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[v3] doxygen warnings

This patch just removes/restructures some of the doxygen markup to
avoid warnings when generating the documentation. Most of the libstdc++
headers are pretty doxygen clean now.

tested x86/linux

2011-12-10  Benjamin Kosnik  <>

	* doc/doxygen/ Add macros, directories.
	* include/bits/locale_classes.h: Remove doxygen warnings, fix markup.
	* include/bits/locale_classes.tcc: Same.
	* include/bits/shared_ptr.h: Same.
	* include/bits/stl_algo.h: Same.
	* include/bits/stl_list.h: Same.
	* include/bits/stl_numeric.h: Same.
	* include/debug/safe_base.h: Same.
	* include/parallel/equally_split.h: Same.
	* include/std/bitset: Same.
	* include/std/complex: Same.
	* include/std/fstream: Same.
	* include/std/istream: Same.
	* include/std/ostream: Same.
	* include/tr2/dynamic_bitset: Same.
	* scripts/run_doxygen: Remove munging for names that no longer exist.

	* testsuite/23_containers/list/requirements/dr438/
	Adjust line numbers.
	* testsuite/23_containers/list/requirements/dr438/ Same.
	* testsuite/23_containers/list/requirements/dr438/ Same.
	* testsuite/23_containers/list/requirements/dr438/ Same.

diff --git a/libstdc++-v3/doc/doxygen/ b/libstdc++-v3/doc/doxygen/
index 9178b0c..adb8c7f 100644
--- a/libstdc++-v3/doc/doxygen/
+++ b/libstdc++-v3/doc/doxygen/
@@ -746,6 +746,7 @@ INPUT                  = @srcdir@/doc/doxygen/ \
 			 include/tr1/ctime \
 			 include/tr1/cwchar \
 			 include/tr1/cwctype \
+			 include/tr2/ \
 			 include/tr2/bool_set \
 			 include/tr2/dynamic_bitset \
 			 include/tr2/ratio \
@@ -1647,9 +1648,10 @@ PREDEFINED             = __cplusplus \
 			 __GXX_RTTI \
+                         ATOMIC_INT_LOCK_FREE \
 			 __glibcxx_function_requires=// \
 			 __glibcxx_class_requires=// \
 			 __glibcxx_class_requires2=// \
diff --git a/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/locale_classes.h b/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/locale_classes.h
index 88bbf69..4beca40 100644
--- a/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/locale_classes.h
+++ b/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/locale_classes.h
-   *  @brief  Test for the presence of a facet.
-   *
-   *  has_facet tests the locale argument for the presence of the facet type
-   *  provided as the template parameter.  Facets derived from the facet
-   *  parameter will also return true.
-   *
-   *  @tparam  _Facet  The facet type to test the presence of.
-   *  @param  __loc  The locale to test.
-   *  @return  true if __loc contains a facet of type _Facet, else false.
-  */
-  template<typename _Facet>
-    bool
-    has_facet(const locale& __loc) throw();
-  /**
-   *  @brief  Return a facet.
-   *
-   *  use_facet looks for and returns a reference to a facet of type Facet
-   *  where Facet is the template parameter.  If has_facet(locale) is true,
-   *  there is a suitable facet to return.  It throws std::bad_cast if the
-   *  locale doesn't contain a facet of type Facet.
-   *
-   *  @tparam  _Facet  The facet type to access.
-   *  @param  __loc  The locale to use.
-   *  @return  Reference to facet of type Facet.
-   *  @throw  std::bad_cast if __loc doesn't contain a facet of type _Facet.
-  */
-  template<typename _Facet>
-    const _Facet&
-    use_facet(const locale& __loc);
-  /**
    *  @brief  Facet for localized string comparison.
    *  This facet encapsulates the code to compare strings in a localized
diff --git a/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/locale_classes.tcc b/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/locale_classes.tcc
index 5b2901a..c796e0e 100644
--- a/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/locale_classes.tcc
+++ b/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/locale_classes.tcc
@@ -87,7 +87,17 @@ _GLIBCXX_BEGIN_NAMESPACE_VERSION, + __s2.length()) < 0);
+  /**
+   *  @brief  Test for the presence of a facet.
+   *
+   *  has_facet tests the locale argument for the presence of the facet type
+   *  provided as the template parameter.  Facets derived from the facet
+   *  parameter will also return true.
+   *
+   *  @tparam  _Facet  The facet type to test the presence of.
+   *  @param  __loc  The locale to test.
+   *  @return  true if @p __loc contains a facet of type _Facet, else false.
+  */
   template<typename _Facet>
     has_facet(const locale& __loc) throw()
+  /**
+   *  @brief  Return a facet.
+   *
+   *  use_facet looks for and returns a reference to a facet of type Facet
+   *  where Facet is the template parameter.  If has_facet(locale) is true,
+   *  there is a suitable facet to return.  It throws std::bad_cast if the
+   *  locale doesn't contain a facet of type Facet.
+   *
+   *  @tparam  _Facet  The facet type to access.
+   *  @param  __loc  The locale to use.
+   *  @return  Reference to facet of type Facet.
+   *  @throw  std::bad_cast if @p __loc doesn't contain a facet of type _Facet.
+  */
   template<typename _Facet>
     const _Facet&
     use_facet(const locale& __loc)
diff --git a/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/shared_ptr.h b/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/shared_ptr.h
index 33128dd..070d2d1 100644
--- a/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/shared_ptr.h
+++ b/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/shared_ptr.h
       constexpr shared_ptr() noexcept
       : __shared_ptr<_Tp>() { }
+      shared_ptr(const shared_ptr&) noexcept = default;
        *  @brief  Construct a %shared_ptr that owns the pointer @a __p.
        *  @param  __p  A pointer that is convertible to element_type*.
        *  @param  __r  A %shared_ptr.
        *  @post   get() == __r.get() && use_count() == __r.use_count()
-      shared_ptr(const shared_ptr&) noexcept = default;
       template<typename _Tp1, typename = typename
 	       std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<_Tp1*, _Tp*>::value>::type>
 	shared_ptr(const shared_ptr<_Tp1>& __r) noexcept
       : __shared_ptr<_Tp>(__p) { }
       shared_ptr& operator=(const shared_ptr&) noexcept = default;
       template<typename _Tp1>
 	operator=(const shared_ptr<_Tp1>& __r) noexcept
diff --git a/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/stl_algo.h b/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/stl_algo.h
index 10c7e2d..c517a19 100644
--- a/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/stl_algo.h
+++ b/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/stl_algo.h
    *  @return  Nothing.
    *  Rotates the elements of the range @p [__first,__last) by 
-   *  @p(__middle - __first) positions so that the element at @p __middle
+   *  @p (__middle - __first) positions so that the element at @p __middle
    *  is moved to @p __first, the element at @p __middle+1 is moved to
-   *  @ __first+1 and so on for each element in the range
+   *  @p __first+1 and so on for each element in the range
    *  @p [__first,__last).
    *  This effectively swaps the ranges @p [__first,__middle) and
    *  range beginning at @result, rotating the copied elements by 
    *  @p (__middle-__first) positions so that the element at @p __middle
    *  is moved to @p __result, the element at @p __middle+1 is moved
-   *  to @__result+1 and so on for each element in the range @p
+   *  to @p __result+1 and so on for each element in the range @p
    *  [__first,__last).
    *  Performs 
    *  to the range beginning at @p __result_first, where the number of
    *  elements to be copied, @p N, is the smaller of @p (__last-__first) and
    *  @p (__result_last-__result_first).
-   *  After the sort if @p i and @j are iterators in the range
-   *  @p [__result_first,__result_first+N) such that @i precedes @j then
-   *  @p *j<*i is false.
+   *  After the sort if @e i and @e j are iterators in the range
+   *  @p [__result_first,__result_first+N) such that i precedes j then
+   *  *j<*i is false.
    *  The value returned is @p __result_first+N.
   template<typename _InputIterator, typename _RandomAccessIterator>
    *  to the range beginning at @p result_first, where the number of
    *  elements to be copied, @p N, is the smaller of @p (__last-__first) and
    *  @p (__result_last-__result_first).
