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Re: SSE5 patches round 3

On 9/10/07, Meissner, Michael <> wrote:
> I was just being conservative, since it would be possible to have the
> register being stored to in operands[0] be used as an index/base
> register in one of the memory operations.  If you load up op0 with the
> memory operand that doesn't use op0, you will get a segfault in the
> instruction when you use op0 as an index regiser.  Hence checking for
> reload_completed (reload won't use op0 due to the '&' constraint), or
> the register not being mentioned (which I would anticipate happening in
> just about every code, but without doing the tests, you can't verify
> it).

In post-reload case, you don't have to check registers with
"!reg_mentioned_p", bercause (quote from the documentation):

     Means (in a particular alternative) that this operand is an
     "earlyclobber" operand, which is modified before the instruction is
     finished using the input operands.  Therefore, this operand may
     not lie in a register that is used as an input operand or as part
     of any memory address.


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