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Interaction between first stage build with g++ and $PATH

1. I have "." on $PATH.

2. In one build of the latest GCC trunk, I specify
   CC=/usr/bin/gcc and CXX=/usr/bin/g++ and everything

3. In another build, I don't specify CC or CXX.
   Therefore they default to 'gcc' and 'g++'.
   This fails:
   g++: error trying to exec 'cc1plus': execvp: No such file or directory

If I remove "." from $PATH then the configuration in 3 will build.

The problem is that there is a g++ executable under the
built gcc directory, but cc1plus and other g++ component
parts haven't been built yet.

I can file a bug reported if necessary, but am wondering
if it is a known requirement not to have "." on $PATH
or to explicitly set CC and CXX?

- Gary

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