-   *  After the sort if @p i and @j are iterators in the range
-   *  @p [__result_first,__result_first+N) such that @i precedes @j then
+   *  After the sort if @e i and @e j are iterators in the range
+   *  @p [__result_first,__result_first+N) such that i precedes j then
    *  @p __comp(*j,*i) is false.
    *  The value returned is @p __result_first+N.
   // lower_bound moved to stl_algobase.h
-   *  @brief Finds the first position in which @a val could be inserted
+   *  @brief Finds the first position in which @p __val could be inserted
    *         without changing the ordering.
    *  @ingroup binary_search_algorithms
    *  @param  __first   An iterator.
    *  @param  __val     The search term.
    *  @param  __comp    A functor to use for comparisons.
    *  @return An iterator pointing to the first element <em>not less
-   *           than</em> @a __val, or end() if every element is less
-   *           than @a __val.
+   *           than</em> @p __val, or end() if every element is less
+   *           than @p __val.
    *  @ingroup binary_search_algorithms
    *  The comparison function should have the same effects on ordering as
@@ -2439,14 +2439,14 @@ _GLIBCXX_BEGIN_NAMESPACE_VERSION
-   *  @brief Finds the last position in which @a val could be inserted
+   *  @brief Finds the last position in which @p __val could be inserted
    *         without changing the ordering.
    *  @ingroup binary_search_algorithms
    *  @param  __first   An iterator.
    *  @param  __last    Another iterator.
    *  @param  __val     The search term.
-   *  @return  An iterator pointing to the first element greater than @a __val,
-   *           or end() if no elements are greater than @a __val.
+   *  @return  An iterator pointing to the first element greater than @p __val,
+   *           or end() if no elements are greater than @p __val.
    *  @ingroup binary_search_algorithms
   template<typename _ForwardIterator, typename _Tp>
@@ -2484,15 +2484,15 @@ _GLIBCXX_BEGIN_NAMESPACE_VERSION
-   *  @brief Finds the last position in which @a val could be inserted
+   *  @brief Finds the last position in which @p __val could be inserted
    *         without changing the ordering.
    *  @ingroup binary_search_algorithms
    *  @param  __first   An iterator.
    *  @param  __last    Another iterator.
    *  @param  __val     The search term.
    *  @param  __comp    A functor to use for comparisons.
-   *  @return  An iterator pointing to the first element greater than @a __val,
-   *           or end() if no elements are greater than @a __val.
+   *  @return  An iterator pointing to the first element greater than @p __val,
+   *           or end() if no elements are greater than @p __val.
    *  @ingroup binary_search_algorithms
    *  The comparison function should have the same effects on ordering as
-   *  @brief Finds the largest subrange in which @a val could be inserted
+   *  @brief Finds the largest subrange in which @p __val could be inserted
    *         at any place in it without changing the ordering.
    *  @ingroup binary_search_algorithms
    *  @param  __first   An iterator.
-   *  @brief Finds the largest subrange in which @a val could be inserted
+   *  @brief Finds the largest subrange in which @p __val could be inserted
    *         at any place in it without changing the ordering.
    *  @param  __first   An iterator.
    *  @param  __last    Another iterator.
@@ -2668,10 +2668,10 @@ _GLIBCXX_BEGIN_NAMESPACE_VERSION
    *  @param  __first   An iterator.
    *  @param  __last    Another iterator.
    *  @param  __val     The search term.
-   *  @return True if @a __val (or its equivalent) is in [@a
-   *  __first,@a __last ].
+   *  @return True if @p __val (or its equivalent) is in [@p
+   *  __first,@p __last ].
-   *  Note that this does not actually return an iterator to @a __val.  For
+   *  Note that this does not actually return an iterator to @p __val.  For
    *  that, use std::find or a container's specialized find member functions.
   template<typename _ForwardIterator, typename _Tp>
    *  @param  __last    Another iterator.
    *  @param  __val     The search term.
    *  @param  __comp    A functor to use for comparisons.
-   *  @return  True if @a val (or its equivalent) is in [@a first,@a last ].
+   *  @return  True if @p __val (or its equivalent) is in @p [__first,__last].
-   *  Note that this does not actually return an iterator to @a val.  For
+   *  Note that this does not actually return an iterator to @p __val.  For
    *  that, use std::find or a container's specialized find member functions.
    *  The comparison function should have the same effects on ordering as
    *  each element in [__first2,__last2) within [__first1,__last1).
    *  The iterators over each range only move forward, so this is a
    *  linear algorithm.  If an element in [__first2,__last2) is not
-   *  found before the search iterator reaches @a __last2, false is
+   *  found before the search iterator reaches @p __last2, false is
    *  returned.
   template<typename _InputIterator1, typename _InputIterator2>
    *  using comp to decide.  The iterators over each range only move
    *  forward, so this is a linear algorithm.  If an element in
    *  [__first2,__last2) is not found before the search iterator
-   *  reaches @a __last2, false is returned.
+   *  reaches @p __last2, false is returned.
   template<typename _InputIterator1, typename _InputIterator2,
 	   typename _Compare>
@@ -3620,13 +3620,13 @@ _GLIBCXX_BEGIN_NAMESPACE_VERSION
   // max_element
-   *  @brief  Permute range into the next @a dictionary ordering.
+   *  @brief  Permute range into the next @e dictionary ordering.
    *  @ingroup sorting_algorithms
    *  @param  __first  Start of range.
    *  @param  __last   End of range.
    *  @return  False if wrapped to first permutation, true otherwise.
-   *  Treats all permutations of the range as a set of @a dictionary sorted
+   *  Treats all permutations of the range as a set of @e dictionary sorted
    *  sequences.  Permutes the current sequence into the next one of this set.
    *  Returns true if there are more sequences to generate.  If the sequence
    *  is the largest of the set, the smallest is generated and false returned.
-   *  @brief  Permute range into the next @a dictionary ordering using
+   *  @brief  Permute range into the next @e dictionary ordering using
    *          comparison functor.
    *  @ingroup sorting_algorithms
    *  @param  __first  Start of range.
    *  @return  False if wrapped to first permutation, true otherwise.
    *  Treats all permutations of the range [__first,__last) as a set of
-   *  @a dictionary sorted sequences ordered by @a comp.  Permutes the current
+   *  @e dictionary sorted sequences ordered by @p __comp.  Permutes the current
    *  sequence into the next one of this set.  Returns true if there are more
    *  sequences to generate.  If the sequence is the largest of the set, the
    *  smallest is generated and false returned.
@@ -3732,13 +3732,13 @@ _GLIBCXX_BEGIN_NAMESPACE_VERSION
-   *  @brief  Permute range into the previous @a dictionary ordering.
+   *  @brief  Permute range into the previous @e dictionary ordering.
    *  @ingroup sorting_algorithms
    *  @param  __first  Start of range.
    *  @param  __last   End of range.
    *  @return  False if wrapped to last permutation, true otherwise.
-   *  Treats all permutations of the range as a set of @a dictionary sorted
+   *  Treats all permutations of the range as a set of @e dictionary sorted
    *  sequences.  Permutes the current sequence into the previous one of this
    *  set.  Returns true if there are more sequences to generate.  If the
    *  sequence is the smallest of the set, the largest is generated and false
-   *  @brief  Permute range into the previous @a dictionary ordering using
+   *  @brief  Permute range into the previous @e dictionary ordering using
    *          comparison functor.
    *  @ingroup sorting_algorithms
    *  @param  __first  Start of range.
    *  @return  False if wrapped to last permutation, true otherwise.
    *  Treats all permutations of the range [__first,__last) as a set of
-   *  @a dictionary sorted sequences ordered by @a comp.  Permutes the current
+   *  @e dictionary sorted sequences ordered by @p __comp.  Permutes the current
    *  sequence into the previous one of this set.  Returns true if there are
    *  more sequences to generate.  If the sequence is the smallest of the set,
    *  the largest is generated and false returned.
    *  @ingroup sorting_algorithms
    *  @param  __a  A thing of arbitrary type.
    *  @param  __b  Another thing of arbitrary type.
-   *  @param  __comp  A @link comparison_functor comparison functor @endlink.
