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Fix -fsection-anchors on Darwin

This is a refinement of Geoff's change to not generate zero byte objects to instead not generate zero byte global objects, as that is I believe the motivation behind the original change. This works as the anchors are only used for non-TREE_PUBLIC things right now. If they ever try and play with public things, well, let's just say that a linker that can re-order based upon global symbols isn't going to be kinda to such code-gen.

Geoff, know of any reason why this would be bad? This would be:

b: .word 0

instead of:

a: .space 1
b: .word 0

I'll be running this through the testsuite and checking it in if testing goes well and nobody can point out any downsides to doing this.

Attachment: zerobytecomm-2.diffs.txt
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