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This patch provides a tgmath.h which works with GCC.

I've arranged the patch so that it provides this on all systems.  I
think this is best, because:
- on Linux, the tgmath.h in glibc is equivalent but larger;
- on Darwin, the compiler is expected to provide a tgmath.h, because
  the file is entirely compiler-specific, so using tgmath.h won't work
  on Darwin with FSF GCC unless one is provided; and
- on other OSs I expect that either there's no system tgmath.h or it's
  not suitable for GCC
- on OSs which don't provide the full set of C99 math functions,
  everything will can work will still work.

I'm running a bootstrap and a C testrun now; in Apple's tree this has
also been validated using Plum-Hall.

What do people think?  Should I try to suppress this on Linux?  I'll
wait a few days before committing for comments.

- Geoffrey Keating <>

===File ~/patches/gcc-tgmath.patch==========================
Index: ChangeLog
2007-07-11  Geoffrey Keating  <>

	* ginclude/tgmath.h: New.
	* (USER_H): Add tgmath.h.

Index: testsuite/ChangeLog
2007-07-11  Geoffrey Keating  <>

	* gcc.dg/c99-tgmath-1.c: New.
	* gcc.dg/c99-tgmath-2.c: New.
	* gcc.dg/c99-tgmath-3.c: New.
	* gcc.dg/c99-tgmath-4.c: New.