+   *  @param  __comp  A @link comparison_functors comparison functor @endlink.
    *  @return A pair(__b, __a) if __b is smaller than __a, pair(__a,
    *  __b) otherwise.
@@ -5258,9 +5258,9 @@ _GLIBCXX_BEGIN_NAMESPACE_ALGO
    *  @p [first,last) and moves them to the range @p [__first,__middle). The
    *  order of the remaining elements in the range @p [__middle,__last) is
    *  undefined.
-   *  After the sort if @p i and @j are iterators in the range
-   *  @p [__first,__middle) such that @i precedes @j and @k is an iterator in
-   *  the range @p [__middle,__last) then @p *j<*i and @p *k<*i are both false.
+   *  After the sort if @e i and @e j are iterators in the range
+   *  @p [__first,__middle) such that i precedes j and @e k is an iterator in
+   *  the range @p [__middle,__last) then *j<*i and *k<*i are both false.
   template<typename _RandomAccessIterator>
     inline void
@@ -5296,8 +5296,8 @@ _GLIBCXX_BEGIN_NAMESPACE_ALGO
    *  @p [__first,__last) and moves them to the range @p [__first,__middle). The
    *  order of the remaining elements in the range @p [__middle,__last) is
    *  undefined.
-   *  After the sort if @p i and @j are iterators in the range
-   *  @p [__first,__middle) such that @i precedes @j and @k is an iterator in
+   *  After the sort if @e i and @e j are iterators in the range
+   *  @p [__first,__middle) such that i precedes j and @e k is an iterator in
    *  the range @p [__middle,__last) then @p *__comp(j,*i) and @p __comp(*k,*i)
    *  are both false.
@@ -5333,11 +5333,10 @@ _GLIBCXX_BEGIN_NAMESPACE_ALGO
    *  Rearranges the elements in the range @p [__first,__last) so that @p *__nth
    *  is the same element that would have been in that position had the
-   *  whole sequence been sorted.
    *  whole sequence been sorted. The elements either side of @p *__nth are
-   *  not completely sorted, but for any iterator @i in the range
-   *  @p [__first,__nth) and any iterator @j in the range @p [__nth,__last) it
-   *  holds that @p *j<*i is false.
+   *  not completely sorted, but for any iterator @e i in the range
+   *  @p [__first,__nth) and any iterator @e j in the range @p [__nth,__last) it
+   *  holds that *j < *i is false.
   template<typename _RandomAccessIterator>
     inline void
@@ -5374,8 +5373,8 @@ _GLIBCXX_BEGIN_NAMESPACE_ALGO
    *  Rearranges the elements in the range @p [__first,__last) so that @p *__nth
    *  is the same element that would have been in that position had the
    *  whole sequence been sorted. The elements either side of @p *__nth are
-   *  not completely sorted, but for any iterator @i in the range
-   *  @p [__first,__nth) and any iterator @j in the range @p [__nth,__last) it
+   *  not completely sorted, but for any iterator @e i in the range
+   *  @p [__first,__nth) and any iterator @e j in the range @p [__nth,__last) it
    *  holds that @p __comp(*j,*i) is false.
   template<typename _RandomAccessIterator, typename _Compare>
@@ -5410,8 +5409,8 @@ _GLIBCXX_BEGIN_NAMESPACE_ALGO
    *  @return  Nothing.
    *  Sorts the elements in the range @p [__first,__last) in ascending order,
-   *  such that @p *(i+1)<*i is false for each iterator @p i in the range
-   *  @p [__first,__last-1).
+   *  such that for each iterator @e i in the range @p [__first,__last-1),  
+   *  *(i+1)<*i is false.
    *  The relative ordering of equivalent elements is not preserved, use
    *  @p stable_sort() if this is needed.
@@ -5446,7 +5445,7 @@ _GLIBCXX_BEGIN_NAMESPACE_ALGO
    *  @return  Nothing.
    *  Sorts the elements in the range @p [__first,__last) in ascending order,
-   *  such that @p __comp(*(i+1),*i) is false for every iterator @p i in the
+   *  such that @p __comp(*(i+1),*i) is false for every iterator @e i in the
    *  range @p [__first,__last-1).
    *  The relative ordering of equivalent elements is not preserved, use
@@ -5484,10 +5483,10 @@ _GLIBCXX_BEGIN_NAMESPACE_ALGO
    *  @param  __last2   Another iterator.
    *  @param  __result  An iterator pointing to the end of the merged range.
    *  @return         An iterator pointing to the first element <em>not less
-   *                  than</em> @a val.
+   *                  than</em> @e val.
-   *  Merges the ranges [__first1,__last1) and [__first2,__last2) into
-   *  the sorted range [__result, __result + (__last1-__first1) +
+   *  Merges the ranges @p [__first1,__last1) and @p [__first2,__last2) into
+   *  the sorted range @p [__result, __result + (__last1-__first1) +
    *  (__last2-__first2)).  Both input ranges must be sorted, and the
    *  output range must not overlap with either of the input ranges.
    *  The sort is @e stable, that is, for equivalent elements in the
@@ -5545,10 +5544,10 @@ _GLIBCXX_BEGIN_NAMESPACE_ALGO
    *  @param  __result  An iterator pointing to the end of the merged range.
    *  @param  __comp    A functor to use for comparisons.
    *  @return         An iterator pointing to the first element "not less
-   *                  than" @a val.
+   *                  than" @e val.
-   *  Merges the ranges [__first1,__last1) and [__first2,__last2) into
-   *  the sorted range [__result, __result + (__last1-__first1) +
+   *  Merges the ranges @p [__first1,__last1) and @p [__first2,__last2) into
+   *  the sorted range @p [__result, __result + (__last1-__first1) +
    *  (__last2-__first2)).  Both input ranges must be sorted, and the
    *  output range must not overlap with either of the input ranges.
    *  The sort is @e stable, that is, for equivalent elements in the
@@ -5610,8 +5609,8 @@ _GLIBCXX_BEGIN_NAMESPACE_ALGO
    *  @return  Nothing.
    *  Sorts the elements in the range @p [__first,__last) in ascending order,
-   *  such that @p *(i+1)<*i is false for each iterator @p i in the range
-   *  @p [__first,__last-1).
+   *  such that for each iterator @p i in the range @p [__first,__last-1),
+   *  @p *(i+1)<*i is false.
    *  The relative ordering of equivalent elements is preserved, so any two
    *  elements @p x and @p y in the range @p [__first,__last) such that
@@ -5652,8 +5651,8 @@ _GLIBCXX_BEGIN_NAMESPACE_ALGO
    *  @return  Nothing.
    *  Sorts the elements in the range @p [__first,__last) in ascending order,
-   *  such that @p __comp(*(i+1),*i) is false for each iterator @p i in the
-   *  range @p [__first,__last-1).
+   *  such that for each iterator @p i in the range @p [__first,__last-1),
+   *  @p __comp(*(i+1),*i) is false.
    *  The relative ordering of equivalent elements is preserved, so any two
    *  elements @p x and @p y in the range @p [__first,__last) such that
@@ -5768,8 +5767,8 @@ _GLIBCXX_BEGIN_NAMESPACE_ALGO
    *  This operation iterates over both ranges, copying elements present in
    *  each range in order to the output range.  Iterators increment for each
    *  range.  When the current element of one range is less than the other
-   *  according to @a __comp, that element is copied and the iterator advanced.
-   *  If an equivalent element according to @a __comp is contained in both
+   *  according to @p __comp, that element is copied and the iterator advanced.
+   *  If an equivalent element according to @p __comp is contained in both
    *  ranges, the element from the first range is copied and both ranges
    *  advance.  The output range may not overlap either input range.
@@ -5892,8 +5891,8 @@ _GLIBCXX_BEGIN_NAMESPACE_ALGO
    *  This operation iterates over both ranges, copying elements present in
    *  both ranges in order to the output range.  Iterators increment for each
    *  range.  When the current element of one range is less than the other
-   *  according to @a __comp, that iterator advances.  If an element is
-   *  contained in both ranges according to @a __comp, the element from the
+   *  according to @p __comp, that iterator advances.  If an element is
+   *  contained in both ranges according to @p __comp, the element from the
    *  first range is copied and both ranges advance.  The output range may not
    *  overlap either input range.
