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[v3] tr1/c_compatibility: more cmath, ctgmath, ...


tested x86-linux, committed to mainline.


2006-03-10  Paolo Carlini  <>

	* include/tr1/cmath: Add atan2 and pow bits; add using declarations.	
	* include/tr1/math.h: Add using declarations.
	* include/tr1/complex: Add using declarations.
	* testsuite/tr1/8_c_compatibility/cmath/ Fully
	qualify calls.
	* testsuite/tr1/8_c_compatibility/cmath/ Likewise;
	add atan2 and pow bits.
	* testsuite/tr1/8_c_compatibility/complex/ Likewise.
	* testsuite/tr1/8_c_compatibility/complex/ Likewise;
	adjust polar bits.

	* acinclude.m4 ([GLIBCXX_CHECK_C99_TR1]): Add checks for double_t
	and float_t typedefs.
	* include/tr1/cmath: Add double_t and float_t.
	* testsuite/tr1/8_c_compatibility/cmath/ New.

	* include/tr1/ctgmath: New.
	* include/tr1/tgmath.h: Likewise.
	* include/ Add.
	* testsuite/tr1/ Update.

	* include/ Regenerate.
	* configure: Likewise.

	* docs/html/ext/tr1.html: Update.
Index: include/tr1/ctgmath
--- include/tr1/ctgmath	(revision 0)
+++ include/tr1/ctgmath	(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// TR1 ctgmath -*- C++ -*-
+// Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library.  This library is free
+// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+// Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+// any later version.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+// with this library; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+// Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
+// USA.
+// As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software
+// library without restriction.  Specifically, if other files instantiate
+// templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile
+// this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this
+// file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by
+// the GNU General Public License.  This exception does not however
+// invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
+// the GNU General Public License.
+/** @file 
+ *  This is a TR1 C++ Library header. 
+ */
+#ifndef _TR1_CTGMATH
+#define _TR1_CTGMATH 1
+#include <tr1/cmath>
Index: include/tr1/math.h
--- include/tr1/math.h	(revision 111841)
+++ include/tr1/math.h	(working copy)
@@ -36,4 +36,64 @@
 #include <tr1/cmath>
+using std::tr1::acos;
+using std::tr1::acosh;
+using std::tr1::asin;
+using std::tr1::asinh;
+using std::tr1::atan;
+using std::tr1::atan2;
+using std::tr1::atanh;
+using std::tr1::cbrt;
+using std::tr1::ceil;
+using std::tr1::copysign;
+using std::tr1::cos;
+using std::tr1::cosh;
+using std::tr1::erf;
+using std::tr1::erfc;
+using std::tr1::exp;
+using std::tr1::exp2;
+using std::tr1::expm1;
+using std::tr1::fabs;
+using std::tr1::fdim;
+using std::tr1::floor;
+using std::tr1::fma;
+using std::tr1::fmax;
+using std::tr1::fmin;
+using std::tr1::fmod;
+using std::tr1::frexp;
+using std::tr1::hypot;
+using std::tr1::ilogb;
+using std::tr1::ldexp;
+using std::tr1::lgamma;
+using std::tr1::llrint;
+using std::tr1::llround;
+using std::tr1::log;
+using std::tr1::log10;
+using std::tr1::log1p;
+using std::tr1::log2;
+using std::tr1::logb;
+using std::tr1::lrint;
+using std::tr1::lround;
+using std::tr1::nearbyint;
+using std::tr1::nextafter;
+using std::tr1::nexttoward;
+using std::tr1::pow;
+using std::tr1::remainder;
+using std::tr1::remquo;
+using std::tr1::rint;
+using std::tr1::round;
+using std::tr1::scalbln;
+using std::tr1::scalbn;
+using std::tr1::sin;
+using std::tr1::sinh;
+using std::tr1::sqrt;
+using std::tr1::tan;
+using std::tr1::tanh;
+using std::tr1::tgamma;
+using std::tr1::trunc;
Index: include/tr1/cmath
--- include/tr1/cmath	(revision 111841)
+++ include/tr1/cmath	(working copy)
@@ -146,11 +146,35 @@
 #undef truncf
 #undef truncl
+// Workaround for c++/21682.
+namespace __gnu_internal
+  template<typename _Tp, typename _Up>
+    inline typename
+    std::__enable_if<typename std::tr1::__promote_2<_Tp, _Up>::__type,
+		     (std::__is_floating<_Tp>::__value
+		      || std::__is_floating<_Up>::__value)>::__type
+    atan2(_Tp __y, _Up __x)
+    {
+      typedef typename std::tr1::__promote_2<_Tp, _Up>::__type __type;
+      return std::atan2(__type(__y), __type(__x));
+    }
 // namespace std::tr1
 namespace std
+  // types
+  using ::double_t;
+  using ::float_t;
+  // functions
   using ::acosh;
   using ::acoshf;
   using ::acoshl;
@@ -291,18 +315,13 @@
   using ::truncf;
   using ::truncl;
-// namespace std::tr1
-namespace std
+  /// @brief Function template definitions [8.16.3].
+  //
   using std::signbit;
   using std::fpclassify;
@@ -325,6 +344,8 @@
   /// @brief Additional overloads [8.16.4].
+  using std::acos;
   inline float
   acosh(float __x)
   { return __builtin_acoshf(__x); }
@@ -341,6 +362,8 @@
       return acosh(__type(__x));
+  using std::asin;
   inline float
   asinh(float __x)
   { return __builtin_asinhf(__x); }
@@ -357,6 +380,12 @@
       return asinh(__type(__x));
+  using std::atan;
+  using std::atan2;
+  // Workaround for c++/21682.
