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[patch i386 windows]: PR/45452 Adjust order of import libraries


This patch sorts the import libraries that way, that user32 and kern32 
imports are coming last. For more details see PR/45452. Reason for this 
change is, that on newer Windows OSes kerne32 exports some symbols which 
are in older versions just present in advapi32. This can causes startup 
issues, when kernel32 import-library is generated from exports of newer 
Windows API, as for older the imported symbol can be found their. This can 
be avoided by moving kernel32 (and user32) at the end of default imports.


2010-08-31  Kai Tietz

        PR/target 45452
        * config/i386/cygwin.h: Change order of specified import 
        * config/i386/mingw32.h: Likewise.
        * config/i386/t-cygwin: Likewise.
        * config/i386/t-mingw32: Likewise.
        * config/i386/t-mingw-w32: Likewise.
        * config/i386/t-mingw-w64: Likewise.

Tested for i686-w64-mingw32, x86_64-w64-mingw32, and i686-pc-cygwin. I'll 
apply this tomorrow, if there aren't any objections by Dave.


|  (\_/)  This is Bunny. Copy and paste Bunny
| (='.'=) into your signature to help him gain
| (")_(") world domination.

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