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[Ada] Missing aspect specifications on bodies, renamings and stubs

This patch allows the compiler to parse and analyze aspect specifications that
apply to package bodies, protected bodies, task bodies, [generic] renaming
declarations, and body stubs.

-- Source --

--  bodies.adb

package body Bodies with Warnings => On is
   protected body Prot_Typ with Warnings => On is
      entry E when True is begin null; end E;
   end Prot_Typ;

   task body Task_Typ with Warnings => On is
      accept E;
   end Task_Typ;
end Bodies;


package Bodies is
   protected type Prot_Typ is
      entry E;
   end Prot_Typ;

   task type Task_Typ is
      entry E;
   end Task_Typ;
end Bodies;


package Declarations is

   --  Entry declaration

   task type Task_Typ is
      entry Task_Entry with Warnings => On;
   end Task_Typ;

   --  Exception declaration

   Exc : exception with Warnings => On;

   --  Object declaration

   Obj_1 : Integer with Warnings => On;
   Obj_2 : Integer := 123 with Warnings => On;
   Obj_3 : aliased Integer with Warnings => On;
   Obj_4 : aliased constant Integer := 123 with Warnings => On;
   Obj_5 : access Integer := null with Warnings => On;
   Obj_6 : not null access Integer := Obj_3'Access with Warnings => On;
   type Array_Typ is array (Integer range 1 .. 10) of Boolean;
   Obj_7 : Array_Typ := (others => False) with Warnings => On;

   --  Private extension declaration

   type Root is tagged null record;
   type Priv_Ext is new Root with private with Warnings => On;

   --  Private type declaration

   type Priv_Typ is private with Warnings => On;

   type Priv_Ext is new Root with null record;
   type Priv_Typ is null record;
end Declarations;


package Expressions is

   --  Expression function

   function Func (Flag : Boolean) return Integer
     is (if Flag then 123 else 456) with Warnings => On;
end Expressions;


package Generics is
      type Any is private;
   function Gen_Func return Any with Warnings => On;

      type Any is private;
   package Gen_Pack is
   end Gen_Pack;

      type Any is private;
   procedure Gen_Proc with Warnings => On;
end Generics;


with Generics; use Generics;

package Instances is

   --  Generic function instantiation

   function Func_Inst is new Gen_Func (Integer) with Warnings => On;

   --  Generic package instantiation

   package Pack_Inst is new Gen_Pack (Integer) with Warnings => On;

   --  Generic procedure instantiation

   procedure Proc_Inst is new Gen_Proc (Integer) with Warnings => On;
end Instances;


with Declarations; use Declarations;
with Generics;     use Generics;

package Renamings is

   --  Exception renaming

   Exc_Ren : exception renames Exc with Warnings => On;

   --  Generic renaming declaration

   generic function  Gen_Func_Ren renames Gen_Func with Warnings => On;
   generic package   Gen_Pack_Ren renames Gen_Pack with Warnings => On;
   generic procedure Gen_Proc_Ren renames Gen_Proc with Warnings => On;

   --  Object renaming declaration

   Obj : aliased Integer;
   Obj_Ren : Integer renames Obj with Warnings => On;

   Obj_Ptr : not null access Integer := Obj'Access;
   Obj_Ptr_Ren_1 : access Integer renames Obj_Ptr with Warnings => On;
   Obj_Ptr_Ren_2 : not null access Integer renames Obj_Ptr with Warnings => On;

   --  Package renaming declaration

   package Decl_Ren renames Declarations with Warnings => On;

   --  Subprogram renaming declaration

   function Func return Integer;
   procedure Proc;

   function Func_Ren return Integer renames Func with Warnings => On;
   procedure Proc_ren renames Proc with Warnings => On;
end Renamings;

--  stubs.adb

package body Stubs is

   --  Package stub

   package body Pack is separate with Warnings => On;

   --  Protected stub

   protected body Prot_Typ is separate with Warnings => On;

   --  Subprogram stub

   function Func return Integer is separate with Warnings => On;
   procedure Proc is separate with Warnings => On;

   --  Task stub

   task body Task_Typ is separate with Warnings => On;
end Stubs;


package Stubs is
   package Pack is
      procedure Dummy;
   end Pack;

   protected type Prot_Typ is
      entry E;
   end Prot_Typ;

   function Func return Integer;
   procedure Proc;

   task type Task_Typ is
      entry E;
   end Task_Typ;
end Stubs;

