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[PATCH] fix typos mandated by conventions.

On Sun, Jul 07, 2013 at 04:21:15PM +0200, OndÅej BÃlka wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 06, 2013 at 01:14:38PM +0100, Jonathan Wakely wrote:
> > I decided to grep for all the misspelled words beginning with A from
> > your list and fix the ones that were real errors. That took me an hour
> > to produce this patch.  It doesn't include changes to java or fortran,
> > as I don't have them checked out in my tree.  After a bootstrap and
> > another review I'm going to commit most of these as obvious, but I
> > don't really want to spend another ~25 hours doing the rest of the
> > alphabet!  :)

Hi now, when I have infrastructure ready I made another patch (its 500kb so 
link not to overload list). It is here;

It uses dictionary made by reading gcc conventions.
Only obvious cases are there I could add warning for cases that need
decide if word is noun or adjective etc.

This patch was generated by command

script/stylepp_skeleton stylepp_fix_comment

whose version is following

and following dictionary.

32_bit 32-bit
alpha_numeric alphanumeric
bitfield bit-field
bit_field bit-field
coldfire ColdFire
Coldfire ColdFire
command_line_option command-line_option
enumeral enumerated 
epilog epilogue 
lower_case lowercase
lower-case lowercase
mips MIPS
non-zero nonzero
non_zero nonzero
Objective_C Objective-C
prolog prologue
powerpc PowerPC
powerPC PowerPC
PowerPc PowerPC
Redhat Red_Hat
RedHat Red_Hat
sparc SPARC
test_case testcase
test-case testcase
test_suite testsuite
test-suite testsuite
upper_case uppercase
upper-case uppercase
vax VAX
vaxen VAXen
microvax MicroWAX

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