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Re: license & copyright patch to MELT for dual GPLv3+ & GFDL1.2+

On 09/06/2010 22:05, Joseph S. Myers wrote:
> On Wed, 9 Jun 2010, Mike Stump wrote:
>> On Jun 9, 2010, at 12:11 PM, Mark Mitchell wrote:
>>> The problem, fundamentally, is that when the FSF came up with a
>>> difference license for documentation, that license -- whatever its
>>> merits -- put "code" and "documentation" in two separate, unmixable,
>>> buckets.
>> Actually, why use GFDL for the reference documentation?  Can we just use 
>> GPLv3 for it, and then the output is just GPLv3?  This side steps the 
>> issue entirely.  We can publish and copy GPLv3 code and fragments.  We 
>> can modify and extend them.  Doing that, would mean no conflict.
>> If we do that, then I don't think the FSF enters into the picture?
> The FSF would need to approve converting the manuals to GPLv3.

  Has Basile's proposed auto-generated documentation actually already been
released as GFDL, or can he just license it as GPL3 from the start, and avoid
any issues of conversion?


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