@@ -6009,10 +6008,10 @@ _GLIBCXX_BEGIN_NAMESPACE_ALGO
    *  This operation iterates over both ranges, copying elements present in
    *  the first range but not the second in order to the output range.
    *  Iterators increment for each range.  When the current element of the
-   *  first range is less than the second according to @a comp, that element
+   *  first range is less than the second according to @p __comp, that element
    *  is copied and the iterator advances.  If the current element of the
    *  second range is less, no element is copied and the iterator advances.
-   *  If an element is contained in both ranges according to @a comp, no
+   *  If an element is contained in both ranges according to @p __comp, no
    *  elements are copied and both ranges advance.  The output range may not
    *  overlap either input range.
@@ -6135,9 +6134,9 @@ _GLIBCXX_BEGIN_NAMESPACE_ALGO
    *  This operation iterates over both ranges, copying elements present in
    *  one range but not the other in order to the output range.  Iterators
    *  increment for each range.  When the current element of one range is less
-   *  than the other according to @a comp, that element is copied and the
+   *  than the other according to @p comp, that element is copied and the
    *  iterator advances.  If an element is contained in both ranges according
-   *  to @a comp, no elements are copied and both ranges advance.  The output
+   *  to @p __comp, no elements are copied and both ranges advance.  The output
    *  range may not overlap either input range.
   template<typename _InputIterator1, typename _InputIterator2,
@@ -6223,7 +6222,7 @@ _GLIBCXX_BEGIN_NAMESPACE_ALGO
    *  @param  __last   End of range.
    *  @param  __comp   Comparison functor.
    *  @return  Iterator referencing the first instance of the smallest value
-   *  according to comp.
+   *  according to __comp.
   template<typename _ForwardIterator, typename _Compare>
diff --git a/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/stl_list.h b/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/stl_list.h
index fc1d8f8..e422de8 100644
--- a/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/stl_list.h
+++ b/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/stl_list.h
        *  @brief  Merge sorted lists according to comparison function.
-       *  @param  __x  Sorted list to merge.
        *  @tparam _StrictWeakOrdering Comparison function defining
        *  sort order.
+       *  @param  __x  Sorted list to merge.
+       *  @param  __comp  Comparison functor.
        *  Assumes that both @a __x and this list are sorted according to
        *  StrictWeakOrdering.  Merges elements of @a __x into this list
diff --git a/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/stl_numeric.h b/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/stl_numeric.h
index 0ec746f..085fe93 100644
--- a/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/stl_numeric.h
+++ b/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/stl_numeric.h
    *  @brief  Accumulate values in a range with operation.
    *  Accumulates the values in the range [first,last) using the function
-   *  object @a binary_op.  The initial value is @a init.  The values are
+   *  object @p __binary_op.  The initial value is @p __init.  The values are
    *  processed in order.
    *  @param  __first  Start of range.
    *  @brief  Compute inner product of two ranges.
-   *  Starting with an initial value of @a init, multiplies successive
+   *  Starting with an initial value of @p __init, multiplies successive
    *  elements from the two ranges and adds each product into the accumulated
    *  value using operator+().  The values in the ranges are processed in
    *  order.
    *  @brief  Compute inner product of two ranges.
-   *  Starting with an initial value of @a init, applies @a binary_op2 to
+   *  Starting with an initial value of @p __init, applies @p __binary_op2 to
    *  successive elements from the two ranges and accumulates each result into
-   *  the accumulated value using @a binary_op1.  The values in the ranges are
+   *  the accumulated value using @p __binary_op1.  The values in the ranges are
    *  processed in order.
    *  @param  __first1  Start of range 1.
@@ -224,14 +224,14 @@ _GLIBCXX_BEGIN_NAMESPACE_ALGO
    *  Accumulates the values in the range [first,last) using operator+().
    *  As each successive input value is added into the total, that partial sum
-   *  is written to @a result.  Therefore, the first value in result is the
+   *  is written to @p __result.  Therefore, the first value in result is the
    *  first value of the input, the second value in result is the sum of the
    *  first and second input values, and so on.
    *  @param  __first  Start of input range.
    *  @param  __last  End of input range.
-   *  @param  __result  Output to write sums to.
-   *  @return  Iterator pointing just beyond the values written to result.
+   *  @param  __result  Output sum.
+   *  @return  Iterator pointing just beyond the values written to __result.
   template<typename _InputIterator, typename _OutputIterator>
@@ -263,14 +263,14 @@ _GLIBCXX_BEGIN_NAMESPACE_ALGO
    *  Accumulates the values in the range [first,last) using operator+().
    *  As each successive input value is added into the total, that partial sum
-   *  is written to @a result.  Therefore, the first value in result is the
+   *  is written to @p __result.  Therefore, the first value in result is the
    *  first value of the input, the second value in result is the sum of the
    *  first and second input values, and so on.
    *  @param  __first  Start of input range.
    *  @param  __last  End of input range.
-   *  @param  __result  Output to write sums to.
-   *  @return  Iterator pointing just beyond the values written to result.
+   *  @param  __result  Output sum.
+   *  @return  Iterator pointing just beyond the values written to __result.
   template<typename _InputIterator, typename _OutputIterator,
 	   typename _BinaryOperation>
@@ -302,11 +302,11 @@ _GLIBCXX_BEGIN_NAMESPACE_ALGO
    *  @brief  Return differences between adjacent values.
    *  Computes the difference between adjacent values in the range
-   *  [first,last) using operator-() and writes the result to @a result.
+   *  [first,last) using operator-() and writes the result to @p __result.
    *  @param  __first  Start of input range.
    *  @param  __last  End of input range.
-   *  @param  __result  Output to write sums to.
+   *  @param  __result  Output sums.
    *  @return  Iterator pointing just beyond the values written to result.
@@ -342,12 +342,13 @@ _GLIBCXX_BEGIN_NAMESPACE_ALGO
    *  @brief  Return differences between adjacent values.
    *  Computes the difference between adjacent values in the range
-   *  [__first,__last) using the function object @a __binary_op and writes the
-   *  result to @a __result.
+   *  [__first,__last) using the function object @p __binary_op and writes the
+   *  result to @p __result.
    *  @param  __first  Start of input range.
    *  @param  __last  End of input range.
-   *  @param  __result  Output to write sums to.
+   *  @param  __result  Output sum.
+   *  @param  __binary_op Function object.
    *  @return  Iterator pointing just beyond the values written to result.
diff --git a/libstdc++-v3/include/debug/safe_base.h b/libstdc++-v3/include/debug/safe_base.h
index 1348004..a1aa536 100644
--- a/libstdc++-v3/include/debug/safe_base.h
+++ b/libstdc++-v3/include/debug/safe_base.h
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ namespace __gnu_debug
     { }
     /** Initialize the iterator to reference the sequence pointed to
-     *  by @p__seq. @p __constant is true when we are initializing a
+     *  by @p __seq. @p __constant is true when we are initializing a
      *  constant iterator, and false if it is a mutable iterator. Note
      *  that @p __seq may be NULL, in which case the iterator will be
      *  singular. Otherwise, the iterator will reference @p __seq and
diff --git a/libstdc++-v3/include/parallel/equally_split.h b/libstdc++-v3/include/parallel/equally_split.h
index a840ae3..31a0fca 100644
--- a/libstdc++-v3/include/parallel/equally_split.h
+++ b/libstdc++-v3/include/parallel/equally_split.h
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ namespace __gnu_parallel
    *  thread number __thread_no+1 (excluded).
    *  @param __n Number of elements
    *  @param __num_threads Number of parts
+   *  @param __thread_no Number of threads
    *  @returns splitting point */
   template<typename _DifferenceType>
diff --git a/libstdc++-v3/include/std/bitset b/libstdc++-v3/include/std/bitset
index e07c5e0..792a05a 100644
--- a/libstdc++-v3/include/std/bitset
+++ b/libstdc++-v3/include/std/bitset
-   *  @brief  The %bitset class represents a @e fixed-size sequence of bits.
+   *  The %bitset class represents a @e fixed-size sequence of bits.
