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Re: [GOOGLE] Refactor AutoFDO

ok for google branch.


On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 3:41 PM, Dehao Chen <> wrote:
> Patch updated.
> Thanks,
> Dehao
> On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 11:21 AM, Xinliang David Li <> wrote:
>> More to follow.
>> David
>>>>static void
>>>> read_profile (void)
>>>> {
>>>>   if (gcov_open (auto_profile_file, 1) == 0)
>>>>     {
>>>>       inform (0, "Cannot open profile file %s.", auto_profile_file);
>>  Should be at least warning instead -- I think error is probably more
>> appropriate -- this is different from regular FDO, where one missing
>> gcda might be ok.
>>>>       flag_auto_profile = 0;
>>>>       return;
>>>>     }
>>>>   if (gcov_read_unsigned () != GCOV_DATA_MAGIC)
>>>>     {
>>>>       inform (0, "Magic number does not mathch.");
>> Should be an error.
>>>>       flag_auto_profile = 0;
>>>>       return;
>>>>     }
>>>>   /* function_name_map.  */
>>>>   afdo_function_name_map = function_name_map::create ();
>>>>   if (afdo_function_name_map == NULL)
>>>>     {
>>>>       inform (0, "Cannot read string table.");
>> Should be an error unless there is a way to recover. Falling back to
>> non-fdo is not the solution.
>>>>       flag_auto_profile = 0;
>>>>       return;
>>>>     }
>>>>   /* autofdo_source_profile.  */
>>>>   afdo_source_profile = autofdo_source_profile::create ();
>>>>   if (afdo_source_profile == NULL)
>>>>     {
>>>>       inform (0, "Cannot read function profile.");
>> An error.
>>>>       flag_auto_profile = 0;
>>>>       return;
>>>>     }
>>>>   /* autofdo_module_profile.  */
>>>>   afdo_module_profile = autofdo_module_profile::create ();
>>>>   if (afdo_module_profile == NULL)
>>>>     {
>>>>       inform (0, "Cannot read module profile.");
>> Should be an error.
>>>>       flag_auto_profile = 0;
>>>>       return;
>>>>     }
>>>>   /* Read in the working set.  */
>>>>   if (gcov_read_unsigned () != GCOV_TAG_AFDO_WORKING_SET)
>>>>     {
>>>>       inform (0, "Not expected TAG.");
>> Error.
>>>>   unsigned curr_module = 1, max_group = PARAM_VALUE (PARAM_MAX_LIPO_GROUP);
>>>>   for (string_vector::const_iterator iter = aux_modules->begin();
>>>>        iter != aux_modules->end(); ++iter)
>>>>     {
>>>>       gcov_module_info *aux_module = afdo_module_profile->get_module (*iter);
>>>>       if (aux_module == module)
>>>> continue;
>>>>       if (aux_module == NULL)
>>>> {
>>>>  inform (0, "aux module %s cannot be found.", *iter);
>>>>  continue;
>>>> }
>>>>       if ((aux_module->lang & GCOV_MODULE_LANG_MASK) !=
>>>>  (module->lang & GCOV_MODULE_LANG_MASK))
>>>> {
>>>>  inform (0, "Not importing %s: source language"
>>>>  " different from primary module's source language", *iter);
>> Should be guarded with -fopt-info -- see similar code in coverage.c.
>>>>  continue;
>>>> }
>>>>       if ((aux_module->lang & GCOV_MODULE_ASM_STMTS)
>>>>   && flag_ripa_disallow_asm_modules)
>>>> {
>>>>  if (flag_opt_info)
>>>>    inform (0, "Not importing %s: contains "
>>>>    "assembler statements", *iter);
>> Use -fopt-info
>>>>  continue;
>>>> }
>>>>       if (max_group != 0 && curr_module == max_group)
>>>> {
>>>>  if (flag_opt_info)
>>>>    inform (0, "Not importing %s: maximum group size reached", *iter);
>>>> }
>>>>       if (incompatible_cl_args (module, aux_module))
>>>> {
>>>>  if (flag_opt_info)
>>>>    inform (0, "Not importing %s: command-line"
>>>>    " arguments not compatible with primary module", *iter);
>>>>  continue;
>> Use -fopt-info.
