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Re: Remove deprecated targets

On Wednesday 21 May 2008 05:17:13 pm Joseph S. Myers wrote:

> * Note for the fixincludes maintainer: I removed fixes that were
>   either restricted by target triplet to triplets being obsoleted, or
>   indicated by the comments only to be relevant on such systems; it's
>   likely many more fixes are only relevant to systems obsoleted now or
>   longer ago.  I could not however complete this by removing the
>   AAB_ultrix_string fix; if I did so, I got an error "autogen Error:
>   Unterminated HereString in inclhack.def on line 4148".  So this one
>   is, arbitrarily, left in there to avoid this error, although
>   conditioned to apply only to a system that is no longer supported.
> I'm running tests on i686-pc-linux-gnu.  OK to commit if those pass?

Hi Joseph,

OK by me.  After I pull your patch, I'll figure out what issue there is with
removing the ultrix string fix.  The "Unterminated HereString" message
is supposed to mean that no line starting with "_EXAMPLE_TOKEN_"
can be found after a construct like:

    some-name = <<_EXAMPLE_TOKEN_

It is too bad we don't have access to one copy of every "supported" machine.
Were we to have such, I'd fiddle the "check" code to register which fixes
actually fire and remove the ones that do not.  Nothing for it, I guess.

Thanks - Bruce

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