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Re: Remove unit-at-a-time checks and flag_inline_trees

> Hi,
> this patch drops !flag_unit_at_a_time code from compiler along with flag_inline_trees flags.
> I decided to take away the second as the code handling both is bit mixed.  flag_inline_trees
> was never set to 0 in current compilers, it was either 1 or 2, when 2 implied setting
> DECL_INLINE on everything (i.e. -finline-functions), but DECL_INLINE is long ignored
> by inliner decisions as we inline functions called once and such.
> DECL_INLINE was in fact used by c-decl.c on second guessing if we will process function
> or we should output warning on missing return statement in non-void.  This check was wrong
> as with callgraph we always eliminated unused statics, so I've changed test to
> static functions and compensated testsuite (there was some missing positives on C++).

And forgot to mention, the patch also removes restriction that function
must be declared inlined before used in GNU dialect.  C99 never had this
restriction and it is pointless now.


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