+  using __gnu_internal::atan2;
   inline float
   atanh(float __x)
   { return __builtin_atanhf(__x); }
@@ -389,6 +418,8 @@
       return cbrt(__type(__x));
+  using std::ceil;
   inline float
   copysign(float __x, float __y)
   { return __builtin_copysignf(__x, __y); }
@@ -405,6 +436,9 @@
       return copysign(__type(__x), __type(__y));
+  using std::cos;
+  using std::cosh;  
   inline float
   erf(float __x)
   { return __builtin_erff(__x); }
@@ -437,6 +471,8 @@
       return erfc(__type(__x));
+  using std::exp;
   inline float
   exp2(float __x)
   { return __builtin_exp2f(__x); }
@@ -469,6 +505,8 @@
       return expm1(__type(__x));
+  using std::fabs;
   inline float
   fdim(float __x, float __y)
   { return __builtin_fdimf(__x, __y); }
@@ -485,6 +523,8 @@
       return fdim(__type(__x), __type(__y));
+  using std::floor;
   inline float
   fma(float __x, float __y, float __z)
   { return __builtin_fmaf(__x, __y, __z); }
@@ -533,6 +573,9 @@
       return fmin(__type(__x), __type(__y));
+  using std::fmod;
+  using std::frexp;
   inline float
   hypot(float __x, float __y)
   { return __builtin_hypotf(__x, __y); }
@@ -565,6 +608,8 @@
       return ilogb(__type(__x));
+  using std::ldexp;
   inline float
   lgamma(float __x)
   { return __builtin_lgammaf(__x); }
@@ -613,6 +658,9 @@
       return llround(__type(__x));
+  using std::log;
+  using std::log10;
   inline float
   log1p(float __x)
   { return __builtin_log1pf(__x); }
@@ -629,6 +677,7 @@
       return log1p(__type(__x));
+  // DR 568.
   inline float
   log2(float __x)
   { return __builtin_log2f(__x); }
@@ -741,6 +790,17 @@
       return nexttoward(__type(__x), __y);
+  using std::pow;
+  // DR 550.
+  template<typename _Tp, typename _Up>
+    inline typename __promote_2<_Tp, _Up>::__type
+    pow(_Tp __x, _Up __y)
+    {
+      typedef typename __promote_2<_Tp, _Up>::__type __type;
+      return pow(__type(__x), __type(__y));
+    }
   inline float
   remainder(float __x, float __y)
   { return __builtin_remainderf(__x, __y); }
@@ -837,6 +897,12 @@
       return scalbn(__type(__x), __ex);
+  using std::sin;
+  using std::sinh;
+  using std::sqrt;
+  using std::tan;
+  using std::tanh;
   inline float
   tgamma(float __x)
   { return __builtin_tgammaf(__x); }
Index: include/tr1/complex
--- include/tr1/complex	(revision 111847)
+++ include/tr1/complex	(working copy)
@@ -325,6 +325,8 @@
+  using std::arg;
   template<typename _Tp>
     inline typename __promote<_Tp>::__type
     arg(_Tp __x)
@@ -333,16 +335,22 @@
       return std::arg(std::complex<__type>(__x));
+  using std::conj;
   template<typename _Tp>
     inline std::complex<typename __promote<_Tp>::__type>
     conj(_Tp __x)
     { return __x; }
+  using std::imag;
   template<typename _Tp>
     inline typename __promote<_Tp>::__type
     { return _Tp(); }
+  using std::norm;
   template<typename _Tp>
     inline typename __promote<_Tp>::__type
     norm(_Tp __x)
@@ -351,6 +359,8 @@
       return __type(__x) * __type(__x);
+  using std::polar;
   template<typename _Tp, typename _Up>
     inline std::complex<typename __promote_2<_Tp, _Up>::__type>
     polar(const _Tp& __rho, const _Up& __theta)
@@ -359,6 +369,8 @@
       return std::polar(__type(__rho), __type(__theta));
+  using std::pow;
   template<typename _Tp, typename _Up>
     inline std::complex<typename __promote_2<_Tp, _Up>::__type>
     pow(const std::complex<_Tp>& __x, const _Up& __y)
@@ -384,6 +396,8 @@
+  using std::real;
   template<typename _Tp>
     inline typename __promote<_Tp>::__type
     real(_Tp __x)
Index: include/tr1/tgmath.h
--- include/tr1/tgmath.h	(revision 0)
+++ include/tr1/tgmath.h	(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// TR1 tgmath.h -*- C++ -*-
+// Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library.  This library is free
+// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+// Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+// any later version.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+// with this library; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+// Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
+// USA.
+// As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software
+// library without restriction.  Specifically, if other files instantiate
+// templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile
+// this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this
+// file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by
+// the GNU General Public License.  This exception does not however
+// invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
+// the GNU General Public License.
+/** @file 
+ *  This is a TR1 C++ Library header. 