>>>> }
>>>>       module_infos[curr_module++] = aux_module;
>>>>       add_input_filename (*iter);
>>>>     }
>>>> }
>>>> /* From AutoFDO profiles, find values inside STMT for that we want to measure
>>>>    histograms for indirect-call optimization.  */
>>>>     {
>>>>       hist->hvalue.counters[3] = 0;
>>>>       hist->hvalue.counters[4] = 0;
>>>>     }
>> It might be better to create a commmon API to create/update histogram
>> entry instead of peeking into the details of the data structure -- to
>> avoid future breaks. Such a change can be done as a follow up and
>> needs to be in trunk.
> Will update this in a follow-up patch.
>>>> }
>>>> /* From AutoFDO profiles, find values inside STMT for that we want to measure
>>>>    histograms and adds them to list VALUES.  */
>>>> static void
>>>> afdo_vpt (gimple stmt, const icall_target_map &map)
>>>> {
>>>>   afdo_indirect_call (stmt, map);
>>>> }
>>>> /* For a given BB, return its execution count, and annotate value profile
>>>>    on statements.  */
>>>> static gcov_type
>>>> afdo_get_bb_count (basic_block bb)
>>>> {
>>>>   gimple_stmt_iterator gsi;
>>>>   gcov_type max_count = 0;
>>>>   bool has_annotated = false;
>>>>   for (gsi = gsi_start_bb (bb); !gsi_end_p (gsi); gsi_next (&gsi))
>>>>     {
>>>>       count_info info;
>>>>       gimple stmt = gsi_stmt (gsi);
>>>>       if (afdo_source_profile->get_count_info (stmt, &info))
>>>> {
>> indentation.
> the tab is not well displayed in the patch...
>>>>  if (info.first > max_count)
>>>>    max_count = info.first;
>>>>  has_annotated = true;
>>>>  if (info.second.size() > 0)
>>>>    afdo_vpt (stmt, info.second);
>>>> }
>>>>     }
>>>>   if (has_annotated)
>>>>     {
>>>>       bb->flags |= BB_ANNOTATED;
>>>>       return max_count;
>>>>     }
>>>>   else
>>>>     return 0;
>>>> }
>>>> static void
>>>> afdo_annotate_cfg (void)
>>>> {
>>>>   basic_block bb;
>>>>   const function_instance *s =
>>>>       afdo_source_profile->get_function_instance_by_decl (
>>>>       current_function_decl);
>> need a new line after decls.
>> On Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 2:49 PM, Dehao Chen <> wrote:
>>> On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 10:14 AM, Xinliang David Li <> wrote:
>>>> Another round of documentation  and naming (not for coding style, but
>>>> for clearer semantics) related comments:
>>>> David
>>>>> namespace autofdo {
>>>>> /* Represent a source location: (function_decl, lineno).  */
>>>>> typedef std::pair<tree, unsigned> decl_lineno;
>>>>> /* Represent an inline stack. vector[0] is the leaf node.  */
>>>>> typedef std::vector<decl_lineno> inline_stack;
>>>> leaf or root?
>>> leaf
>>>>> /* String array.  */
>>>>> typedef std::vector<const char *> string_vector;
>>>> Module name, function name strings or a generic string table??
>>> done
>>>>> /* Map from index in string_map to profile count.  */
>>>>> typedef std::map<unsigned, gcov_type> target_map;
>>>> What index? function index?  Is profile count function profile count
>>>> or target call count?
>>> done
>>>> Should it renamed to icall_target_map to be clearer?
>>> done
>>>>> /* Represent profile count: (execution_count, value_profile_histogram.  */
>>>>> typedef std::pair<gcov_type, target_map> count_info;
>>>> The executation count is for what entity?
>>> done
>>>>> struct string_compare
>>>>> {
>>>>>   bool operator() (const char *a, const char *b) const
>>>>>     { return strcmp (a, b) < 0; }
>>>>> };
>>>>> /* Store a string array, indexed by string position in the array.  */
>>>>> class string_map {
>>>> Is it better to rename it to function_name_map ? string_map is too general.