    *  @ingroup containers
-       *  @brief  Use a subset of a string.
+       *  Use a subset of a string.
        *  @param  __s  A string of @a 0 and @a 1 characters.
        *  @param  __position  Index of the first character in @a __s to use;
        *                    defaults to zero.
-       *  @brief  Use a subset of a string.
+       *  Use a subset of a string.
        *  @param  __s  A string of @a 0 and @a 1 characters.
        *  @param  __position  Index of the first character in @a __s to use.
        *  @param  __n    The number of characters to copy.
-       *  @brief  Construct from a character %array.
+       *  Construct from a character %array.
        *  @param  __str  An %array of characters @a zero and @a one.
        *  @param  __n    The number of characters to use.
        *  @param  __zero The character corresponding to the value 0.
       // bitset operations:
-       *  @brief  Operations on bitsets.
+       *  Operations on bitsets.
        *  @param  __rhs  A same-sized bitset.
        *  These should be self-explanatory.
-       *  @brief  Operations on bitsets.
+       *  Operations on bitsets.
        *  @param  __position  The number of places to shift.
        *  These should be self-explanatory.
diff --git a/libstdc++-v3/include/std/complex b/libstdc++-v3/include/std/complex
index 1ab016e..c0e3331 100644
--- a/libstdc++-v3/include/std/complex
+++ b/libstdc++-v3/include/std/complex
 	                 : std::pow(complex<_Tp>(__x), __y);
-  // 26.2.3  complex specializations
-  // complex<float> specialization
+  /// 26.2.3  complex specializations
+  /// complex<float> specialization
     struct complex<float>
       _ComplexT _M_value;
-  // 26.2.3  complex specializations
-  // complex<double> specialization
+  /// 26.2.3  complex specializations
+  /// complex<double> specialization
     struct complex<double>
       _ComplexT _M_value;
-  // 26.2.3  complex specializations
-  // complex<long double> specialization
+  /// 26.2.3  complex specializations
+  /// complex<long double> specialization
     struct complex<long double>
diff --git a/libstdc++-v3/include/std/fstream b/libstdc++-v3/include/std/fstream
index 245404e..65de272 100644
--- a/libstdc++-v3/include/std/fstream
+++ b/libstdc++-v3/include/std/fstream
        *  @param  __mode  Open file in specified mode (see std::ios_base).
        *  @c ios_base::out|ios_base::trunc is automatically included in
-       *  @a __mode.
+       *  @p __mode.
        *  Tip:  When using std::string to hold the filename, you must use
        *  .c_str() before passing it to this constructor.
diff --git a/libstdc++-v3/include/std/istream b/libstdc++-v3/include/std/istream
index 19bc42b..57b2113 100644
--- a/libstdc++-v3/include/std/istream
+++ b/libstdc++-v3/include/std/istream
@@ -44,9 +44,8 @@ namespace std _GLIBCXX_VISIBILITY(default)
-  // [] Template class basic_istream
-   *  @brief  Controlling input.
+   *  @brief  Template class basic_istream.
    *  @ingroup io
    *  This is the base class for all input streams.  It provides text
       // Types (inherited from basic_ios (27.4.4)):
-      typedef _CharT                     		char_type;
+      typedef _CharT			 		char_type;
       typedef typename _Traits::int_type 		int_type;
       typedef typename _Traits::pos_type 		pos_type;
       typedef typename _Traits::off_type 		off_type;
-      typedef _Traits                    		traits_type;
+      typedef _Traits			 		traits_type;
       // Non-standard Types:
       typedef basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits> 		__streambuf_type;
       typedef basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>		__ios_type;
       typedef basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>		__istream_type;
-      typedef num_get<_CharT, istreambuf_iterator<_CharT, _Traits> >        
+      typedef num_get<_CharT, istreambuf_iterator<_CharT, _Traits> >
-      typedef ctype<_CharT>           			__ctype_type;
+      typedef ctype<_CharT>	      			__ctype_type;
       // Data Members:
       streamsize 		_M_gcount;
-      // [] constructor/destructor
        *  @brief  Base constructor.
        *  This does very little apart from providing a virtual base dtor.
-      virtual 
-      ~basic_istream() 
+      virtual
+      ~basic_istream()
       { _M_gcount = streamsize(0); }
-      // [] prefix/suffix
+      /// Safe prefix/suffix operations.
       class sentry;
       friend class sentry;
-      // [] formatted input
-      // [] basic_istream::operator>>
        *  @brief  Interface for manipulators.
        *  Manipulators such as @c std::ws and @c std::dec use these
-       *  functions in constructs like 
-       *  <code>std::cin >> std::ws</code>. 
+       *  functions in constructs like
+       *  <code>std::cin >> std::ws</code>.
        *  For more information, see the iomanip header.
       operator>>(__ios_type& (*__pf)(__ios_type&))
-      { 
+      {
 	return *this;
 	return *this;
-      // [] arithmetic extractors
+      //@{
-       *  @name Arithmetic Extractors
+       *  @name Extractors
        *  All the @c operator>> functions (aka <em>formatted input
        *  functions</em>) have some common behavior.  Each starts by
        *  ios_base::failure to be thrown.  The original exception will then
        *  be rethrown.
-       *  @brief  Basic arithmetic extractors
-       *  @param  __n, __f, __p: A variable of builtin type.
+       *  @brief  Integer arithmetic extractors
+       *  @param  __n A variable of builtin integral type.
        *  @return  @c *this if successful
        *  These functions use the stream's current locale (specifically, the
        *  @c num_get facet) to parse the input data.
-      __istream_type& 
+      __istream_type&
       operator>>(bool& __n)
       { return _M_extract(__n); }
-      __istream_type& 
+      __istream_type&
       operator>>(short& __n);
-      __istream_type& 
+      __istream_type&
       operator>>(unsigned short& __n)
       { return _M_extract(__n); }
-      __istream_type& 
+      __istream_type&
       operator>>(int& __n);
-      __istream_type& 
+      __istream_type&
       operator>>(unsigned int& __n)
       { return _M_extract(__n); }
-      __istream_type& 
+      __istream_type&
       operator>>(long& __n)
       { return _M_extract(__n); }
-      __istream_type& 
+      __istream_type&
       operator>>(unsigned long& __n)
       { return _M_extract(__n); }
-      __istream_type& 
+      __istream_type&
       operator>>(long long& __n)
       { return _M_extract(__n); }
-      __istream_type& 
+      __istream_type&
       operator>>(unsigned long long& __n)
       { return _M_extract(__n); }
+      //@}
-      __istream_type& 
+      //@{
+      /**
+       *  @brief  Floating point arithmetic extractors
+       *  @param  __f A variable of builtin floating point type.
+       *  @return  @c *this if successful
+       *
+       *  These functions use the stream's current locale (specifically, the
+       *  @c num_get facet) to parse the input data.
+      */
+      __istream_type&
       operator>>(float& __f)
       { return _M_extract(__f); }
-      __istream_type& 
+      __istream_type&
       operator>>(double& __f)
       { return _M_extract(__f); }
-      __istream_type& 
+      __istream_type&
       operator>>(long double& __f)
       { return _M_extract(__f); }
+      //@}
-      __istream_type& 
+      /**
+       *  @brief  Basic arithmetic extractors
+       *  @param  __p A variable of pointer type.
+       *  @return  @c *this if successful
+       *
+       *  These functions use the stream's current locale (specifically, the
+       *  @c num_get facet) to parse the input data.
+      */
+      __istream_type&
       operator>>(void*& __p)
       { return _M_extract(__p); }
        *  in that it also constructs a sentry object and has the same error
        *  handling behavior.
-       *  If @a __sb is NULL, the stream will set failbit in its error state.
+       *  If @p __sb is NULL, the stream will set failbit in its error state.
        *  Characters are extracted from this stream and inserted into the
-       *  @a sb streambuf until one of the following occurs:
+       *  @p __sb streambuf until one of the following occurs:
        *  - the input stream reaches end-of-file,
        *  - insertion into the output buffer fails (in this case, the
        *  If the function inserts no characters, failbit is set.