+ */
+#ifndef _TR1_TGMATH_H
+#define _TR1_TGMATH_H 1
+#include <tr1/ctgmath>
Index: include/
--- include/	(revision 111841)
+++ include/	(working copy)
@@ -497,6 +497,7 @@
 	${tr1_srcdir}/cstdint \
 	${tr1_srcdir}/cstdio \
 	${tr1_srcdir}/cstdlib \
+	${tr1_srcdir}/ctgmath \
 	${tr1_srcdir}/ctime \
 	${tr1_srcdir}/ctype.h \
 	${tr1_srcdir}/cwchar \
@@ -519,6 +520,7 @@
 	${tr1_srcdir}/stdint.h \
 	${tr1_srcdir}/stdio.h \
 	${tr1_srcdir}/stdlib.h \
+	${tr1_srcdir}/tgmath.h \
 	${tr1_srcdir}/tuple \
 	${tr1_srcdir}/tuple_iterate.h \
 	${tr1_srcdir}/type_traits \
Index: docs/html/ext/tr1.html
--- docs/html/ext/tr1.html	(revision 111841)
+++ docs/html/ext/tr1.html	(working copy)
@@ -1790,7 +1790,7 @@
-      <td></td>
+      <td>DR 551</td>
@@ -1798,7 +1798,7 @@
-      <td></td>
+      <td>DR 551</td>
@@ -1918,7 +1918,7 @@
-      <td>abs, div: issue with _Longlong</td>
+      <td>DR 557</td>
@@ -1963,9 +1963,9 @@
       <td>Additions to header <code>&lt;cmath&gt;</code></td>
+      <td>done</td>
-      <td>missing</td>
@@ -1995,17 +1995,17 @@
       <td>Additional overloads</td>
+      <td>done</td>
-      <td>missing</td>
-      <td></td>
+      <td>DR 568; DR 550</td>
       <td>Additions to header <code>&lt;math.h&gt;</code></td>
+      <td>done</td>
-      <td>missing</td>
@@ -2163,18 +2163,18 @@
       <td>Header <code>&lt;ctgmath&gt;</code></td>
+      <td>done</td>
-      <td>missing</td>
-      <td></td>
+      <td>DR 551</td>
       <td>Header <code>&lt;tgmath.h&gt;</code></td>
+      <td>done</td>
-      <td>missing</td>
-      <td></td>
+      <td>DR 551</td>
@@ -2307,7 +2307,7 @@
 <table width="100%" border="0">
-    <!-- IGNORE DIFF -->Last modified 2006-02-26
+    <!-- IGNORE DIFF -->Last modified 2006-03-10
   <td align="right" valign="bottom">
     <a href="";>
Index: testsuite/tr1/
--- testsuite/tr1/	(revision 111841)
+++ testsuite/tr1/	(working copy)
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
 #include <tr1/cstdint>
 #include <tr1/cstdio>
 #include <tr1/cstdlib>
+#include <tr1/ctgmath>
 #include <tr1/ctime>
 #include <tr1/ctype.h>
 #include <tr1/cwchar>
@@ -49,6 +50,7 @@
 #include <tr1/stdint.h>
 #include <tr1/stdio.h>
 #include <tr1/stdlib.h>
+#include <tr1/tgmath.h>
 #include <tr1/tuple>
 #include <tr1/type_traits>
 #include <tr1/unordered_set>
Index: testsuite/tr1/8_c_compatibility/complex/
--- testsuite/tr1/8_c_compatibility/complex/	(revision 111841)
+++ testsuite/tr1/8_c_compatibility/complex/	(working copy)
@@ -23,13 +23,11 @@
 // 8.1 Additions to header <complex>
 #include <tr1/complex>
-#include <testsuite_hooks.h>
 #include <testsuite_tr1.h>
 void test01()
-  using namespace std::tr1;
-  using namespace __gnu_test;
+  using __gnu_test::check_ret_type;
   typedef std::complex<float>       cmplx_f_type;
   typedef std::complex<double>      cmplx_d_type;
@@ -43,63 +41,63 @@
   const cmplx_d_type  c_d1(d1, d1);
   const cmplx_ld_type c_ld1(ld1, ld1);
-  check_ret_type<float>(arg(f1));
-  check_ret_type<double>(arg(d1));
-  check_ret_type<long double>(arg(ld1));
+  check_ret_type<float>(std::tr1::arg(f1));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::arg(d1));
+  check_ret_type<long double>(std::tr1::arg(ld1));
-  check_ret_type<cmplx_f_type>(conj(f1));
-  check_ret_type<cmplx_d_type>(conj(d1));
-  check_ret_type<cmplx_ld_type>(conj(ld1));
+  check_ret_type<cmplx_f_type>(std::tr1::conj(f1));
+  check_ret_type<cmplx_d_type>(std::tr1::conj(d1));
+  check_ret_type<cmplx_ld_type>(std::tr1::conj(ld1));
-  check_ret_type<float>(imag(f1));
-  check_ret_type<double>(imag(d1));
-  check_ret_type<long double>(imag(ld1));
+  check_ret_type<float>(std::tr1::imag(f1));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::imag(d1));
+  check_ret_type<long double>(std::tr1::imag(ld1));
-  check_ret_type<float>(norm(f1));
-  check_ret_type<double>(norm(d1));