Index: ginclude/tgmath.h
--- ginclude/tgmath.h	(revision 0)
+++ ginclude/tgmath.h	(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   Contributed by Apple, Inc.
+This file is part of GCC.
+GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GCC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */
+/* As a special exception, if you include this header file into source
+   files compiled by GCC, this header file does not by itself cause
+   the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public
+   License.  This exception does not however invalidate any other
+   reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General
+   Public License.  */
+ * ISO C Standard:  7.22  Type-generic math <tgmath.h>
+ */
+#ifndef _TGMATH_H
+#define _TGMATH_H
+#include <math.h>
+#ifndef __cplusplus
+#include <complex.h>
+/* Naming convention: generic macros are defining using
+   means the generic argument(s) may be real or complex, _REAL means
+   real only, _CPLX means complex only.  If there is no suffix, we are
+   defining a function of one generic argument.  If the suffix is _n
+   it is a function of n generic arguments.  If the suffix is _m_n it
+   is a function of n arguments, the first m of which are generic.  We
+   only define these macros for values of n and/or m that are needed. */
+/* The general rules for generic macros are given in 7.22 paragraphs 1 and 2.
+   If any generic parameter is complex, we use a complex version.  Otherwise
+   we use a real version.  If the real part of any generic parameter is long
+   double, we use the long double version.  Otherwise if the real part of any
+   generic paramter is double or of integer type, we use the double version.
+   Otherwise we use the float version. */
+#define __tg_cplx(expr) \
+  __builtin_classify_type(expr) == 9
+#define __tg_ldbl(expr) \
+  __builtin_types_compatible_p(__typeof__(expr), long double)
+#define __tg_dbl(expr)                                       \
+  (__builtin_types_compatible_p(__typeof__(expr), double)    \
+   || __builtin_classify_type(expr) == 1)
+#define __tg_choose(x,f,d,l)                                  \
+  __builtin_choose_expr(__tg_ldbl(x), l,                      \
+                        __builtin_choose_expr(__tg_dbl(x), d, \
+                                              f))
+#define __tg_choose_2(x,y,f,d,l)                                             \
+  __builtin_choose_expr(__tg_ldbl(x) || __tg_ldbl(y), l,                     \
+                        __builtin_choose_expr(__tg_dbl(x) || __tg_dbl(y), d, \
+                                              f))
+#define __tg_choose_3(x,y,z,f,d,l)                                        \
+   __builtin_choose_expr(__tg_ldbl(x) || __tg_ldbl(y) || __tg_ldbl(z), l, \
+                        __builtin_choose_expr(__tg_dbl(x) || __tg_dbl(y)  \
+                                              || __tg_dbl(z), d,          \
+                                              f))
+#define __TGMATH_CPLX(z,R,C)                                                  \
+  __builtin_choose_expr (__tg_cplx(z),                                        \
+                         __tg_choose (__real__(z), C##f(z), (C)(z), C##l(z)), \
+                         __tg_choose (z, R##f(z), (R)(z), R##l(z)))
+#define __TGMATH_CPLX_2(z1,z2,R,C)                                             \
+  __builtin_choose_expr (__tg_cplx(z1) || __tg_cplx(z2),                       \
+                         __tg_choose_2 (__real__(z1), __real__(z2),            \
+                                        C##f(z1,z2), (C)(z1,z2), C##l(z1,z2)), \
+                         __tg_choose_2 (z1, z2,                                \
+                                        R##f(z1,z2), (R)(z1,z2), R##l(z1,z2)))
+#define __TGMATH_REAL(x,R) \
+  __tg_choose (x, R##f(x), (R)(x), R##l(x))
+#define __TGMATH_REAL_2(x,y,R) \
+  __tg_choose_2 (x, y, R##f(x,y), (R)(x,y), R##l(x,y))
+#define __TGMATH_REAL_3(x,y,z,R) \
+  __tg_choose_3 (x, y, z, R##f(x,y,z), (R)(x,y,z), R##l(x,y,z))
+#define __TGMATH_REAL_1_2(x,y,R) \