-      __istream_type& 
+      __istream_type&
       operator>>(__streambuf_type* __sb);
       // [] unformatted input
        *  @brief  Character counting
        *  @return  The number of characters extracted by the previous
        *           unformatted input function dispatched for this stream.
-      streamsize 
-      gcount() const 
+      streamsize
+      gcount() const
       { return _M_gcount; }
+      //@{
        *  @name Unformatted Input Functions
        *  ios_base::failure to be thrown.  The original exception will then
        *  be rethrown.
-      //@{
        *  @brief  Simple extraction.
        *  @return  A character, or eof().
        *  Tries to extract a character.  If none are available, sets failbit
        *  and returns traits::eof().
-      int_type 
+      int_type
        *  @note  This function is not overloaded on signed char and
        *         unsigned char.
-      __istream_type& 
+      __istream_type&
       get(char_type& __c);
        *  @note  This function is not overloaded on signed char and
        *         unsigned char.
-      __istream_type& 
+      __istream_type&
       get(char_type* __s, streamsize __n, char_type __delim);
        *  Returns @c get(__s,__n,widen(&apos;\\n&apos;)).
-      __istream_type& 
+      __istream_type&
       get(char_type* __s, streamsize __n)
       { return this->get(__s, __n, this->widen('\n')); }
        *  In any case, a null character is stored in the next location in
        *  the array.
-      __istream_type& 
+      __istream_type&
       getline(char_type* __s, streamsize __n, char_type __delim);
        *  Returns @c getline(__s,__n,widen(&apos;\\n&apos;)).
-      __istream_type& 
+      __istream_type&
       getline(char_type* __s, streamsize __n)
       { return this->getline(__s, __n, this->widen('\n')); }
        *  better performing implementation, while still conforming to
        *  the Standard.
-      __istream_type& 
+      __istream_type&
       ignore(streamsize __n, int_type __delim);
-      __istream_type& 
+      __istream_type&
       ignore(streamsize __n);
-      __istream_type& 
+      __istream_type&
        *  returns @c traits::eof().  Otherwise reads but does not extract
        *  the next input character.
-      int_type 
+      int_type
        *  @brief  Extraction without delimiters.
        *  @param  __s  A character array.
        *  @note  This function is not overloaded on signed char and
        *         unsigned char.
-      __istream_type& 
+      __istream_type&
       read(char_type* __s, streamsize __n);
        *  The goal is to empty the current buffer, and to not request any
        *  more from the external input sequence controlled by the streambuf.
-      streamsize 
+      streamsize
       readsome(char_type* __s, streamsize __n);
        *  @brief  Unextracting a single character.
        *  @param  __c  The character to push back into the input stream.
        *         are extracted, the next call to @c gcount() will return 0,
        *         as required by DR 60.
-      __istream_type& 
+      __istream_type&
       putback(char_type __c);
        *         are extracted, the next call to @c gcount() will return 0,
        *         as required by DR 60.
-      __istream_type& 
+      __istream_type&
        *         extracted, if any, and therefore does not affect the next
        *         call to @c gcount().
-      int 
+      int
        *         number of characters extracted, if any, and therefore does
        *         not affect the next call to @c gcount().
-      __istream_type& 
+      __istream_type&
       seekg(off_type, ios_base::seekdir);
       { this->init(0); }
       template<typename _ValueT>
-        __istream_type&
-        _M_extract(_ValueT& __v);
+	__istream_type&
+	_M_extract(_ValueT& __v);
-  // Explicit specialization declarations, defined in src/
-  template<> 
-    basic_istream<char>& 
+  /// Explicit specialization declarations, defined in src/
+  template<>
+    basic_istream<char>&
     getline(char_type* __s, streamsize __n, char_type __delim);
     ignore(streamsize __n);
     ignore(streamsize __n, int_type __delim);
-  template<> 
-    basic_istream<wchar_t>& 
+  template<>
+    basic_istream<wchar_t>&
     getline(char_type* __s, streamsize __n, char_type __delim);
     ignore(streamsize __n);
       { return _M_ok; }
-  // [] character extraction templates
    *  @brief  Character extractors
     { return (__in >> reinterpret_cast<char*>(__s)); }
-  // Template class basic_iostream
-   *  @brief  Merging istream and ostream capabilities.
+   *  @brief  Template class basic_iostream
    *  @ingroup io
    *  This class multiply inherits from the input and output stream classes
   template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
     class basic_iostream
-    : public basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>, 
+    : public basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>,
       public basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>
       // 271. basic_iostream missing typedefs
       // Types (inherited):
-      typedef _CharT                     		char_type;
+      typedef _CharT			 		char_type;
       typedef typename _Traits::int_type 		int_type;
       typedef typename _Traits::pos_type 		pos_type;
       typedef typename _Traits::off_type 		off_type;
-      typedef _Traits                    		traits_type;
+      typedef _Traits			 		traits_type;
       // Non-standard Types:
       typedef basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>		__istream_type;
        *  @brief  Destructor does nothing.
-      virtual 
+      virtual
       ~basic_iostream() { }
       : __istream_type(), __ostream_type() { }
-  // [] standard basic_istream manipulators
    *  @brief  Quick and easy way to eat whitespace
    *  std::basic_istream::sentry inside your definition of operator>>.
   template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
-    basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& 
+    basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>&
     ws(basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& __is);
diff --git a/libstdc++-v3/include/std/ostream b/libstdc++-v3/include/std/ostream
index f1f948f..498a060 100644
--- a/libstdc++-v3/include/std/ostream
+++ b/libstdc++-v3/include/std/ostream
@@ -44,9 +44,8 @@ namespace std _GLIBCXX_VISIBILITY(default)
-  // [] Template class basic_ostream
-   *  @brief  Controlling output.
+   *  @brief  Template class basic_ostream.
    *  @ingroup io
    *  This is the base class for all output streams.  It provides text
     class basic_ostream : virtual public basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>
-      // Types (inherited from basic_ios (27.4.4)):
-      typedef _CharT                     		char_type;
+      // Types (inherited from basic_ios):
+      typedef _CharT			 		char_type;
       typedef typename _Traits::int_type 		int_type;
       typedef typename _Traits::pos_type 		pos_type;
       typedef typename _Traits::off_type 		off_type;
-      typedef _Traits                    		traits_type;
+      typedef _Traits			 		traits_type;
       // Non-standard Types:
       typedef basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits> 		__streambuf_type;
       typedef basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>		__ios_type;
       typedef basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>		__ostream_type;
-      typedef num_put<_CharT, ostreambuf_iterator<_CharT, _Traits> >        
+      typedef num_put<_CharT, ostreambuf_iterator<_CharT, _Traits> >
-      typedef ctype<_CharT>           			__ctype_type;
+      typedef ctype<_CharT>	      			__ctype_type;
-      // [] constructor/destructor
        *  @brief  Base constructor.
        *  derived classes' initialization lists, which pass a pointer to
        *  their own stream buffer.
-      explicit 
+      explicit
       basic_ostream(__streambuf_type* __sb)
       { this->init(__sb); }
        *  This does very little apart from providing a virtual base dtor.
-      virtual 
+      virtual
       ~basic_ostream() { }
-      // [] prefix/suffix
+      /// Safe prefix/suffix operations.
       class sentry;
       friend class sentry;
-      // [] formatted output
-      // []  basic_ostream::operator<<
        *  @brief  Interface for manipulators.
-      // [] arithmetic inserters
+      //@{
-       *  @name Arithmetic Inserters
+       *  @name Inserters
        *  All the @c operator<< functions (aka <em>formatted output
        *  functions</em>) have some common behavior.  Each starts by
        *  ios_base::failure to be thrown.  The original exception will then
        *  be rethrown.
-       *  @brief  Basic arithmetic inserters
-       *  @param  __n, __f, __p A variable of builtin type.
+       *  @brief Integer arithmetic inserters
+       *  @param  __n A variable of builtin integral type.
        *  @return  @c *this if successful
        *  These functions use the stream's current locale (specifically, the
        *  @c num_get facet) to perform numeric formatting.
