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Another glibc fixincl-hack

glibc has this in bits/string2.h.  The issue with it is that
there are platforms where sizeof(int) != sizeof(size_t).
The easiest solution is:

  s/ calloc (1, 1)/ calloc ((size_t)1, (size_t)1)/

I will supply a patch shortly, unless someone takes issue.

Thanks - Bruce

/* We need the memory allocation functions for inline strdup().
   Referring to stdlib.h (even minimally) is not allowed
   in any of the tight standards compliant modes.  */
#ifdef __USE_MISC

# if !defined _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_strdup || !defined _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_strndup
#  define __need_malloc_and_calloc
#  include <stdlib.h>
# endif

# ifndef _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_strdup

extern char *__strdup (__const char *__string) __THROW __attribute_malloc__;
#  define __strdup(s) \
  (__extension__ (__builtin_constant_p (s) && __string2_1bptr_p (s)   
          ? (((__const char *) (s))[0] == '\0'                  \
             ? (char *) calloc (1, 1)                      \
             : ({ size_t __len = strlen (s) + 1;              \
              char *__retval = (char *) malloc (__len);          \
              if (__retval != NULL)                      \
                __retval = (char *) memcpy (__retval, s, __len);  \
              __retval; }))                          \
          : __strdup (s)))

#  if defined __USE_SVID || defined __USE_BSD || defined
#   define strdup(s) __strdup (s)
#  endif
# endif

# ifndef _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_strndup

extern char *__strndup (__const char *__string, size_t __n)
     __THROW __attribute_malloc__;
#  define __strndup(s, n) \
  (__extension__ (__builtin_constant_p (s) && __string2_1bptr_p (s)   
          ? (((__const char *) (s))[0] == '\0'                  \
             ? (char *) calloc (1, 1)                      \
             : ({ size_t __len = strlen (s) + 1;              \
              size_t __n = (n);                      \
              char *__retval;                      \
              if (__n < __len)                      \
                __len = __n + 1;                      \
              __retval = (char *) malloc (__len);              \
              if (__retval != NULL)                      \
                {                              \
                  __retval[__len - 1] = '\0';              \
                  __retval = (char *) memcpy (__retval, s,          \
                              __len - 1);          \
                }                              \
              __retval; }))                          \
          : __strndup (s, n)))

#  ifdef __USE_GNU
#   define strndup(s, n) __strndup (s, n)
#  endif
# endif

#endif /* Use misc. or use GNU.  */

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