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Re: PATCH (trunk rev.119231): ability to disable an option at configure time

On Mon, Nov 27, 2006 at 12:36:35AM +0100, Basile STARYNKEVITCH wrote:
> but I would still prefer that the awk scripts generated something like
>   #if defined(ENABLE_FOO) && ENABLE_FOO
>   int flag_foo;
>   #endif 
> in the generated options.h - the advantage is to catch some errors
> (like the use of flag_foo in a context where --disable-foo has been
> configured) at compile time; it is ok to me to leave the foo option
> elsewhere (ie in options.c and the help)).

I think you've missed my point.  If an option really needs to be
disabled at build time - I think this is a very bad idea in most cases
but there might be a valid case - then the flag variable should exist
as normal but the feature be forced to off after options processing,
so that we can inform the user.

Daniel Jacobowitz

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