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Re: [RFC] PR 53063 encode group options in .opt files

On Fri, 11 May 2012, Manuel López-Ibáñez wrote:

> Great! Now we have EnabledBy for common options. Now, what should we
> do with language specific settings? One idea could be to have
> something like:
> LangEnabledBy(Fortran Ada, Wall)
> and then auto-generate something like:
> ada_handle_option_auto();
> fortran_handle_option_auto()
> which would be called by the *_handle_option() of each front-end.
> Does this sound reasonable?

What cases do we have where a language-independent option enables another 
language-independent option only for some front ends?  That's the only 
case that should need a language-dependent generated function here.

Joseph S. Myers

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