-  check_ret_type<long double>(norm(ld1));
+  check_ret_type<float>(std::tr1::norm(f1));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::norm(d1));
+  check_ret_type<long double>(std::tr1::norm(ld1));
-  check_ret_type<cmplx_f_type>(polar(f1, f1));
-  check_ret_type<cmplx_d_type>(polar(d1, f1));
-  check_ret_type<cmplx_d_type>(polar(f1, d1));
-  check_ret_type<cmplx_d_type>(polar(d1, d1));
-  check_ret_type<cmplx_ld_type>(polar(ld1, d1));
-  check_ret_type<cmplx_ld_type>(polar(d1, ld1));
-  check_ret_type<cmplx_ld_type>(polar(ld1, f1));
-  check_ret_type<cmplx_ld_type>(polar(f1, ld1));
-  check_ret_type<cmplx_ld_type>(polar(ld1, ld1));
+  check_ret_type<cmplx_f_type>(std::tr1::polar(f1, f1));
+  check_ret_type<cmplx_d_type>(std::tr1::polar(d1, f1));
+  check_ret_type<cmplx_d_type>(std::tr1::polar(f1, d1));
+  check_ret_type<cmplx_d_type>(std::tr1::polar(d1, d1));
+  check_ret_type<cmplx_ld_type>(std::tr1::polar(ld1, d1));
+  check_ret_type<cmplx_ld_type>(std::tr1::polar(d1, ld1));
+  check_ret_type<cmplx_ld_type>(std::tr1::polar(ld1, f1));
+  check_ret_type<cmplx_ld_type>(std::tr1::polar(f1, ld1));
+  check_ret_type<cmplx_ld_type>(std::tr1::polar(ld1, ld1));
-  check_ret_type<cmplx_f_type>(pow(c_f1, f1));
-  check_ret_type<cmplx_d_type>(pow(c_d1, f1));
-  check_ret_type<cmplx_d_type>(pow(c_f1, d1));
-  check_ret_type<cmplx_d_type>(pow(c_d1, d1));
-  check_ret_type<cmplx_ld_type>(pow(c_ld1, d1));
-  check_ret_type<cmplx_ld_type>(pow(c_d1, ld1));
-  check_ret_type<cmplx_ld_type>(pow(c_ld1, f1));
-  check_ret_type<cmplx_ld_type>(pow(c_f1, ld1));
-  check_ret_type<cmplx_ld_type>(pow(c_ld1, ld1));
+  check_ret_type<cmplx_f_type>(std::tr1::pow(c_f1, f1));
+  check_ret_type<cmplx_d_type>(std::tr1::pow(c_d1, f1));
+  check_ret_type<cmplx_d_type>(std::tr1::pow(c_f1, d1));
+  check_ret_type<cmplx_d_type>(std::tr1::pow(c_d1, d1));
+  check_ret_type<cmplx_ld_type>(std::tr1::pow(c_ld1, d1));
+  check_ret_type<cmplx_ld_type>(std::tr1::pow(c_d1, ld1));
+  check_ret_type<cmplx_ld_type>(std::tr1::pow(c_ld1, f1));
+  check_ret_type<cmplx_ld_type>(std::tr1::pow(c_f1, ld1));
+  check_ret_type<cmplx_ld_type>(std::tr1::pow(c_ld1, ld1));
-  check_ret_type<cmplx_f_type>(pow(f1, c_f1));
-  check_ret_type<cmplx_d_type>(pow(d1, c_f1));
-  check_ret_type<cmplx_d_type>(pow(f1, c_d1));
-  check_ret_type<cmplx_d_type>(pow(d1, c_d1));
-  check_ret_type<cmplx_ld_type>(pow(ld1, c_d1));
-  check_ret_type<cmplx_ld_type>(pow(d1, c_ld1));
-  check_ret_type<cmplx_ld_type>(pow(ld1, c_f1));
-  check_ret_type<cmplx_ld_type>(pow(f1, c_ld1));
-  check_ret_type<cmplx_ld_type>(pow(ld1, c_ld1));
+  check_ret_type<cmplx_f_type>(std::tr1::pow(f1, c_f1));
+  check_ret_type<cmplx_d_type>(std::tr1::pow(d1, c_f1));
+  check_ret_type<cmplx_d_type>(std::tr1::pow(f1, c_d1));
+  check_ret_type<cmplx_d_type>(std::tr1::pow(d1, c_d1));
+  check_ret_type<cmplx_ld_type>(std::tr1::pow(ld1, c_d1));
+  check_ret_type<cmplx_ld_type>(std::tr1::pow(d1, c_ld1));
+  check_ret_type<cmplx_ld_type>(std::tr1::pow(ld1, c_f1));
+  check_ret_type<cmplx_ld_type>(std::tr1::pow(f1, c_ld1));
+  check_ret_type<cmplx_ld_type>(std::tr1::pow(ld1, c_ld1));
-  check_ret_type<cmplx_f_type>(pow(c_f1, c_f1));
-  check_ret_type<cmplx_d_type>(pow(c_d1, c_f1));
-  check_ret_type<cmplx_d_type>(pow(c_f1, c_d1));
-  check_ret_type<cmplx_d_type>(pow(c_d1, c_d1));
-  check_ret_type<cmplx_ld_type>(pow(c_ld1, c_d1));
-  check_ret_type<cmplx_ld_type>(pow(c_d1, c_ld1));
-  check_ret_type<cmplx_ld_type>(pow(c_ld1, c_f1));
-  check_ret_type<cmplx_ld_type>(pow(c_f1, c_ld1));
-  check_ret_type<cmplx_ld_type>(pow(c_ld1, c_ld1));
+  check_ret_type<cmplx_f_type>(std::tr1::pow(c_f1, c_f1));
+  check_ret_type<cmplx_d_type>(std::tr1::pow(c_d1, c_f1));
+  check_ret_type<cmplx_d_type>(std::tr1::pow(c_f1, c_d1));
+  check_ret_type<cmplx_d_type>(std::tr1::pow(c_d1, c_d1));
