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Re: Please revert the patches in bug #54040 and #59346 and special case x32

Eric Botcazou <> writes:
> In order to avoid creating more x32-specific files, I think that we
> need to move the definition of 'struct timespec' and 'struct timeval'
> (both specified by POSIX) to  This requires with'ing
> Interfaces.C, but I think that's OK since is a spin-off of
> which also with'es Interfaces.C.

In my worthless opinion, it is a mistake to declare POSIX data types in, they should be in or similar (don't worry if
that's a new file; and it should not be a "leaf" package).  Think of
GNU/kFreeBSD and GNU/Hurd, which have nothing to do with Linux.
Furthermore there should be only one declaration of type timespec
(i.e. "do not repeat yourself"); that declaration should be in and that declaration should "violate" POSIX like so:

with System.OS_Interface;
package System.POSIX is

    type timespec is record
       tv_sec  : time_t;
       tv_nsec : System.OS_Interface.Nanoseconds_T; -- instead of "long"
    end record;
    pragma Convention (C, timespec);

end System.POSIX;

Each platform-specific version of System.OS_Interface should then
declare their own type Nanoseconds_T.  The version for x32 would declare

   type Nanoseconds_T is new Long_Long_Integer;
   -- or perhaps range -2**63 .. 2**63-1 to be more explicit?

thereby really violating POSIX but all others would declare

   type Nanoseconds_T is new Interfaces.C.long;

thereby restoring compliance with POSIX.

I'm really sorry that I don't have the time to propose a proper patch
but if someone does, I'd be happy to review it.

Ludovic Brenta.

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