _H2, typename _Hash,
 	   typename _RehashPolicy, typename _Traits,
-	   bool _Constant_iterators = _Traits::__constant_iterators::value,
-	   bool _Unique_keys = _Traits::__unique_keys::value>
+	   bool _Constant_iterators = _Traits::__constant_iterators::value>
     struct _Insert;
   /// Specialization.
@@ -785,7 +916,7 @@
 	   typename _H1, typename _H2, typename _Hash,
 	   typename _RehashPolicy, typename _Traits>
     struct _Insert<_Key, _Value, _Alloc, _ExtractKey, _Equal, _H1, _H2, _Hash,
-		   _RehashPolicy, _Traits, true, true>
+		   _RehashPolicy, _Traits, true>
     : public _Insert_base<_Key, _Value, _Alloc, _ExtractKey, _Equal,
 			   _H1, _H2, _Hash, _RehashPolicy, _Traits>
@@ -792,58 +923,23 @@
       using __base_type = _Insert_base<_Key, _Value, _Alloc, _ExtractKey,
 					_Equal, _H1, _H2, _Hash,
 					_RehashPolicy, _Traits>;
-      using value_type = typename __base_type::value_type;
-      using iterator = typename __base_type::iterator;
-      using const_iterator =  typename __base_type::const_iterator;
-      using __unique_keys = typename __base_type::__unique_keys;
-      using __hashtable = typename __base_type::__hashtable;
-      using __node_gen_type = typename __base_type::__node_gen_type;
+      using __hashtable_base = _Hashtable_base<_Key, _Value, _ExtractKey,
+					       _Equal, _H1, _H2, _Hash,
+					       _Traits>;
-      using __base_type::insert;
-      std::pair<iterator, bool>
-      insert(value_type&& __v)
-      {
-	__hashtable& __h = this->_M_conjure_hashtable();
-	__node_gen_type __node_gen(__h);
-	return __h._M_insert(std::move(__v), __node_gen, __unique_keys());
-      }
-      iterator
-      insert(const_iterator __hint, value_type&& __v)
-      {
-	__hashtable& __h = this->_M_conjure_hashtable();
-	__node_gen_type __node_gen(__h);
-	return __h._M_insert(__hint, std::move(__v), __node_gen,
-			     __unique_keys());
-      }
-    };
-  /// Specialization.
-  template<typename _Key, typename _Value, typename _Alloc,
-	   typename _ExtractKey, typename _Equal,
-	   typename _H1, typename _H2, typename _Hash,
-	   typename _RehashPolicy, typename _Traits>
-    struct _Insert<_Key, _Value, _Alloc, _ExtractKey, _Equal, _H1, _H2, _Hash,
-		   _RehashPolicy, _Traits, true, false>
-    : public _Insert_base<_Key, _Value, _Alloc, _ExtractKey, _Equal,
-			   _H1, _H2, _Hash, _RehashPolicy, _Traits>
-    {
-      using __base_type = _Insert_base<_Key, _Value, _Alloc, _ExtractKey,
-					_Equal, _H1, _H2, _Hash,
-					_RehashPolicy, _Traits>;
       using value_type = typename __base_type::value_type;
       using iterator = typename __base_type::iterator;
       using const_iterator =  typename __base_type::const_iterator;
       using __unique_keys = typename __base_type::__unique_keys;
+      using __ireturn_type = typename __hashtable_base::__ireturn_type;
       using __hashtable = typename __base_type::__hashtable;
       using __node_gen_type = typename __base_type::__node_gen_type;
       using __base_type::insert;
-      iterator
+      __ireturn_type
       insert(value_type&& __v)
 	__hashtable& __h = this->_M_conjure_hashtable();
@@ -865,9 +961,9 @@
   template<typename _Key, typename _Value, typename _Alloc,
 	   typename _ExtractKey, typename _Equal,
 	   typename _H1, typename _H2, typename _Hash,
-	   typename _RehashPolicy, typename _Traits, bool _Unique_keys>
+	   typename _RehashPolicy, typename _Traits>
     struct _Insert<_Key, _Value, _Alloc, _ExtractKey, _Equal, _H1, _H2, _Hash,
-		   _RehashPolicy, _Traits, false, _Unique_keys>
+		   _RehashPolicy, _Traits, false>
     : public _Insert_base<_Key, _Value, _Alloc, _ExtractKey, _Equal,
 			   _H1, _H2, _Hash, _RehashPolicy, _Traits>
@@ -911,28 +1007,46 @@
+  template<typename _Policy>
+    using __has_load_factor = typename _Policy::__has_load_factor;
    *  Primary class template  _Rehash_base.
