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Re: Confirming a bug in new bugzilla?

Le 10. 04. 11 02:19, Joseph S. Myers a écrit :
> Likewise.  We don't use VERIFIED and CLOSED in GCC, proper text should 
> reflect the existence of only one closed state with a genuine meaning and 
> not mention the others (ideally they'd be completely hidden).

That's not true. VERIFIED and CLOSED are valid bug statuses used in the
GCC Bugzilla. There are 517 bugs with one of these statuses.

In reply to Gerald, Bugzilla 4.2 will contain a hook which will let us
easily customize the
page. For now, if changes are wanted on this page, a bug should be filed
in GCC Bugzilla (please CC me) and the template modified via a patch.
The patch will have to be backed out before we upgrade to 4.2.


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