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[v3] libstdc++/34015

This removes the long line.

Instead, the warning line is reverted to something that makes sense as
a single string, instead of fancy ascii art. If people care about how
to fix this correctly (debatable), the replacements are still listed in
the comments. This seemed like an acceptable way around the link to

Only some of these backwards headers (hash_*, strstream) make sense to
warn about on a per-file basis. For the others, we have to resort to
other means, some of which are presently not working. For this reason, I
think it makes sense to have the full
list of replacement functions somewhere in backwards_warning.h, even if
it is not part of the diagnostic.

However, I intend to also add information about the compat bits to
the web docs here:

That patch is pending.

tested x86/linux


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