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Re: [PATCH, PR 45934] Devirtualization aware of dynamic type changes

On Nov 24, 2010, at 3:09 AM, Richard Guenther wrote:
> Well.  I'm sort-of worried by the use of types and BINFOs by the
> devirtualization machinery in general.

It should be controlled and considered.  An architect should consider the best way of doing the optimization.  I think having the optimization seems reasonable.

> Also devirtualization happens in the middle-end and thus can't really
> assume it was C++ originally (ok, only ObjC seems to use OBJ_TYPE_REF
> and that in a weird way).

The shapes used by the devirtualization machinery needs to be documented in the middle end and needs to be appropriate given how C++ and Objective C use those shapes.  Neither C++ nor Objective C can then change to violate the requirements of the middle end and should C++ change to not follow the shapes as documented, the optimization would just stop applying.  In practice I don't see this as such a big deal.

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