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Re: [PATCH] Tree SRA and atomicity/volatility

On 1/12/07, Richard Guenther <> wrote:
On 1/12/07, Eric Botcazou <> wrote:
> [Sorry for the delay, pretty hot week]
> > On a second thought this cannot be true.  If you have "all the magic
> > to support atomicity" and generate "the full-word access on" your own --
> > why do you expose the individual fields to the middle-end at all??
> Well, the type has fields and you can access these fields individually in the
> source so they must be present in the IL to generate debug info for them.
> > I claim you _cannot_ generate full-word access this way (unless
> > using memcpy, but even that is nowadays lowered).
> Do not underestimate the cleverness of Gigi. :-)

I don't see anything "clever" in

Q ()
  typedef q__byte q__byte;
  typedef struct q__word q__word;
  struct q__word T1b = {.first=0, .second=0, .third=0, .fourth=0};
  struct q__word tmp;
  struct q__word external = VIEW_CONVERT_EXPR<struct q__word>(SAVE_EXPR <T1b>);

  tmp = VIEW_CONVERT_EXPR<struct q__word>(external);
  tmp.first = 0;
  external = VIEW_CONVERT_EXPR<struct q__word>(tmp);

for this testcase (t02.original dump, gcc 4.1.2) .  Now if I change the
testcase to something I requested (direct write to a component), I get

Q ()
  typedef q__byte q__byte;
  typedef struct q__word q__word;
  struct q__word T1b = {.first=0, .second=0, .third=0, .fourth=0};
  struct q__word external = VIEW_CONVERT_EXPR<struct q__word>(SAVE_EXPR <T1b>);

  VIEW_CONVERT_EXPR<struct q__word>(external).first = 0;

and after gimplification we can see all it broken already (that is, you
exposed the component write to the middle-end - no cleverness
prevented this):

Q ()
  struct q__word T1b.0;
  typedef q__byte q__byte;
  typedef struct q__word q__word;
  struct q__word T1b;
  struct q__word external;

  T1b.first = 0;
  T1b.second = 0;
  T1b.third = 0;
  T1b.fourth = 0;
  T1b.0 = T1b;
  external = T1b.0;
  external.first = 0;

The testcase now looks like:

procedure Q is

   type Byte is mod 2**8;
   for Byte'Size use 8;

   type Word is
         First, Second, Third, Fourth : Byte;
      end record;

   External : Word := (others => 0);
   pragma Atomic (External);

   External.First := 0;

Oh, and of course wrong (?) assembly is created for this:

       pushl   %ebp
       movl    %esp, %ebp
       subl    $16, %esp
       movl    $0, -4(%ebp)
       movb    $0, -4(%ebp)


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