-      __ostream_type& 
+      __ostream_type&
       operator<<(long __n)
       { return _M_insert(__n); }
-      __ostream_type& 
+      __ostream_type&
       operator<<(unsigned long __n)
-      { return _M_insert(__n); }	
+      { return _M_insert(__n); }
-      __ostream_type& 
+      __ostream_type&
       operator<<(bool __n)
       { return _M_insert(__n); }
-      __ostream_type& 
+      __ostream_type&
       operator<<(short __n);
-      __ostream_type& 
+      __ostream_type&
       operator<<(unsigned short __n)
 	return _M_insert(static_cast<unsigned long>(__n));
-      __ostream_type& 
+      __ostream_type&
       operator<<(int __n);
-      __ostream_type& 
+      __ostream_type&
       operator<<(unsigned int __n)
-      __ostream_type& 
+      __ostream_type&
       operator<<(long long __n)
       { return _M_insert(__n); }
-      __ostream_type& 
+      __ostream_type&
       operator<<(unsigned long long __n)
-      { return _M_insert(__n); }	
+      { return _M_insert(__n); }
+      //@}
-      __ostream_type& 
+      //@{
+      /**
+       *  @brief  Floating point arithmetic inserters
+       *  @param  __f A variable of builtin floating point type.
+       *  @return  @c *this if successful
+       *
+       *  These functions use the stream's current locale (specifically, the
+       *  @c num_get facet) to perform numeric formatting.
+      */
+      __ostream_type&
       operator<<(double __f)
       { return _M_insert(__f); }
-      __ostream_type& 
+      __ostream_type&
       operator<<(float __f)
 	return _M_insert(static_cast<double>(__f));
-      __ostream_type& 
+      __ostream_type&
       operator<<(long double __f)
       { return _M_insert(__f); }
+      //@}
-      __ostream_type& 
+      /**
+       *  @brief  Pointer arithmetic inserters
+       *  @param  __p A variable of pointer type.
+       *  @return  @c *this if successful
+       *
+       *  These functions use the stream's current locale (specifically, the
+       *  @c num_get facet) to perform numeric formatting.
+      */
+      __ostream_type&
       operator<<(const void* __p)
       { return _M_insert(__p); }
        *  in that it also constructs a sentry object and has the same error
        *  handling behavior.
-       *  If @a __sb is NULL, the stream will set failbit in its error state.
+       *  If @p __sb is NULL, the stream will set failbit in its error state.
-       *  Characters are extracted from @a __sb and inserted into @c *this
+       *  Characters are extracted from @p __sb and inserted into @c *this
        *  until one of the following occurs:
        *  - the input stream reaches end-of-file,
        *  - insertion into the output sequence fails (in this case, the
        *    character that would have been inserted is not extracted), or
-       *  - an exception occurs while getting a character from @a __sb, which
+       *  - an exception occurs while getting a character from @p __sb, which
        *    sets failbit in the error state
        *  If the function inserts no characters, failbit is set.
-      __ostream_type& 
+      __ostream_type&
       operator<<(__streambuf_type* __sb);
-      // [] unformatted output functions
+      //@{
        *  @name Unformatted Output Functions
        *  the stream's exceptions mask, the exception will be rethrown
        *  without completing its actions.
-      //@{
        *  @brief  Simple insertion.
        *  @param  __c  The character to insert.
        *  @return  *this
-       *  Tries to insert @a c.
+       *  Tries to insert @p __c.
        *  @note  This function is not overloaded on signed char and
        *         unsigned char.
-      __ostream_type& 
+      __ostream_type&
       put(char_type __c);
-      // Core write functionality, without sentry.
+      /**
+       *  @brief  Core write functionality, without sentry.
+       *  @param  __s  The array to insert.
+       *  @param  __n  Maximum number of characters to insert.
+      */
       _M_write(const char_type* __s, streamsize __n)
        *  @param  __n  Maximum number of characters to insert.
        *  @return  *this
-       *  Characters are copied from @a __s and inserted into the stream until
+       *  Characters are copied from @p __s and inserted into the stream until
        *  one of the following happens:
-       *  - @a __n characters are inserted
+       *  - @p __n characters are inserted
        *  - inserting into the output sequence fails (in this case, badbit
        *    will be set in the stream's error state)
        *  @note  This function is not overloaded on signed char and
        *         unsigned char.
-      __ostream_type& 
+      __ostream_type&
       write(const char_type* __s, streamsize __n);
        *  Otherwise, calls @c rdbuf()->pubsync(), and if that returns -1,
        *  sets badbit.
-      __ostream_type& 
+      __ostream_type&
-      // [] seek members
        *  @brief  Getting the current write position.
        *  @return  A file position object.
        *  If @c fail() is not false, returns @c pos_type(-1) to indicate
        *  failure.  Otherwise returns @c rdbuf()->pubseekoff(0,cur,out).
-      pos_type 
+      pos_type
        *  If @c fail() is not true, calls @c rdbuf()->pubseekpos(pos).  If
        *  that function fails, sets failbit.
-      __ostream_type& 
+      __ostream_type&
        *  If @c fail() is not true, calls @c rdbuf()->pubseekoff(off,dir).
        *  If that function fails, sets failbit.
-       __ostream_type& 
+       __ostream_type&
       seekp(off_type, ios_base::seekdir);
       { this->init(0); }
       template<typename _ValueT>
-        __ostream_type&
-        _M_insert(_ValueT __v);
+	__ostream_type&
+	_M_insert(_ValueT __v);
       // Data Members.
       bool 				_M_ok;
       basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& 	_M_os;
        *  @brief  The constructor performs preparatory work.
       { return _M_ok; }
-  // [] character insertion templates
    *  @brief  Character inserters
    *  padding (as determined by []).  @c __out.width(0) is then
    *  called.
-   *  If @a __c is of type @c char and the character type of the stream is not
+   *  If @p __c is of type @c char and the character type of the stream is not
    *  @c char, the character is widened before insertion.
   template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
     { return (__out << __out.widen(__c)); }
   // Specialization
-  template <class _Traits> 
+  template <class _Traits>
     inline basic_ostream<char, _Traits>&
     operator<<(basic_ostream<char, _Traits>& __out, char __c)
     { return __ostream_insert(__out, &__c, 1); }
     inline basic_ostream<char, _Traits>&
     operator<<(basic_ostream<char, _Traits>& __out, signed char __c)
     { return (__out << static_cast<char>(__c)); }
   template<class _Traits>
     inline basic_ostream<char, _Traits>&
     operator<<(basic_ostream<char, _Traits>& __out, unsigned char __c)
     { return (__out << static_cast<char>(__c)); }
    *  @brief  String inserters
    *  @param  __out  An output stream.
    *  @param  __s  A character string.
    *  @return  out
-   *  @pre  @a s must be a non-NULL pointer
+   *  @pre  @p __s must be a non-NULL pointer
    *  Behaves like one of the formatted arithmetic inserters described in
    *  std::basic_ostream.  After constructing a sentry object with good
    *  status, this function inserts @c traits::length(__s) characters starting
-   *  at @a __s, widened if necessary, followed by any required padding (as
+   *  at @p __s, widened if necessary, followed by any required padding (as
    *  determined by []).  @c __out.width(0) is then called.
   template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
     { return (__out << reinterpret_cast<const char*>(__s)); }
-  // [] standard basic_ostream manipulators
+  // Standard basic_ostream manipulators
    *  @brief  Write a newline and flush the stream.
    *  for more on this subject.
   template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
-    inline basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& 
+    inline basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>&
     endl(basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& __os)
     { return flush(__os.put(__os.widen('\n'))); }
    *  @brief  Write a null character into the output sequence.
-   *  <em>Null character</em> is @c CharT() by definition.  For CharT of @c char,
-   *  this correctly writes the ASCII @c NUL character string terminator.
+   *  <em>Null character</em> is @c CharT() by definition.  For CharT
+   *  of @c char, this correctly writes the ASCII @c NUL character
+   *  string terminator.
   template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
-    inline basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& 
+    inline basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>&
     ends(basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& __os)
     { return __os.put(_CharT()); }
    *  @brief  Flushes the output stream.
