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[PATCH][AArch64][PR 66136] rewrite in awk

Rewrote the generator script in awk, to avoid dealing with
sed portability issues.


2015-05-18  Szabolcs Nagy  <>

	PR target/66136
	* config/aarch64/ Rewrite in awk.
diff --git a/gcc/config/aarch64/ b/gcc/config/aarch64/
index f908e89..5a51d29 100644
--- a/gcc/config/aarch64/
+++ b/gcc/config/aarch64/
@@ -22,25 +22,52 @@
 # Generate aarch64-builtin-iterators.h, a file containing a series of
 # BUILTIN_<ITERATOR> macros, which expand to VAR<N> Macros covering the
 # same set of modes as the iterator in
-echo "/* -*- buffer-read-only: t -*- */"
-echo "/* Generated automatically by from  */"
-echo "#ifndef GCC_AARCH64_ITERATORS_H"
-echo "#define GCC_AARCH64_ITERATORS_H"
-# Strip newlines, create records marked ITERATOR, and strip junk (anything
-# which does not have a matching brace because it contains characters we
+# Find the <ITERATOR> definitions (may span several lines), skip the ones
+# which does not have a simple format because it contains characters we
 # don't want to or can't handle (e.g P, PTR iterators change depending on
 # Pmode and ptr_mode).
-export LC_ALL=C
-cat $1 | tr "\n" " " \
-       | sed 's/(define_mode_iterator \([A-Za-z0-9_]*\) \([]\[A-Z0-9 \t]*\)/\n#define BUILTIN_\1(T, N, MAP) \\ \2\n/g' \
-       | grep '#define [A-Z0-9_(), \\]* \[[A-Z0-9[:space:]]*]' \
-       | sed 's/\t//g' \
-       | sed 's/  */ /g' \
-       | sed 's/ \[\([A-Z0-9 ]*\)]/\n\1/' \
-       | awk ' BEGIN { FS = " " ; OFS = ", "} \
-	       /#/ { print } \
-               ! /#/ { $1 = $1 ; printf "  VAR%d (T, N, MAP, %s)\n", NF, tolower($0) }'
-echo "#endif /* GCC_AARCH64_ITERATORS_H  */"
+LC_ALL=C awk '
+	print "/* -*- buffer-read-only: t -*- */"
+	print "/* Generated automatically by from  */"
+	print "#ifndef GCC_AARCH64_ITERATORS_H"
+	print "#define GCC_AARCH64_ITERATORS_H"
+	sub(/;.*/, "")
+iterdef {
+	s = s " " $0
+!iterdef && /\(define_mode_iterator/ {
+	iterdef = 1
+	s = $0
+	sub(/.*\(define_mode_iterator/, "", s)
+iterdef && s ~ /\)/ {
+	iterdef = 0
+	gsub(/[ \t]+/, " ", s)
+	sub(/ *\).*/, "", s)
+	sub(/^ /, "", s)
+	if (s !~ /^[A-Za-z0-9_]+ \[[A-Z0-9 ]*\]$/)
+		next
+	sub(/\[ */, "", s)
+	sub(/ *\]/, "", s)
+	n = split(s, a)
+	printf "#define BUILTIN_" a[1] "(T, N, MAP) \\\n"
+	printf "  VAR" (n-1) " (T, N, MAP"
+	for (i = 2; i <= n; i++)
+		printf ", "  tolower(a[i])
+	printf ")\n"
+END {
+	print "#endif /* GCC_AARCH64_ITERATORS_H  */"
+}' $1

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