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Re: tests for compiler (non-)limits

On 24/04/2007, at 10:32 AM, Mike Stump wrote:

On Apr 23, 2007, at 8:02 PM, Geoffrey Keating wrote:
* 63 significant initial characters in an internal identifier or a
 macro name: limits-idinternal.c (1,000,000)

* 31 significant initial characters in an external identifier:
 limits-idexternal.c (10,000)

This is way too small. We blew past 20-30k well more than a decade ago. When I was testing this back then, I was testing out 1,000,000 to be sure there weren't any limits left and ensure enough headroom for the next decade of development. I'd bump to at least 1,000,000.

I agree 10,000 is too small, so I bumped to 100,000; it didn't make the test significantly slower.

Other than that, looks reasonable.

Tested by running 'make check-gcc' for just these files.

I'd be interested in the time it takes to test...

I decided I should find out. The results are very interesting. None of these tests takes longer than 10 seconds of real time at -O0; the expensive ones are:

- parentheses in a declaration, limits-declparen
- pointer nesting, limits-pointer
- structure nesting, limits-structnest
- string literal, limits-stringlit

These are about 9 seconds, and all the rest are less than 3 seconds. The last one is a little slow because of I/O time (and I don't want to make it smaller because I think it's perfectly reasonable to have a 1Mb string); the other three are computation. gcc-4.0 as shipped on Darwin takes less than two seconds on all of these testcases at -O0 except limits-stringlit.c.

But, that's not where the time goes in this set of tests on trunk at the moment. At -O3, most of the testcases are the same speed or faster, but three test cases take a long time:

- function arguments, limits-fnargs.c, 23 seconds
- block nesting, limits-blocks.c, 87 seconds
- structure nesting, limits-structnest.c, 31 seconds

The last one is especially weird because there is no code at all in that testcase, it just declares a variable named 'x'. By comparison, the times with the shipping gcc-4.0 on Darwin (with -O3) are:

limits-fnargs.c: 17 seconds (about the same since this is with disable- checking)
limits-blocks.c: 11 seconds (8 times faster)
limits-structnest.c: 0.7 seconds (45 times faster)

I think some of this is a very recent regression, since when I timed it two weeks ago it took only about 211 seconds (as measured by dejagnu) to run all these tests with torturing, and now it's taking much longer.

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