    *  Give hashtable the max_load_factor functions and reserve iff the
-   *  rehash policy is _Prime_rehash_policy.
+   *  rehash policy supports it.
   template<typename _Key, typename _Value, typename _Alloc,
 	   typename _ExtractKey, typename _Equal,
 	   typename _H1, typename _H2, typename _Hash,
-	   typename _RehashPolicy, typename _Traits>
+	   typename _RehashPolicy, typename _Traits,
+	   typename =
+	     __detected_or_t<std::false_type, __has_load_factor, _RehashPolicy>>
     struct _Rehash_base;
-  /// Specialization.
+  /// Specialization when rehash policy doesn't provide load factor management.
   template<typename _Key, typename _Value, typename _Alloc,
 	   typename _ExtractKey, typename _Equal,
-	   typename _H1, typename _H2, typename _Hash, typename _Traits>
+	   typename _H1, typename _H2, typename _Hash,
+	   typename _RehashPolicy, typename _Traits>
     struct _Rehash_base<_Key, _Value, _Alloc, _ExtractKey, _Equal,
-			_H1, _H2, _Hash, _Prime_rehash_policy, _Traits>
+		      _H1, _H2, _Hash, _RehashPolicy, _Traits,
+		      std::false_type>
+    };
+  /// Specialization when rehash policy provide load factor management.
+  template<typename _Key, typename _Value, typename _Alloc,
+	   typename _ExtractKey, typename _Equal,
+	   typename _H1, typename _H2, typename _Hash,
+	   typename _RehashPolicy, typename _Traits>
+    struct _Rehash_base<_Key, _Value, _Alloc, _ExtractKey, _Equal,
+			_H1, _H2, _Hash, _RehashPolicy, _Traits,
+			std::true_type>
+    {
       using __hashtable = _Hashtable<_Key, _Value, _Alloc, _ExtractKey,
 				     _Equal, _H1, _H2, _Hash,
-				     _Prime_rehash_policy, _Traits>;
+				     _RehashPolicy, _Traits>;
       max_load_factor() const noexcept
@@ -945,7 +1059,7 @@
       max_load_factor(float __z)
 	__hashtable* __this = static_cast<__hashtable*>(this);
-	__this->__rehash_policy(_Prime_rehash_policy(__z));
+	__this->__rehash_policy(_RehashPolicy(__z));
Index: src/c++11/
--- src/c++11/	(révision 235348)
+++ src/c++11/	(copie de travail)
@@ -60,8 +60,16 @@
       = sizeof(__prime_list) / sizeof(unsigned long) - 1;
     const unsigned long* __next_bkt =
       std::lower_bound(__prime_list + 5, __prime_list + __n_primes, __n);
-    _M_next_resize =
-      __builtin_ceil(*__next_bkt * (long double)_M_max_load_factor);
+    if (__next_bkt == __prime_list + __n_primes)
+      // Set next resize to the max value so that we never try to rehash again
+      // as we already reach the biggest possible bucket number.
+      // Note that it might result in max_load_factor not being respected.
+      _M_next_resize = std::size_t(0) - 1;
+    else
+      _M_next_resize =
+	__builtin_ceil(*__next_bkt * (long double)_M_max_load_factor);
     return *__next_bkt;
Index: testsuite/23_containers/unordered_set/hash_policy/
--- testsuite/23_containers/unordered_set/hash_policy/	(nonexistent)
+++ testsuite/23_containers/unordered_set/hash_policy/	(copie de travail)
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library.  This library is free
+// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+// Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+// any later version.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+// with this library; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
+// <>.
