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Re: [patch,fortran] Support type real for count_rate in system_clock (PR28484)


Brooks Moses wrote:
> Steve Kargl wrote:
>> On Sat, Oct 28, 2006 at 12:38:42AM +0200, Tobias Burnus wrote:
>> You'll need to implement the real(10), real(16), and integer(16)
>> versions.  If gfortran (on some target) provides any or all of
>> these types, then we need intrinsic procedures.
> Indeed.  To clarify that, the Fortran Standard says that the
> intrinsics can be called with any real or integer kind, and so not
> supplying all intrinsics for all supported kinds would mean that the
> compiler isn't standard-conforming.

Should one also implement
   system_clock(int4, int8, int16)
that is: Mixing all different integer kinds for system_clock? Currently,
the integer have to be all of the same kind.
Doing so gives then in total 3*3*3 = 27 integer and 4*3*3 = 36
real/integer combinations, i.e. 63 combinations!


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