+  check_ret_type<cmplx_ld_type>(std::tr1::pow(c_ld1, c_d1));
+  check_ret_type<cmplx_ld_type>(std::tr1::pow(c_d1, c_ld1));
+  check_ret_type<cmplx_ld_type>(std::tr1::pow(c_ld1, c_f1));
+  check_ret_type<cmplx_ld_type>(std::tr1::pow(c_f1, c_ld1));
+  check_ret_type<cmplx_ld_type>(std::tr1::pow(c_ld1, c_ld1));
-  check_ret_type<float>(real(f1));
-  check_ret_type<double>(real(d1));
-  check_ret_type<long double>(real(ld1));
+  check_ret_type<float>(std::tr1::real(f1));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::real(d1));
+  check_ret_type<long double>(std::tr1::real(ld1));
Index: testsuite/tr1/8_c_compatibility/complex/
--- testsuite/tr1/8_c_compatibility/complex/	(revision 111841)
+++ testsuite/tr1/8_c_compatibility/complex/	(working copy)
@@ -27,8 +27,7 @@
 void test01()
   bool test __attribute__((unused)) = true;
-  using namespace std::tr1;
-  using namespace __gnu_test;
+  using __gnu_test::check_ret_type;
   typedef std::complex<float>  cmplx_f_type;
   typedef std::complex<double> cmplx_d_type;
@@ -39,57 +38,63 @@
   const double    f1 = 1.0f;
   const double    d1 = 1.0;
-  check_ret_type<double>(arg(i1));
-  VERIFY( arg(i1) == arg(double(i1)) );
-  VERIFY( arg(i1) == arg(cmplx_d_type(double(i1))) );
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::arg(i1));
+  VERIFY( std::tr1::arg(i1) == std::tr1::arg(double(i1)) );
+  VERIFY( std::tr1::arg(i1) == std::tr1::arg(cmplx_d_type(double(i1))) );
-  check_ret_type<cmplx_d_type>(conj(i1));
-  VERIFY( conj(i1) == conj(double(i1)) );
-  VERIFY( conj(i1) == conj(cmplx_d_type(double(i1))) );
+  check_ret_type<cmplx_d_type>(std::tr1::conj(i1));
+  VERIFY( std::tr1::conj(i1) == std::tr1::conj(double(i1)) );
+  VERIFY( std::tr1::conj(i1) == std::tr1::conj(cmplx_d_type(double(i1))) );
-  check_ret_type<double>(imag(i1));
-  VERIFY( imag(i1) == imag(double(i1)) );
-  VERIFY( imag(i1) == imag(cmplx_d_type(double(i1))) );
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::imag(i1));
+  VERIFY( std::tr1::imag(i1) == std::tr1::imag(double(i1)) );
+  VERIFY( std::tr1::imag(i1) == std::tr1::imag(cmplx_d_type(double(i1))) );
-  check_ret_type<double>(norm(i1));
-  VERIFY( norm(i1) == norm(double(i1)) );
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::norm(i1));
+  VERIFY( std::tr1::norm(i1) == std::tr1::norm(double(i1)) );
   // std::norm<const complex<>&) is mathematically equivalent to just
   // this for a real, but the general algorithm goes through std::abs
   // and a multiplication.
-  VERIFY( norm(i1) == double(i1) * double(i1) );
+  VERIFY( std::tr1::norm(i1) == double(i1) * double(i1) );
-  check_ret_type<cmplx_d_type>(polar(i1, i1));
-  VERIFY( polar(i1, i1) == polar(double(i1), double(i1)) );
+  // NB: The existing std::polar wins and a cmplx_i_type is returned.
+  // check_ret_type<cmplx_d_type>(std::tr1::polar(i1, i1));
+  // VERIFY( std::tr1::polar(i1, i1)
+  //         == std::tr1::polar(double(i1), double(i1)) );
+  typedef std::complex<int> cmplx_i_type;
+  check_ret_type<cmplx_i_type>(std::tr1::polar(i1, i1));
   // NB: According to the letter of 8.1.9/3 the return type should be a
   // cmplx_d_type, but the existing std::pow(const complex<>&, int) wins.
-  check_ret_type<cmplx_f_type>(pow(cmplx_f_type(f1, f1), i1));
+  // check_ret_type<cmplx_d_type>(std::tr1::pow(cmplx_f_type(f1, f1), i1));
+  check_ret_type<cmplx_f_type>(std::tr1::pow(cmplx_f_type(f1, f1), i1));
-  check_ret_type<cmplx_d_type>(pow(cmplx_f_type(f1, f1), u1));
-  check_ret_type<cmplx_d_type>(pow(cmplx_f_type(f1, f1), l1));
-  check_ret_type<cmplx_d_type>(pow(cmplx_d_type(d1, d1), i1));
+  check_ret_type<cmplx_d_type>(std::tr1::pow(cmplx_f_type(f1, f1), u1));
+  check_ret_type<cmplx_d_type>(std::tr1::pow(cmplx_f_type(f1, f1), l1));
+  check_ret_type<cmplx_d_type>(std::tr1::pow(cmplx_d_type(d1, d1), i1));
   // See last comment.