+  __tg_choose (x, R##f(x,y), (R)(x,y), R##l(x,y))
+#define __TGMATH_REAL_2_3(x,y,z,R) \
+  __tg_choose_2 (x, y, R##f(x,y,z), (R)(x,y,z), R##l(x,y,z))
+#define __TGMATH_CPLX_ONLY(z,C) \
+  __tg_choose (__real__(z), C##f(z), (C)(z), C##l(z))
+/* Functions defined in both <math.h> and <complex.h> (7.22p4) */
+#define acos(z)          __TGMATH_CPLX(z, acos, cacos)
+#define asin(z)          __TGMATH_CPLX(z, asin, casin)
+#define atan(z)          __TGMATH_CPLX(z, atan, catan)
+#define acosh(z)         __TGMATH_CPLX(z, acosh, cacosh)
+#define asinh(z)         __TGMATH_CPLX(z, asinh, casinh)
+#define atanh(z)         __TGMATH_CPLX(z, atanh, catanh)
+#define cos(z)           __TGMATH_CPLX(z, cos, ccos)
+#define sin(z)           __TGMATH_CPLX(z, sin, csin)
+#define tan(z)           __TGMATH_CPLX(z, tan, ctan)
+#define cosh(z)          __TGMATH_CPLX(z, cosh, ccosh)
+#define sinh(z)          __TGMATH_CPLX(z, sinh, csinh)
+#define tanh(z)          __TGMATH_CPLX(z, tanh, ctanh)
+#define exp(z)           __TGMATH_CPLX(z, exp, cexp)
+#define log(z)           __TGMATH_CPLX(z, log, clog)
+#define pow(z1,z2)       __TGMATH_CPLX_2(z1, z2, pow, cpow)
+#define sqrt(z)          __TGMATH_CPLX(z, sqrt, csqrt)
+#define fabs(z)          __TGMATH_CPLX(z, fabs, cabs)
+/* Functions defined in <math.h> only (7.22p5) */
+#define atan2(x,y)       __TGMATH_REAL_2(x, y, atan2)
+#define cbrt(x)          __TGMATH_REAL(x, cbrt)
+#define ceil(x)          __TGMATH_REAL(x, ceil)
+#define copysign(x,y)    __TGMATH_REAL_2(x, y, copysign)
+#define erf(x)           __TGMATH_REAL(x, erf)
+#define erfc(x)          __TGMATH_REAL(x, erfc)
+#define exp2(x)          __TGMATH_REAL(x, exp2)
+#define expm1(x)         __TGMATH_REAL(x, expm1)
+#define fdim(x,y)        __TGMATH_REAL_2(x, y, fdim)
+#define floor(x)         __TGMATH_REAL(x, floor)
+#define fma(x,y,z)       __TGMATH_REAL_3(x, y, z, fma)
+#define fmax(x,y)        __TGMATH_REAL_2(x, y, fmax)
+#define fmin(x,y)        __TGMATH_REAL_2(x, y, fmin)
+#define fmod(x,y)        __TGMATH_REAL_2(x, y, fmod)
+#define frexp(x,y)       __TGMATH_REAL_1_2(x, y, frexp)
+#define hypot(x,y)       __TGMATH_REAL_2(x, y, hypot)
+#define ilogb(x)         __TGMATH_REAL(x, ilogb)
+#define ldexp(x,y)       __TGMATH_REAL_1_2(x, y, ldexp)
+#define lgamma(x)        __TGMATH_REAL(x, lgamma)
+#define llrint(x)        __TGMATH_REAL(x, llrint)
+#define llround(x)       __TGMATH_REAL(x, llround)
+#define log10(x)         __TGMATH_REAL(x, log10)
+#define log1p(x)         __TGMATH_REAL(x, log1p)
+#define log2(x)          __TGMATH_REAL(x, log2)
+#define logb(x)          __TGMATH_REAL(x, logb)
+#define lrint(x)         __TGMATH_REAL(x, lrint)
+#define lround(x)        __TGMATH_REAL(x, lround)
+#define nearbyint(x)     __TGMATH_REAL(x, nearbyint)
+#define nextafter(x,y)   __TGMATH_REAL_2(x, y, nextafter)
+#define nexttoward(x,y)  __TGMATH_REAL_1_2(x, y, nexttoward)
+#define remainder(x,y)   __TGMATH_REAL_2(x, y, remainder)
+#define remquo(x,y,z)    __TGMATH_REAL_2_3(x, y, z, remquo)
+#define rint(x)          __TGMATH_REAL(x, rint)
+#define round(x)         __TGMATH_REAL(x, round)
+#define scalbn(x,y)      __TGMATH_REAL_1_2(x, y, scalbn)
+#define scalbln(x,y)     __TGMATH_REAL_1_2(x, y, scalbln)
+#define tgamma(x)        __TGMATH_REAL(x, tgamma)
+#define trunc(x)         __TGMATH_REAL(x, trunc)
+/* Functions defined in <complex.h> only (7.22p6) */
+#define carg(z)          __TGMATH_CPLX_ONLY(z, carg)
+#define cimag(z)         __TGMATH_CPLX_ONLY(z, cimag)
+#define conj(z)          __TGMATH_CPLX_ONLY(z, conj)
+#define cproj(z)         __TGMATH_CPLX_ONLY(z, cproj)
+#define creal(z)         __TGMATH_CPLX_ONLY(z, creal)
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+#endif /* _TGMATH_H */
Index: testsuite/gcc.dg/c99-tgmath-1.c
--- testsuite/gcc.dg/c99-tgmath-1.c	(revision 0)
+++ testsuite/gcc.dg/c99-tgmath-1.c	(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+/* Test for <tgmath.h> in C99. */
+/* Origin: Matt Austern <>
+/* { dg-do preprocess } */
+/* { dg-options "-std=iso9899:1999" } */
+/* Test that tgmath defines the macros it's supposed to. */
+#include <tgmath.h>