>>> done
>>>>>  public:
>>>>>   static string_map *create ();
>>>>>   /* For a given string, returns its index.  */
>>>>>   int get_index (const char *name) const;
>>>>>   /* For a given decl, returns the index of the decl name.  */
>>>>>   int get_index_by_decl (tree decl) const;
>>>>>   /* For a given index, returns the string.  */
>>>>>   const char *get_name (int index) const;
>>>>>  private:
>>>>>   string_map () {}
>>>>>   bool read ();
>>>>>   typedef std::map<const char *, unsigned, string_compare> string_index_map;
>>>>>   string_vector vector_;
>>>>>   string_index_map map_;
>>>>> };
>>>>> /* Profile of a function copy:
>>>>>      1. total_count of the copy.
>>>>>      2. head_count of the copy (only valid when the copy is a top-level
>>>>> symbol, i.e. it is the original copy instead of the inlined copy).
>>>>>      3. map from source location (decl_lineno) to profile (count_info).
>>>> Source location of the inlined callsite?
>>> done
>>>>>      4. map from callsite (64 bit integer, higher 32 bit is source location
>>>>> (decl_lineno), lower 32 bit is callee function name index in
>>>>> string_map) to callee symbol.  */
>>>>> class symbol {
>>>> May be rename it to " function_instance" ?
>>> done
>>>>> public:
>>>>>   typedef std::vector<symbol *> symbol_stack;
>>>>>   /* Read the profile and create a symbol with head count as  HEAD_COUNT.
>>>>>      Recursively read callsites to create nested symbols too. STACK is used
>>>>>      to track the recursive creation process.  */
>>>>>   static const symbol *read_symbol (symbol_stack *stack, gcov_type head_count);
>>>>>   /* Recursively deallocate all callsites (nested symbols).  */
>>>>>   ~symbol ();
>>>>>   /* Accessors.  */
>>>>>   unsigned name () const { return name_; }
>>>>>   gcov_type total_count () const { return total_count_; }
>>>>>   gcov_type head_count () const { return head_count_; }
>>>>>   /* Recursively traverse STACK starting from LEVEL to find the corresponding
>>>>>      symbol.  */
>>>>>   const symbol *get_symbol (const inline_stack &stack, unsigned level) const;
>>>>>   /* Return the profile info for LOC.  */
>>>>>   bool get_count_info (location_t loc, count_info *info) const;
>>>>> private:
>>>>>   symbol (unsigned name, gcov_type head_count)
>>>>>       : name_(name), total_count_(0), head_count_(head_count) {}
>>>>>   const symbol *get_symbol_by_decl (unsigned lineno, tree decl) const;
>>>>>   /* Map from callsite (64 bit integer, higher 32 bit is source location
>>>>>      (decl_lineno), lower 32 bit is callee function name index in
>>>>>      string_map) to callee symbol.  */
>>>>>   typedef std::map<gcov_type, const symbol *> callsite_map;
>>>> Why not making a pair and use it as the key?
>>> done
>>>>>   /* Map from source location (decl_lineno) to profile (count_info).  */
>>>>>   typedef std::map<unsigned, count_info> position_count_map;
>>>>>   /* symbol name index in the string map.  */
>>>> Index in string_vector or string_map?
>>> done
>>>>>   unsigned name_;
>>>>>   /* The total sampled count.  */
>>>>>   gcov_type total_count_;
>>>>>   /* The total sampled count in the head bb.  */
>>>>>   gcov_type head_count_;
>>>>>   /* Map from callsite location to callee symbol.  */
>>>>>   callsite_map callsites;
>>>>>   /* Map from source location to count and instruction number.  */
>>>>>   position_count_map pos_counts;
>>>>> };
>>>>> /* Profile for all functions.  */
>>>>> class symbol_map {
>>>> symbol_map --> program_profiles or afdo_profile ?
