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Re: Minimize <iosfwd>

Excellent. Benjamin, I just went through the headers including <iosfwd> and I'm pretty sure that removing from the latter <bits/c++locale.h> is ok, basically because <bits/localefwd.h> takes care of including it anyway. Very worst case, one/two headers may require adjustements. That's very nice, because <bits/c++locale.h> alone is about two thirds of <iosfwd>.

Yes, this is very cool I agree. Thanks for checking it in detail.

Remains to be checked <bits/functexcept.h>, which is small anyway, and finally the most delicate part, <bits/postypes.h>, but we could also proceed incrementally, or better said, DEcrementally ;)

For postypes.h/fposfwd.h bits that use mbstate_t, I was thinking of moving all the bits around like so:


Has include of cwchar if mbstate_t exists, else has the definition in cwchar.h. Ie, move that logic out to this file.


Has the __need_mbstate_t define and the include of cwchar, appropriate typedefs to std::mbstate_t

Of course, fposfwd.h includes bits/mbstate_t.h

Config-side, it will work much like CLOCALE_H in GLIBCXX_ENABLE_CLOCALE from acinclude.m4, with the resulting symlink to the correct mbstate_t.h being generated in include/ as part of the host_headers rule. (ie, like os_defines.h)

I hope this is clear enough. If not, as Paolo said, this could certainly be done incrementally where all but the #if glibc part of fposfwd.h is checked in from your orig patch, and #include cwchar is used for the time being.


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