+// { dg-options "-std=gnu++11" }
+#include <unordered_set>
+#include <testsuite_hooks.h>
+void test01()
+  bool test __attribute__((unused)) = true;
+  std::__detail::_Power2_rehash_policy policy;
+  VERIFY( policy._M_next_bkt(1) == 1 );
+  VERIFY( policy._M_next_bkt(2) == 2 );
+  VERIFY( policy._M_next_bkt(3) == 4 );
+  VERIFY( policy._M_next_bkt(5) == 8 );
+  VERIFY( policy._M_next_bkt(33) == 64 );
+  VERIFY( policy._M_next_bkt((std::size_t(1) << (sizeof(std::size_t) * 8 - 2))
+			     + 1)
+	  == (std::size_t(1) << (sizeof(std::size_t) * 8 - 1)) );
+int main()
+  test01();
+  return 0;
Index: testsuite/performance/23_containers/insert/
--- testsuite/performance/23_containers/insert/	(révision 235348)
+++ testsuite/performance/23_containers/insert/	(copie de travail)
@@ -127,8 +127,28 @@
   using __umset = std::__umset_hashtable<Foo, HashFunction,
-					 std::__uset_traits<cache>>;
+					 std::__umset_traits<cache>>;
+template<bool cache>
+  using __uset2 =
+	      std::_Hashtable<Foo, Foo, std::allocator<Foo>,
+			      std::__detail::_Identity,
+			      std::equal_to<Foo>, HashFunction,
+			      std::__detail::_Mask_range_hashing,
+			      std::__detail::_Default_ranged_hash,
+			      std::__detail::_Power2_rehash_policy,
+			      std::__uset_traits<cache>>;
+template<bool cache>
+  using __umset2 =
+	      std::_Hashtable<Foo, Foo, std::allocator<Foo>,
+			      std::__detail::_Identity,
+			      std::equal_to<Foo>, HashFunction,
+			      std::__detail::_Mask_range_hashing,
+			      std::__detail::_Default_ranged_hash,
+			      std::__detail::_Power2_rehash_policy,
+			      std::__umset_traits<cache>>;
 int main()
   using namespace __gnu_test;
@@ -181,6 +201,19 @@
   stop_counters(time, resource);
   report_performance(__FILE__, "std benches", time, resource);
+  start_counters(time, resource);
+  bench<__uset2<false>>(
+	"std::unordered_set2 without hash code cached ", foos);
+  bench<__uset2<true>>(
+	"std::unordered_set2 with hash code cached ", foos);
+  bench<__umset2<false>>(
+	"std::unordered_multiset2 without hash code cached ", foos);
+  bench<__umset2<true>>(
+	"std::unordered_multiset2 with hash code cached ", foos);
+  stop_counters(time, resource);
+  report_performance(__FILE__, "std2 benches", time, resource);
   bench<std::unordered_set<Foo, HashFunction>>(
 	"std::unordered_set default cache ", foos);
   bench<std::unordered_multiset<Foo, HashFunction>>(
Index: testsuite/performance/23_containers/insert_erase/
--- testsuite/performance/23_containers/insert_erase/	(révision 235348)
+++ testsuite/performance/23_containers/insert_erase/	(copie de travail)
@@ -177,6 +177,16 @@
 template<bool cache>
+  using __uset2 =
+	      std::_Hashtable<int, int, std::allocator<int>,
+			      std::__detail::_Identity,
+			      std::equal_to<int>, std::hash<int>,
+			      std::__detail::_Mask_range_hashing,
+			      std::__detail::_Default_ranged_hash,
+			      std::__detail::_Power2_rehash_policy,
+			      std::__uset_traits<cache>>;
+template<bool cache>
   using __str_uset = 
 	      std::__uset_hashtable<std::string, std::hash<std::string>,
@@ -190,6 +200,18 @@
+template<bool cache>
+  using __str_uset2 =
+	      std::_Hashtable<std::string, std::string,
+			      std::allocator<std::string>,
+			      std::__detail::_Identity,
+			      std::equal_to<std::string>,
+			      std::hash<std::string>,
+			      std::__detail::_Mask_range_hashing,
+			      std::__detail::_Default_ranged_hash,
+			      std::__detail::_Power2_rehash_policy,
+			      std::__uset_traits<cache>>;
 int main()
@@ -202,6 +224,10 @@
 	"std::unordered_set<int> with hash code cached");
 	"std::unordered_set<int> default cache");
+  bench<__uset2<false>>(
+	"std::unordered_set2<int> without hash code cached");
+  bench<__uset2<true>>(
+	"std::unordered_set2<int> with hash code cached");
 	"std::tr1::unordered_set<string> without hash code cached");
@@ -210,7 +236,11 @@
 	"std::unordered_set<string> without hash code cached");
 	"std::unordered_set<string> with hash code cached");
-    bench_str<std::unordered_set<std::string>>(
+  bench_str<std::unordered_set<std::string>>(
 	"std::unordered_set<string> default cache");
+  bench_str<__str_uset2<false>>(
+	"std::unordered_set2<string> without hash code cached");
+  bench_str<__str_uset2<true>>(
+	"std::unordered_set2<string> with hash code cached");
   return 0;

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