>>> done
>>>>> public:
>>>>>   static symbol_map *create ()
>>>>>     {
>>>>>       symbol_map *map = new symbol_map ();
>>>>>       if (map->read ())
>>>>> return map;
>>>>>       delete map;
>>>>>       return NULL;
>>>>>     }
>>>>>   ~symbol_map ();
>>>>>   /* For a given DECL, returns the top-level symbol.  */
>>>>>   const symbol *get_symbol_by_decl (tree decl) const;
>>>>>   /* Find profile info for a given gimple STMT. If found, store the profile
>>>>>      info in INFO, and return true; otherwise return false.  */
>>>>>   bool get_count_info (gimple stmt, count_info *info) const;
>>>>>   /* Find total count of the callee of EDGE.  */
>>>>>   gcov_type get_callsite_total_count (struct cgraph_edge *edge) const;
>>>>> private:
>>>>>   /* Map from symbol name index (in string_map) to symbol.  */
>>>>>   typedef std::map<unsigned, const symbol *> Namesymbol_map;
>>>>>   symbol_map () {}
>>>>>   bool read ();
>>>>>   /* Return the symbol in the profile that correspond to the inline STACK.  */
>>>>>   const symbol *get_symbol_by_inline_stack (const inline_stack &stack) const;
>>>>>   Namesymbol_map map_;
>>>>> };
>>>>> /* Module profile.  */
>>>>> class module_map {
>>>> afdo_module_profile ?
>>> done
>>>>> public:
>>>>>   static module_map *create ()
>>>>>     {
>>>>>       module_map *map = new module_map ();
>>>>>       if (map->read ())
>>>>> return map;
>>>>>       delete map;
>>>>>       return NULL;
>>>>>     }
>>>>>   /* For a given module NAME, returns this module's gcov_m
>>>> On Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 4:48 PM, Dehao Chen <> wrote:
>>>>> Patch updated to fix the code style and documentation.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Dehao
>>>>> On Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 2:24 PM, Xinliang David Li <> wrote:
>>>>>> I have some preliminary comments. Mostly just related to code style
>>>>>> and missing documentation.
>>>>>> David
>>>>>>> #define DEFAULT_AUTO_PROFILE_FILE "fbdata.afdo"
>>>>>>> struct SourceLocation
>>>>>> Is using Upper case in struct names allowed?
>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>   tree func_decl;
>>>>>>>   unsigned lineno;
>>>>>>> };
>>>>>>> typedef std::vector<const char *> StringVector;
>>>>>>> typedef std::vector<SourceLocation> InlineStack;
>>>>>>> typedef std::map<unsigned, gcov_type> TargetMap;
>>>>>> Add short description of each new types.
>>>>>>> struct ProfileInfo
>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>   gcov_type count;
>>>>>>>   TargetMap target_map;
>>>>>>> };
>>>>>>> struct StringCompare
>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>   bool operator() (const char* a, const char* b) const
>>>>>> '*' should bind to name.
>>>>>>>     { return strcmp (a, b) < 0; }
>>>>>>> };
>>>>>>> class StringMap {
>>>>>>>  public:
>>>>>>>   static StringMap *Create();
>>>>>>>   int GetIndex (const char *name) const;
>>>>>>>   int GetIndexByDecl (tree decl) const;
>>>>>>>   const char *GetName (int index) const;
>>>>>>>  private:
>>>>>>>   StringMap () {}
>>>>>>>   bool Read ();
>>>>>>>   typedef std::map<const char *, unsigned, StringCompare> StringIndexMap;
>>>>>>>   StringVector vector_;
>>>>>>>   StringIndexMap map_;
>>>>>>> };
>>>>>> Add some documentation on the new type, indicating what is 'index'.
>>>>>>> class Symbol {
>>>>>> The name 'Symbol' is too generic -- can cause conflicts in the future
>>>>>> unless namespace is used. ALso missing documentation.
>>>>>>>  public:
>>>>>>>   typedef std::vector<Symbol *> SymbolStack;
>>>>>> Fix indentation problems.
>>>>>>>   /* Read the profile and create a symbol with head count as  HEAD_COUNT.
