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Re: [patch 1/4] change specific int128 -> generic intN

On Fri, 27 Jun 2014, DJ Delorie wrote:

> If you still disagree, let's first figure out what the right
> relationship between TYPE_SIZE and TYPE_SIZE_UNIT is, for types that
> aren't a multiple of BITS_PER_UNIT.

My suggestion: TYPE_SIZE should always be TYPE_SIZE_UNIT times 
BITS_PER_UNIT, so including any padding bits (and so should not exist, 
really - it's an extra pointer bulking up lots of trees with redundant 
information), while TYPE_PRECISION is what gives the number of value / 
sign bits.  If you're allocating bit-fields, TYPE_PRECISION will say how 
many bits to use; if you're allocating registers (which might not always 
correspond neatly to multiples of BITS_PER_UNIT), TYPE_MODE is what's 
relevant; otherwise, you're allocating whole bytes in memory and can use 

Joseph S. Myers

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