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Re: [wwwdocs] Some news into gcc-4.6

On Tue, 22 Jun 2010, Jan Hubicka wrote:
> +      <li>Interprocedural optimizations improvements</li>

I think that would be "optimimization improvements"?

> +	  <li>Interprocedural framework was re-tuned for link time
> +	      optimization.</li>

"The interprocedural..."

> +	      functions.  Newly; <code>noreturn</code> functions are auto-detected.

"Newly, ...."

> +	      <p><a href="";><code>-Wsuggest-attribute=[const|pure|noreturn]</code></a>

"The <a href=....

> +	      flag is available to make compiler to inform users when adding
> +	      attributes into headers might improve code generation.</p></li>

"available that informs users"
"into" -> "to"

> +	  <li>Inlining heuristics were improved:
> +	      <ul>
> +		 <li>A number of problems with large compilation units was fixed.</li>

How about "Scalability for large compilation units was improved 

> +		 <li>Virtual methods are inlined caller is inlined
> +		     and devirtualization is possible then.</li>

Something is missing/incorrect here?

> +      <li>Datastructures used by dataflow framework in GCC were reorganized

"by the dataflow"

> +	  Compile time of GCC C compiler binary with link time optimization
> +	  has reduced by over 10% (benchmarked on x86-64 target).</li>

"The compile time of the GCC C compiler binary with link-time...went
down by over 10%..."

Thanks for taking the time to document this, Honza.  Please go ahead
and commit a patch looking at the suggestions above, and I will then
have another look and make adjustments if I spot anything.


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