    *  This manipulator simply calls the stream's @c flush() member function.
   template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
-    inline basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& 
+    inline basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>&
     flush(basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& __os)
     { return __os.flush(); }
-  // [] Rvalue stream insertion
    *  @brief  Generic inserter for rvalue stream
    *  @param  __os  An input stream.
-} // namespace
+} // namespace std
 #include <bits/ostream.tcc>
diff --git a/libstdc++-v3/include/tr2/dynamic_bitset b/libstdc++-v3/include/tr2/dynamic_bitset
index b5c3bf3..4c06b84 100644
--- a/libstdc++-v3/include/tr2/dynamic_bitset
+++ b/libstdc++-v3/include/tr2/dynamic_bitset
@@ -738,10 +738,10 @@ public:
        *  @brief  Use a subset of a string.
-       *  @param  str  A string of '0' and '1' characters.
-       *  @param  pos  Index of the first character in @a s to use.
-       *  @param  n    The number of characters to copy.
-       *  @throw  std::out_of_range  If @a pos is bigger the size of @a s.
+       *  @param  __str  A string of '0' and '1' characters.
+       *  @param  __pos  Index of the first character in @p __str to use.
+       *  @param  __n    The number of characters to copy.
+       *  @throw  std::out_of_range  If @p __pos is bigger the size of @p __str.
        *  @throw  std::invalid_argument  If a character appears in the string
        *                                 which is neither '0' nor '1'.
@@ -770,7 +770,7 @@ public:
        *  @brief  Construct from a string.
-       *  @param  str  A string of '0' and '1' characters.
+       *  @param  __str  A string of '0' and '1' characters.
        *  @throw  std::invalid_argument  If a character appears in the string
        *                                 which is neither '0' nor '1'.
@@ -907,7 +907,7 @@ public:
        *  @brief  Operations on dynamic_bitsets.
-       *  @param  rhs  A same-sized dynamic_bitset.
+       *  @param  __rhs  A same-sized dynamic_bitset.
        *  These should be self-explanatory.
@@ -950,7 +950,7 @@ public:
        *  @brief  Operations on dynamic_bitsets.
-       *  @param  position  The number of places to shift.
+       *  @param  __pos The number of places to shift.
        *  These should be self-explanatory.
@@ -995,9 +995,9 @@ public:
        *  @brief Sets a given bit to a particular value.
-       *  @param  position  The index of the bit.
-       *  @param  val  Either true or false, defaults to true.
-       *  @throw  std::out_of_range  If @a pos is bigger the size of the %set.
+       *  @param  __pos  The index of the bit.
+       *  @param  __val  Either true or false, defaults to true.
+       *  @throw  std::out_of_range  If @a __pos is bigger the size of the %set.
       dynamic_bitset<_WordT, _Alloc>&
       set(size_type __pos, bool __val = true)
@@ -1019,10 +1019,10 @@ public:
        *  @brief Sets a given bit to false.
-       *  @param  position  The index of the bit.
-       *  @throw  std::out_of_range  If @a pos is bigger the size of the %set.
+       *  @param  __pos  The index of the bit.
+       *  @throw  std::out_of_range  If @a __pos is bigger the size of the %set.
-       *  Same as writing @c set(pos,false).
+       *  Same as writing @c set(__pos, false).
       dynamic_bitset<_WordT, _Alloc>&
       reset(size_type __pos)
@@ -1045,8 +1045,8 @@ public:
        *  @brief Toggles a given bit to its opposite value.
-       *  @param  position  The index of the bit.
-       *  @throw  std::out_of_range  If @a pos is bigger the size of the %set.
+       *  @param  __pos  The index of the bit.
+       *  @throw  std::out_of_range  If @a __pos is bigger the size of the %set.
       dynamic_bitset<_WordT, _Alloc>&
       flip(size_type __pos)
@@ -1064,7 +1064,7 @@ public:
        *  @brief  Array-indexing support.
-       *  @param  position  Index into the %dynamic_bitset.
+       *  @param  __pos  Index into the %dynamic_bitset.
        *  @return A bool for a 'const %dynamic_bitset'.  For non-const
        *           bitsets, an instance of the reference proxy class.
        *  @note These operators do no range checking and throw no
@@ -1167,9 +1167,9 @@ public:
        *  @brief Tests the value of a bit.
-       *  @param  position  The index of a bit.
-       *  @return  The value at @a pos.
-       *  @throw  std::out_of_range  If @a pos is bigger the size of the %set.
+       *  @param  __pos  The index of a bit.
+       *  @return  The value at @a __pos.
+       *  @throw  std::out_of_range  If @a __pos is bigger the size of the %set.
       test(size_type __pos) const
@@ -1226,7 +1226,7 @@ public:
        *  @brief  Finds the index of the next "on" bit after prev.
        *  @return  The index of the next bit set, or size() if not found.
-       *  @param  prev  Where to start searching.
+       *  @param  __prev  Where to start searching.
        *  @sa  find_first
@@ -1321,8 +1321,8 @@ public:
    *  @brief  Global bitwise operations on bitsets.
-   *  @param  x  A bitset.
-   *  @param  y  A bitset of the same size as @a x.
+   *  @param  __x  A bitset.
+   *  @param  __y  A bitset of the same size as @a __x.
    *  @return  A new bitset.
    *  These should be self-explanatory.
diff --git a/libstdc++-v3/scripts/run_doxygen b/libstdc++-v3/scripts/run_doxygen
index af2d0fc..45b3f4a 100644
--- a/libstdc++-v3/scripts/run_doxygen
+++ b/libstdc++-v3/scripts/run_doxygen
@@ -325,14 +325,6 @@ for f in *__profile_*; do
     newname=`echo $f | sed 's/__profile_/__profile::/'`
     mv $f $newname
-for f in *__atomic0_*; do
-    newname=`echo $f | sed 's/__atomic0_/__atomic0::/'`
-    mv $f $newname
-for f in *__atomic2_*; do
-    newname=`echo $f | sed 's/__atomic2_/__atomic2::/'`
-    mv $f $newname
 # Then, clean up other top-level namespaces.
 for f in std_tr1_*; do
@@ -373,11 +365,6 @@ for f in __cxxabiv1_*; do
 # Then piecemeal nested classes
-for f in *__future_base_*; do
-    newname=`echo $f | sed 's/__future_base_/__future_base::/'`
-    mv $f $newname
 # Generic removal bits, where there are things in the generated man
diff --git a/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/23_containers/list/requirements/dr438/ b/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/23_containers/list/requirements/dr438/
index 6349ea2..42f28db 100644
--- a/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/23_containers/list/requirements/dr438/
+++ b/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/23_containers/list/requirements/dr438/
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 // <>.
 // { dg-do compile }
-// { dg-error "no matching" "" { target *-*-* } 1551 }
+// { dg-error "no matching" "" { target *-*-* } 1552 }
 #include <list>
diff --git a/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/23_containers/list/requirements/dr438/ b/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/23_containers/list/requirements/dr438/
index 12f28ff..d4a4464 100644
--- a/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/23_containers/list/requirements/dr438/
+++ b/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/23_containers/list/requirements/dr438/
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 // <>.
 // { dg-do compile }
-// { dg-error "no matching" "" { target *-*-* } 1507 }
+// { dg-error "no matching" "" { target *-*-* } 1508 }
 #include <list>
diff --git a/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/23_containers/list/requirements/dr438/ b/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/23_containers/list/requirements/dr438/
index 0599334..fb32ee4 100644
--- a/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/23_containers/list/requirements/dr438/
+++ b/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/23_containers/list/requirements/dr438/
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 // <>.
 // { dg-do compile }
-// { dg-error "no matching" "" { target *-*-* } 1507 }
+// { dg-error "no matching" "" { target *-*-* } 1508 }
 #include <list>
 #include <utility>
diff --git a/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/23_containers/list/requirements/dr438/ b/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/23_containers/list/requirements/dr438/
index 22acf3a..d34be99 100644
--- a/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/23_containers/list/requirements/dr438/
+++ b/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/23_containers/list/requirements/dr438/
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 // <>.
 // { dg-do compile }
-// { dg-error "no matching" "" { target *-*-* } 1507 }
+// { dg-error "no matching" "" { target *-*-* } 1508 }
 #include <list>

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