--  stubs-func.adb

separate (Stubs)

function Func return Integer is
   return 0;
end Func;

--  stubs-pack.adb

separate (Stubs)

package body Pack is
   procedure Dummy is begin null; end Dummy;
end Pack;

--  stubs-proc.adb

separate (Stubs)

procedure Proc is begin null; end Proc;

--  stubs-prot_typ.adb

separate (Stubs)

protected body Prot_Typ is
   entry E when True is begin null; end E;
end Prot_Typ;

--  stubs-task_typ.adb

separate (Stubs)

task body Task_Typ is
   accept E;
end Task_Typ;

-- Compilation and output --

$ gcc -c -gnat12 bodies.adb
$ gcc -c -gnatc -gnat12
$ gcc -c -gnatc -gnat12
$ gcc -c -gnatc -gnat12
$ gcc -c -gnatc -gnat12
$ gcc -c -gnat12 stubs.adb
bodies.adb:2:04: warning: user-defined aspects on protected bodies are not
bodies.adb:6:04: warning: user-defined aspects on task bodies are not supported
stubs-prot_typ.adb:3:01: warning: user-defined aspects on protected bodies are
  not supported
stubs-task_typ.adb:3:01: warning: user-defined aspects on task bodies are not

Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on trunk

2013-09-10  Hristian Kirtchev  <>

	* aspects.adb: Add entries in the Has_Aspect_Specifications_Flag
	table for package body and body stubs.
	(Move_Or_Merge_Aspects): New routine.
	(Remove_Aspects): New routine.
	* (Move_Aspects): Update comment on usage.
	(Move_Or_Merge_Aspects): New routine.
	(Remove_Aspects): New routine.
	* par-ch3.adb: Update the grammar of private_type_declaration,
	private_extension_declaration, object_renaming_declaration,
	and exception_renaming_declaration.
	(P_Subprogram): Parse the
	aspect specifications that apply to a body stub.
	* par-ch6.adb: Update the grammar of subprogram_body_stub and
	* par-ch7.adb: Update the grammar of package_declaration,
	package_specification, package_body, package_renaming_declaration,
	(P_Package): Parse the aspect specifications
	that apply to a body, a body stub and package renaming.
	* par-ch9.adb: Update the grammar of entry_declaration,
	protected_body, protected_body_stub, task_body,
	and task_body_stub.
	(P_Protected): Add local variable
	Aspect_Sloc. Add local constant Dummy_Node.  Parse the aspect
	specifications that apply to a protected body and a protected
	body stub.
	(P_Task): Add local variable Aspect_Sloc. Add local
	constant Dummy_Node. Parse the aspect specifications that apply
	to a task body and a task body stub.
	* par-ch12.adb: Update the grammar of
	(P_Generic): Parse the aspect
	specifications that apply to a generic renaming.
	* sem_ch6.adb (Analyze_Subprogram_Body_Helper): Do not emit
	an error when analyzing aspects that apply to a body stub. Such
	aspects are relocated to the proper body.
	* sem_ch7.adb (Analyze_Package_Body_Helper): Analyze the aspect
	specifications that apply to a body.
	* sem_ch9.adb (Analyze_Protected_Body): Warn about user-defined
	aspects not being supported on protected bodies. Remove the
	aspect specifications.	(Analyze_Single_Protected_Declaration):
	Analyze the aspects that apply to a single protected declaration.
	(Analyze_Task_Body): Warn about user-defined aspects not being
	supported on task bodies. Remove the aspect specifications.
	* sem_ch10.adb: Add with and use clause for Aspects.
	(Analyze_Package_Body_Stub): Propagate the aspect specifications
	from the stub to the proper body.
	* sem_ch13.adb (Analyze_Aspect_Specifications): Insert the
	corresponding pragma of an aspect that applies to a body in the
	declarations of the body.
	* Update the gramma of expression_function,
	private_type_declaration, private_extension_declaration,
	object_renaming_declaration, exception_renaming_declaration,
	package_renaming_declaration, subprogram_renaming_declaration,
	generic_renaming_declaration, entry_declaration,
	subprogram_body_stub, package_body_stub, task_body_stub,

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