>>>>>>>      Recursively read callsites to create nested symbols too. STACK is used
>>>>>>>      to track the recursive creation process.  */
>>>>>>>   static const Symbol *ReadSymbol (SymbolStack *stack, gcov_type head_count);
>>>>>>>   /* Recursively deallocate all callsites (nested symbols).  */
>>>>>>>   ~Symbol ();
>>>>>>>   /* Accessors.  */
>>>>>>>   unsigned name () const { return name_; }
>>>>>>>   gcov_type total_count () const { return total_count_; }
>>>>>>>   gcov_type head_count () const { return head_count_; }
>>>>>>>   /* Recursively traverse STACK starting from LEVEL to find the corresponding
>>>>>>>      symbol.  */
>>>>>>>   const Symbol *GetSymbol (const InlineStack &stack, unsigned level) const;
>>>>>>>   /* Return the profile info for LOC.  */
>>>>>>>   bool GetProfileInfo (location_t loc, ProfileInfo *info) const;
>>>>>>>  private:
>>>>>>>   Symbol (unsigned name, gcov_type head_count)
>>>>>>>       : name_(name), total_count_(0), head_count_(head_count) {}
>>>>>>>   const Symbol *GetSymbolByDecl (unsigned lineno, tree decl) const;
>>>>>>>   typedef std::map<gcov_type, const Symbol *> CallsiteMap;
>>>>>> Need documentation for this map.
>>>>>>>   typedef std::map<unsigned, ProfileInfo> PositionCountMap;
>>>>>> Need documentation.
>>>>>>>   /* Symbol name index in the string map.  */
>>>>>>>   unsigned name_;
>>>>>>>   /* The total sampled count.  */
>>>>>>>   gcov_type total_count_;
>>>>>>>   /* The total sampled count in the head bb.  */
>>>>>>>   gcov_type head_count_;
>>>>>>>   /* Map from callsite location to callee symbol.  */
>>>>>>>   CallsiteMap callsites;
>>>>>>>   /* Map from source location to count and instruction number.  */
>>>>>>>   PositionCountMap pos_counts;
>>>>>>> };
>>>>>>> class SymbolMap {
>>>>>> Need documentation.
>>>>>>>  public:
>>>>>>>   static SymbolMap *Create ()
>>>>>>>     {
>>>>>>>       SymbolMap *map = new SymbolMap ();
>>>>>>>       if (map->Read ())
>>>>>>> return map;
>>>>>>>       delete map;
>>>>>>>       return NULL;
>>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>>   ~SymbolMap ();
>>>>>>>   const Symbol *GetSymbolByDecl (tree decl) const;
>>>>>>>   bool GetProfileInfo (gimple stmt, ProfileInfo *info) const;
>>>>>>>   gcov_type GetCallsiteTotalCount (struct cgraph_edge *edge) const;
>>>>>>  Missing documentation for the interfaces
>>>>>>>  private:
>>>>>>>   typedef std::map<unsigned, const Symbol *> NameSymbolMap;
>>>>>> map from what to symbol?
>>>>>>>   SymbolMap () {}
>>>>>>>   bool Read ();
>>>>>>>   const Symbol *GetSymbolByInlineStack (const InlineStack &stack) const;
>>>>>>  Missing documentation for the interfaces
>>>>>>>   NameSymbolMap map_;
>>>>>>> };
>>>>>>> class ModuleMap {
>>>>>> Need documentation.
>>>>>> On Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 11:03 AM, Dehao Chen <> wrote:
>>>>>>> I just rebased the CL to head and updated the patch.
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Dehao
>>>>>>> On Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 10:09 AM, Xinliang David Li <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I can not apply the patch cleanly in my v17 gcc client -- there is
>>>>>>>> some problem in auto-profile.c.
>>>>>>>> David
>>>>>>>> On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 7:52 PM, Dehao Chen <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> This patch refactors AutoFDO to use:
>>>>>>>>> 1. C++ to rewrite the whole thing.
>>>>>>>>> 2. Use tree instead of hashtable to represent the profile.
>>>>>>>>> 3. Make AutoFDO standalone: keep changes to other modules minimum.
>>>>>>>>> Bootstrapped and passed regression test and benchmark test.
>>>>>>>>> OK for google-4_8 branch?
>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>> Dehao

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