-  // VERIFY( pow(cmplx_d_type(d1, d1), i1)
-  //         == pow(cmplx_d_type(d1, d1), double(i1)) );
-  VERIFY( pow(cmplx_d_type(d1, d1), u1)
-	  == pow(cmplx_d_type(d1, d1), double(u1)) );
-  VERIFY( pow(cmplx_d_type(d1, d1), l1)
-	  == pow(cmplx_d_type(d1, d1), double(l1)) );
+  // VERIFY( std::tr1::pow(cmplx_d_type(d1, d1), i1)
+  //         == std::tr1::pow(cmplx_d_type(d1, d1), double(i1)) );
+  VERIFY( std::tr1::pow(cmplx_d_type(d1, d1), u1)
+	  == std::tr1::pow(cmplx_d_type(d1, d1), double(u1)) );
+  VERIFY( std::tr1::pow(cmplx_d_type(d1, d1), l1)
+	  == std::tr1::pow(cmplx_d_type(d1, d1), double(l1)) );
-  check_ret_type<cmplx_d_type>(pow(i1, cmplx_f_type(f1, f1)));
-  check_ret_type<cmplx_d_type>(pow(u1, cmplx_f_type(f1, f1)));
-  check_ret_type<cmplx_d_type>(pow(l1, cmplx_f_type(f1, f1)));
-  check_ret_type<cmplx_d_type>(pow(i1, cmplx_d_type(d1, d1)));
-  VERIFY( pow(i1, cmplx_d_type(d1, d1))
-	  == pow(double(i1), cmplx_d_type(d1, d1)) );
-  VERIFY( pow(u1, cmplx_d_type(d1, d1))
-	  == pow(double(u1), cmplx_d_type(d1, d1)) );
-  VERIFY( pow(l1, cmplx_d_type(d1, d1))
-	  == pow(double(l1), cmplx_d_type(d1, d1)) );
+  check_ret_type<cmplx_d_type>(std::tr1::pow(i1, cmplx_f_type(f1, f1)));
+  check_ret_type<cmplx_d_type>(std::tr1::pow(u1, cmplx_f_type(f1, f1)));
+  check_ret_type<cmplx_d_type>(std::tr1::pow(l1, cmplx_f_type(f1, f1)));
+  check_ret_type<cmplx_d_type>(std::tr1::pow(i1, cmplx_d_type(d1, d1)));
+  VERIFY( std::tr1::pow(i1, cmplx_d_type(d1, d1))
+	  == std::tr1::pow(double(i1), cmplx_d_type(d1, d1)) );
+  VERIFY( std::tr1::pow(u1, cmplx_d_type(d1, d1))
+	  == std::tr1::pow(double(u1), cmplx_d_type(d1, d1)) );
+  VERIFY( std::tr1::pow(l1, cmplx_d_type(d1, d1))
+	  == std::tr1::pow(double(l1), cmplx_d_type(d1, d1)) );
-  check_ret_type<double>(real(i1));
-  VERIFY( real(i1) == real(double(i1)) );
-  VERIFY( real(i1) == real(cmplx_d_type(double(i1))) );
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::real(i1));
+  VERIFY( std::tr1::real(i1) == std::tr1::real(double(i1)) );
+  VERIFY( std::tr1::real(i1) == std::tr1::real(cmplx_d_type(double(i1))) );
 int main()
Index: testsuite/tr1/8_c_compatibility/cmath/
--- testsuite/tr1/8_c_compatibility/cmath/	(revision 111841)
+++ testsuite/tr1/8_c_compatibility/cmath/	(working copy)
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@
-  using namespace std::tr1;
   using namespace __gnu_test;
   double d0 = 0.0;
@@ -40,202 +39,222 @@
   long lex = 0l;
   int ex = 0;
-  check_ret_type<double>(acosh(d0));
-  check_ret_type<float>(acosh(f0));
-  check_ret_type<long double>(acosh(ld0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(acosh(i0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::atan2(d0, d0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::atan2(d0, f0));
+  check_ret_type<float>(std::tr1::atan2(f0, f0));
+  check_ret_type<long double>(std::tr1::atan2(ld0, ld0));
+  check_ret_type<long double>(std::tr1::atan2(ld0, d0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::atan2(i0, i0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::atan2(d0, i0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(asinh(d0));
-  check_ret_type<float>(asinh(f0));
-  check_ret_type<long double>(asinh(ld0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(asinh(i0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::acosh(d0));
+  check_ret_type<float>(std::tr1::acosh(f0));
+  check_ret_type<long double>(std::tr1::acosh(ld0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::acosh(i0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(atanh(d0));
-  check_ret_type<float>(atanh(f0));
-  check_ret_type<long double>(atanh(ld0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(atanh(i0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::asinh(d0));
+  check_ret_type<float>(std::tr1::asinh(f0));
+  check_ret_type<long double>(std::tr1::asinh(ld0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::asinh(i0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(cbrt(d0));
-  check_ret_type<float>(cbrt(f0));
-  check_ret_type<long double>(cbrt(ld0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(cbrt(i0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::atanh(d0));
+  check_ret_type<float>(std::tr1::atanh(f0));
+  check_ret_type<long double>(std::tr1::atanh(ld0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::atanh(i0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(copysign(d0, d0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(copysign(d0, f0));
-  check_ret_type<float>(copysign(f0, f0));
-  check_ret_type<long double>(copysign(ld0, ld0));
-  check_ret_type<long double>(copysign(ld0, d0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(copysign(i0, i0));  
-  check_ret_type<double>(copysign(d0, i0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::cbrt(d0));
+  check_ret_type<float>(std::tr1::cbrt(f0));
+  check_ret_type<long double>(std::tr1::cbrt(ld0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::cbrt(i0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(erf(d0));
-  check_ret_type<float>(erf(f0));
-  check_ret_type<long double>(erf(ld0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(erf(i0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::copysign(d0, d0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::copysign(d0, f0));
+  check_ret_type<float>(std::tr1::copysign(f0, f0));
+  check_ret_type<long double>(std::tr1::copysign(ld0, ld0));
+  check_ret_type<long double>(std::tr1::copysign(ld0, d0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::copysign(i0, i0));  
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::copysign(d0, i0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(erfc(d0));
-  check_ret_type<float>(erfc(f0));
-  check_ret_type<long double>(erfc(ld0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(erfc(i0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::erf(d0));
+  check_ret_type<float>(std::tr1::erf(f0));
+  check_ret_type<long double>(std::tr1::erf(ld0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::erf(i0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(exp2(d0));
-  check_ret_type<float>(exp2(f0));
-  check_ret_type<long double>(exp2(ld0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(exp2(i0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::erfc(d0));
+  check_ret_type<float>(std::tr1::erfc(f0));
+  check_ret_type<long double>(std::tr1::erfc(ld0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::erfc(i0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(expm1(d0));
-  check_ret_type<float>(expm1(f0));
-  check_ret_type<long double>(expm1(ld0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(expm1(i0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::exp2(d0));
+  check_ret_type<float>(std::tr1::exp2(f0));
