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Re: Turn check macros into functions. (issue6188088)

On 5/17/12, Mike Stump <> wrote:
> On May 17, 2012, at 2:41 PM, Lawrence Crowl wrote:
>>> Reusing the compiler for this seems like the only way to go.
>>> But, we did look at using g++ to parse C++ expressions from gdb,
>>> and it was too slow :-(.  We're going to look again, at least to
>>> generate some bug reports if we can.
>> It's a tough problem, particularly as C/C++ and their compilers
>> were not designed for a read-eval-print-loop environment.
> This of course is trivial to do,

I do not think that word means what you think it means.  :-)

> and reasonably fast as well.  We have an existence proof that
> they can generate a call on the target system, all one needs to
> do would be to locate the target compiler, compile up a strapping
> routine, push a dlopen of that routine onto the target system and
> then call dlsym to grab a handle to it.  The strapping routine
> can set up an environment and communication channels as needed.
> If could even allocate a thread and have it always be live
> (non-stop), if one wanted.

I agree that it is possible.

> Oh, and the benefit, the language supported by the code closely
> matches the compiler.  Speed, 1/40 of a second, fast enough for
> command like use.  Want to evaluate it 1000000 times, sure, just
> be sure to cache the dlopen/dlsym, and notice that you can do a
> million invocations, well, I'd guess a million times faster than
> gdb currently.


> If gdb won't solve these problem, dump it, move to lldb, I can
> assure you, they will not fail to solve the problem, just because
> gdb can't or won't.  The name of the game is compete or die.
> If you use the clang libraries, you can read eval, print... and
> the performance would likely be even better.  After all, it can
> be used to do OpenCL style programming, and that certainly was
> built for speed.  So, I reject the idea this all isn't trivial.

Yes, clang was designed to handle this use case.

> $ cat eval.c
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <stdlib.h>
> #include <dlfcn.h>
> #include <sys/time.h>
> int main() {
>   char buf[4096];
>   while (fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), stdin) != NULL) {
>     struct timeval tv1, tv2;
>     gettimeofday(&tv1, 0);
>     FILE *fp = popen ("gcc -w -xc - -shared -o", "w");
>     if (fputs (buf, fp) < 0) {
>       printf ("write fails\n");
>       exit (1);
>     }
>     if (pclose (fp) != 0) {
>       printf ("compile fails\n");
>       exit (1);
>     }
>     void *vp = dlopen("", RTLD_NOW|RTLD_LOCAL|RTLD_FIRST);
>     void *fcn = dlsym (vp, "eval");
>     if (fcn) {
>       void (*func)();
>       func = fcn;
>       printf("about to run\n");
>       func();
>       gettimeofday(&tv2, 0);
>       printf("done running, took %ld usecs\n", tv2.tv_sec*1000000
>              + tv2.tv_usec - tv1.tv_sec*1000000 - tv1.tv_usec);
>     } else {
>       printf ("eval not found\n");
>     }
>     if (dlclose (vp) < 0) {
>       printf ("dlclose fails\n");
>       exit (1);
>     }
>   }
> }
> $ gcc eval.c -o eval -O3
> $ ./eval
> int eval () { printf ("hi\n"); }
> about to run
> hi
> done running, took 28419 usecs
> int eval () { printf ("hi\n"); }
> about to run
> hi
> done running, took 29300 usecs
> int eval () { printf ("hi\n"); }
> about to run
> hi
> done running, took 25755 usecs
> int eval () { printf ("hi\n"); }
> about to run
> hi
> done running, took 28295 usecs

I like the example, but it sidesteps the main problem, which is
putting the expression in the context from which it was called.
For instance if I stop in the middle of a function and type

  print foo->bar( a + b )

I need to find the find the variable names, lookup their types,
do overload resolution, possibly do template instantiation, etc,
all as if the compiler was in the scope defined for the line that
the debugger is stopped at.  That's the hard part.

> Maybe your thinking of lisp, certainly that language makes
> it hard.  ;-P

Actually, a read-eval-print loop in Lisp is easy.

Lawrence Crowl

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