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Re: [PATCH] asan testsuite (take 3)

On Fri, Nov 16, 2012 at 2:06 AM, Jakub Jelinek <> wrote:
> Haven't studied libbacktrace too much, can it provide right now
> just function name or function name and file:line info too?

Yes.  backtrace_syminfo reads the symbol table to map a PC value to a
symbol name.  backtrace_pcinfo reads the debug info to map a PC value
to file:line and function.  The latter can return multiple instances
of file:line/function information for the case of an inlined function.

Also libbacktrace can separate the gathering of the backtrace from the
symbolization of the backtrace.  But it is true that libbacktrace,
which uses the unwind info, will always be slower than walking up a
linked list of frame pointers.


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