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[Ada] Full views of private subtypes with unknown discriminants.

A private subtype with unknown discriminants may have a full view that is
a constrained discriminated subtype. The Is_Constrained flag must be properly
set for this full view, to prevent spurious errors when the subtype is used
in an object declaration with a dynamically tagged expression.

The execution of:

     gnatmake -q -gna05 extra_class_main.adb

must yield:


with Extra_Class.Inner;
procedure Extra_Class_Main is
   package Extra is new Extra_Class.IO (Extra_Class.Inner.Ex_ATP);

end Extra_Class_Main;
package Extra_Class is
   type ATP (<>) is abstract tagged private;
   function Initialize return ATP is abstract;

      type UATP (<>) is new ATP with private;
   package IO is

      procedure Dummy;
   end IO;

   type ATP (Size : Natural) is abstract tagged record
      Active : Boolean := False;
   end record;
end Extra_Class;
package body Extra_Class.Inner is
   function Initialize return Ex_ATP is
      Value : Ex_ATP;
      return Value;
   end Initialize;
end Extra_Class.Inner;
with Text_IO; use Text_IO;
package body Extra_Class is

   package body IO is

      UATP_O : UATP'Class := UATP'(Initialize);   --  Workaround
      UATP_1 : UATP := UATP'(Initialize);

      procedure Dummy is
        UATP_1.Active := UATP_1.Size = 1;
        Put_Line (Boolean'image (UATP_1.Active));
        Put_Line (Integer'image (UATP_1.Size));
      end Dummy;

   end IO;

end Extra_Class;
package Extra_Class.Inner is
   type Ex_ATP is new Extra_Class.ATP with private;
   function Initialize return Ex_ATP;

   type Ex_ATP is new Extra_Class.ATP (123) with null record;
end Extra_Class.Inner;

Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on trunk

2013-10-14  Ed Schonberg  <>

	* sem_ch3.adb (Complete_Private_Subtype): If the full view of
	the base type is constrained, the full view of the subtype is
	known to be constrained as well.

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