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Re: [Patch, fortran] PR33749 - Wrong evaluation of expressions in lhs of assignment statements

Tobias Burnus wrote:
Paul Richard Thomas wrote:
Bootstraps and regtests on x86_ia64 - OK for trunk?

Note: For the following, gfortran generates an unneeded temporary
variable; before it depended whether q was an integer 4 or 8 variable
and thus it is not really a newly missed optimization.

   integer(4) :: p(4) = (/2,4,1,3/)
   integer(8) :: q(4) = (/2,4,1,3/)
   p(q) = (/(i, i = 1, 4)/)

Filled as PR 33850.
Yes, I was aware of this problem but did not think that the effort of checking for the dependency between the lvalue 'p' and its vector subscript. I will look for an economical way of accomplishing this.



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