+  check_ret_type<long double>(std::tr1::exp2(ld0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::exp2(i0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(fdim(d0, d0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(fdim(d0, f0));
-  check_ret_type<float>(fdim(f0, f0));
-  check_ret_type<long double>(fdim(ld0, ld0));
-  check_ret_type<long double>(fdim(ld0, d0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(fdim(i0, i0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(fdim(d0, i0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::expm1(d0));
+  check_ret_type<float>(std::tr1::expm1(f0));
+  check_ret_type<long double>(std::tr1::expm1(ld0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::expm1(i0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(fma(d0, d0, d0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(fma(d0, f0, d0));
-  check_ret_type<float>(fma(f0, f0, f0));
-  check_ret_type<long double>(fma(ld0, ld0, ld0));
-  check_ret_type<long double>(fma(ld0, d0, f0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(fma(i0, i0, i0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(fma(d0, i0, f0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::fdim(d0, d0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::fdim(d0, f0));
+  check_ret_type<float>(std::tr1::fdim(f0, f0));
+  check_ret_type<long double>(std::tr1::fdim(ld0, ld0));
+  check_ret_type<long double>(std::tr1::fdim(ld0, d0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::fdim(i0, i0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::fdim(d0, i0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(fmax(d0, d0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(fmax(d0, f0));
-  check_ret_type<float>(fmax(f0, f0));
-  check_ret_type<long double>(fmax(ld0, ld0));
-  check_ret_type<long double>(fmax(ld0, d0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(fmax(i0, i0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(fmax(d0, i0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::fma(d0, d0, d0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::fma(d0, f0, d0));
+  check_ret_type<float>(std::tr1::fma(f0, f0, f0));
+  check_ret_type<long double>(std::tr1::fma(ld0, ld0, ld0));
+  check_ret_type<long double>(std::tr1::fma(ld0, d0, f0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::fma(i0, i0, i0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::fma(d0, i0, f0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(fmin(d0, d0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(fmin(d0, f0));
-  check_ret_type<float>(fmin(f0, f0));
-  check_ret_type<long double>(fmin(ld0, ld0));
-  check_ret_type<long double>(fmin(ld0, d0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(fmin(i0, i0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(fmin(d0, i0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::fmax(d0, d0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::fmax(d0, f0));
+  check_ret_type<float>(std::tr1::fmax(f0, f0));
+  check_ret_type<long double>(std::tr1::fmax(ld0, ld0));
+  check_ret_type<long double>(std::tr1::fmax(ld0, d0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::fmax(i0, i0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::fmax(d0, i0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(hypot(d0, d0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(hypot(d0, f0));
-  check_ret_type<float>(hypot(f0, f0));
-  check_ret_type<long double>(hypot(ld0, ld0));
-  check_ret_type<long double>(hypot(ld0, d0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(hypot(i0, i0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(hypot(d0, i0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::fmin(d0, d0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::fmin(d0, f0));
+  check_ret_type<float>(std::tr1::fmin(f0, f0));
+  check_ret_type<long double>(std::tr1::fmin(ld0, ld0));
+  check_ret_type<long double>(std::tr1::fmin(ld0, d0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::fmin(i0, i0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::fmin(d0, i0));
-  check_ret_type<int>(ilogb(d0));
-  check_ret_type<int>(ilogb(f0));
-  check_ret_type<int>(ilogb(ld0));
-  check_ret_type<int>(ilogb(i0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::hypot(d0, d0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::hypot(d0, f0));
+  check_ret_type<float>(std::tr1::hypot(f0, f0));
+  check_ret_type<long double>(std::tr1::hypot(ld0, ld0));
+  check_ret_type<long double>(std::tr1::hypot(ld0, d0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::hypot(i0, i0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::hypot(d0, i0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(lgamma(d0));
-  check_ret_type<float>(lgamma(f0));
-  check_ret_type<long double>(lgamma(ld0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(lgamma(i0));
+  check_ret_type<int>(std::tr1::ilogb(d0));
+  check_ret_type<int>(std::tr1::ilogb(f0));
+  check_ret_type<int>(std::tr1::ilogb(ld0));
+  check_ret_type<int>(std::tr1::ilogb(i0));
-  check_ret_type<long long>(llrint(d0));
-  check_ret_type<long long>(llrint(f0));
-  check_ret_type<long long>(llrint(ld0));
-  check_ret_type<long long>(llrint(i0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::lgamma(d0));
+  check_ret_type<float>(std::tr1::lgamma(f0));
+  check_ret_type<long double>(std::tr1::lgamma(ld0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::lgamma(i0));
-  check_ret_type<long long>(llround(d0));
-  check_ret_type<long long>(llround(f0));
-  check_ret_type<long long>(llround(ld0));
-  check_ret_type<long long>(llround(i0));
+  check_ret_type<long long>(std::tr1::llrint(d0));
+  check_ret_type<long long>(std::tr1::llrint(f0));
+  check_ret_type<long long>(std::tr1::llrint(ld0));
+  check_ret_type<long long>(std::tr1::llrint(i0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(log1p(d0));
-  check_ret_type<float>(log1p(f0));
-  check_ret_type<long double>(log1p(ld0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(log1p(i0));
+  check_ret_type<long long>(std::tr1::llround(d0));
+  check_ret_type<long long>(std::tr1::llround(f0));
+  check_ret_type<long long>(std::tr1::llround(ld0));
+  check_ret_type<long long>(std::tr1::llround(i0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(log2(d0));
-  check_ret_type<float>(log2(f0));
-  check_ret_type<long double>(log2(ld0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(log2(i0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::log1p(d0));
+  check_ret_type<float>(std::tr1::log1p(f0));
+  check_ret_type<long double>(std::tr1::log1p(ld0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::log1p(i0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(logb(d0));
-  check_ret_type<float>(logb(f0));
-  check_ret_type<long double>(logb(ld0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(logb(i0));
+  // DR 568.