+#ifndef acos
+#error acos undefined
+#ifndef asin
+#error asin undefined
+#ifndef atan
+#error atan undefined
+#ifndef acosh
+#error acosh undefined
+#ifndef asinh
+#error asinh undefined
+#ifndef atanh
+#error atanh undefined
+#ifndef cos
+#error cos undefined
+#ifndef sin
+#error sin undefined
+#ifndef tan
+#error tan undefined
+#ifndef cosh
+#error cosh undefined
+#ifndef sinh
+#error sinh undefined
+#ifndef tanh
+#error tanh undefined
+#ifndef exp
+#error exp undefined
+#ifndef log
+#error log undefined
+#ifndef pow
+#error pow undefined
+#ifndef sqrt
+#error sqrt undefined
+#ifndef fabs
+#error fabs undefined
+#ifndef atan2
+#error atan2 undefined
+#ifndef cbrt
+#error cbrt undefined
+#ifndef ceil
+#error ceil undefined
+#ifndef copysign
+#error copysign undefined
+#ifndef erf
+#error erf undefined
+#ifndef erfc
+#error erfc undefined
+#ifndef exp2
+#error exp2 undefined
+#ifndef expm1
+#error expm1 undefined
+#ifndef fdim
+#error fdim undefined
+#ifndef floor
+#error floor undefined
+#ifndef fma
+#error fma undefined
+#ifndef fmax
+#error fmax undefined
+#ifndef fmin
+#error fmin undefined
+#ifndef fmod
+#error fmod undefined
+#ifndef frexp
+#error frexp undefined
+#ifndef hypot
+#error hypot undefined
+#ifndef ilogb
+#error ilogb undefined
+#ifndef ldexp
+#error ldexp undefined
+#ifndef lgamma
+#error lgamma undefined
+#ifndef llrint
+#error llrint undefined
+#ifndef llround
+#error llround undefined
+#ifndef log10
+#error log10 undefined
+#ifndef log1p
+#error log1p undefined
+#ifndef log2
+#error log2 undefined
+#ifndef logb
+#error logb undefined
+#ifndef lrint
+#error lrint undefined
+#ifndef lround
+#error lround undefined
+#ifndef nearbyint
+#error nearbyint undefined
+#ifndef nextafter
+#error nextafter undefined
+#ifndef nexttoward
+#error nexttoward undefined
+#ifndef remainder
+#error remainder undefined
+#ifndef remquo
+#error remquo undefined
+#ifndef rint
+#error rint undefined
+#ifndef round
+#error round undefined
+#ifndef scalbn
+#error scalbn undefined
+#ifndef scalbln
+#error scalbln undefined
+#ifndef tgamma
+#error tgamma undefined
+#ifndef trunc
+#error trunc undefined
+#ifndef carg
+#error carg undefined
+#ifndef cimag
+#error cimag undefined
+#ifndef conj
+#error conj undefined
+#ifndef cproj
+#error cproj undefined
+#ifndef creal
+#error creal undefined
Index: testsuite/gcc.dg/c99-tgmath-3.c
--- testsuite/gcc.dg/c99-tgmath-3.c	(revision 0)
+++ testsuite/gcc.dg/c99-tgmath-3.c	(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+/* Test for <tgmath.h> in C99. */
+/* Origin: Matt Austern <>
+/* { dg-do compile } */
+/* { dg-options "-std=iso9899:1999" } */
+/* Test that invoking type-generic exp on a complex invokes cexp. */
+#include <tgmath.h>
+complex double foo(complex double x)
+  return exp(x);
+/* {dg-final {scan-assembler "cexp" } } */
Index: testsuite/gcc.dg/c99-tgmath-2.c
--- testsuite/gcc.dg/c99-tgmath-2.c	(revision 0)
+++ testsuite/gcc.dg/c99-tgmath-2.c	(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+/* Test for <tgmath.h> in C99. */
+/* Origin: Matt Austern <>
+/* { dg-do compile } */
+/* { dg-options "-std=iso9899:1999" } */
+/* Test that invoking type-generic sin on a float invokes sinf. */
+#include <tgmath.h>
+float foo(float x)
+  return sin(x);
+/* {dg-final {scan-assembler "sinf" } } */
Index: testsuite/gcc.dg/c99-tgmath-4.c
--- testsuite/gcc.dg/c99-tgmath-4.c	(revision 0)
+++ testsuite/gcc.dg/c99-tgmath-4.c	(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+/* Test for <tgmath.h> in C99. */
+/* Origin: Matt Austern <>
+/* { dg-do compile } */
+/* { dg-options "-std=iso9899:1999" } */
+/* Test that invoking type-generic pow on complex float invokes cpowf. */
+#include <tgmath.h>
+complex double foo(complex float x, float y)
+  return pow(x, y);
+/* {dg-final {scan-assembler "cpowf" } } */
---	(revision 126566)
+++	(working copy)
@@ -302,6 +302,7 @@
 	 $(srcdir)/ginclude/stdarg.h \
 	 $(srcdir)/ginclude/stdbool.h \
 	 $(srcdir)/ginclude/stddef.h \
+	 $(srcdir)/ginclude/tgmath.h \
 	 $(srcdir)/ginclude/varargs.h \

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