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::log2(d0));
+  check_ret_type<float>(std::tr1::log2(f0));
+  check_ret_type<long double>(std::tr1::log2(ld0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::log2(i0));
-  check_ret_type<long>(lrint(d0));
-  check_ret_type<long>(lrint(f0));
-  check_ret_type<long>(lrint(ld0));
-  check_ret_type<long>(lrint(i0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::logb(d0));
+  check_ret_type<float>(std::tr1::logb(f0));
+  check_ret_type<long double>(std::tr1::logb(ld0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::logb(i0));
-  check_ret_type<long>(lround(d0));
-  check_ret_type<long>(lround(f0));
-  check_ret_type<long>(lround(ld0));
-  check_ret_type<long>(lround(i0));
+  check_ret_type<long>(std::tr1::lrint(d0));
+  check_ret_type<long>(std::tr1::lrint(f0));
+  check_ret_type<long>(std::tr1::lrint(ld0));
+  check_ret_type<long>(std::tr1::lrint(i0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(nearbyint(d0));
-  check_ret_type<float>(nearbyint(f0));
-  check_ret_type<long double>(nearbyint(ld0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(nearbyint(i0));
+  check_ret_type<long>(std::tr1::lround(d0));
+  check_ret_type<long>(std::tr1::lround(f0));
+  check_ret_type<long>(std::tr1::lround(ld0));
+  check_ret_type<long>(std::tr1::lround(i0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(nextafter(d0, d0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(nextafter(d0, f0));
-  check_ret_type<float>(nextafter(f0, f0));
-  check_ret_type<long double>(nextafter(ld0, ld0));
-  check_ret_type<long double>(nextafter(ld0, d0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(nextafter(i0, i0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(nextafter(d0, i0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::nearbyint(d0));
+  check_ret_type<float>(std::tr1::nearbyint(f0));
+  check_ret_type<long double>(std::tr1::nearbyint(ld0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::nearbyint(i0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(nexttoward(d0, ld0));
-  check_ret_type<float>(nexttoward(f0, ld0));
-  check_ret_type<long double>(nexttoward(ld0, ld0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(nexttoward(i0, ld0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::nextafter(d0, d0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::nextafter(d0, f0));
+  check_ret_type<float>(std::tr1::nextafter(f0, f0));
+  check_ret_type<long double>(std::tr1::nextafter(ld0, ld0));
+  check_ret_type<long double>(std::tr1::nextafter(ld0, d0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::nextafter(i0, i0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::nextafter(d0, i0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(remainder(d0, d0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(remainder(d0, f0));
-  check_ret_type<float>(remainder(f0, f0));
-  check_ret_type<long double>(remainder(ld0, ld0));
-  check_ret_type<long double>(remainder(ld0, d0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(remainder(i0, i0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(remainder(d0, i0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::nexttoward(d0, ld0));
+  check_ret_type<float>(std::tr1::nexttoward(f0, ld0));
+  check_ret_type<long double>(std::tr1::nexttoward(ld0, ld0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::nexttoward(i0, ld0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(remquo(d0, d0, pquo));
-  check_ret_type<double>(remquo(d0, f0, pquo));
-  check_ret_type<float>(remquo(f0, f0, pquo));
-  check_ret_type<long double>(remquo(ld0, ld0, pquo));
-  check_ret_type<long double>(remquo(ld0, d0, pquo));
-  check_ret_type<double>(remquo(i0, i0, pquo));
-  check_ret_type<double>(remquo(d0, i0, pquo));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::pow(d0, d0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::pow(d0, f0));
+  check_ret_type<float>(std::tr1::pow(f0, f0));
+  check_ret_type<long double>(std::tr1::pow(ld0, ld0));
+  check_ret_type<long double>(std::tr1::pow(ld0, d0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::pow(i0, i0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::pow(d0, i0));
+  // DR 550.
+  // check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::pow(f0, i0));
+  check_ret_type<float>(std::tr1::pow(f0, i0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(rint(d0));
-  check_ret_type<float>(rint(f0));
-  check_ret_type<long double>(rint(ld0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(rint(i0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::remainder(d0, d0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::remainder(d0, f0));
+  check_ret_type<float>(std::tr1::remainder(f0, f0));
+  check_ret_type<long double>(std::tr1::remainder(ld0, ld0));
+  check_ret_type<long double>(std::tr1::remainder(ld0, d0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::remainder(i0, i0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::remainder(d0, i0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(round(d0));
-  check_ret_type<float>(round(f0));
-  check_ret_type<long double>(round(ld0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(round(i0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::remquo(d0, d0, pquo));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::remquo(d0, f0, pquo));
+  check_ret_type<float>(std::tr1::remquo(f0, f0, pquo));
+  check_ret_type<long double>(std::tr1::remquo(ld0, ld0, pquo));
+  check_ret_type<long double>(std::tr1::remquo(ld0, d0, pquo));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::remquo(i0, i0, pquo));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::remquo(d0, i0, pquo));
-  check_ret_type<double>(scalbln(d0, lex));
-  check_ret_type<float>(scalbln(f0, lex));
-  check_ret_type<long double>(scalbln(ld0, lex));
-  check_ret_type<double>(scalbln(i0, lex));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::rint(d0));
+  check_ret_type<float>(std::tr1::rint(f0));
+  check_ret_type<long double>(std::tr1::rint(ld0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::rint(i0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(scalbn(d0, ex));
-  check_ret_type<float>(scalbn(f0, ex));
-  check_ret_type<long double>(scalbn(ld0, ex));
-  check_ret_type<double>(scalbn(i0, ex));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::round(d0));
+  check_ret_type<float>(std::tr1::round(f0));
+  check_ret_type<long double>(std::tr1::round(ld0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::round(i0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(tgamma(d0));
-  check_ret_type<float>(tgamma(f0));
-  check_ret_type<long double>(tgamma(ld0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(tgamma(i0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::scalbln(d0, lex));
+  check_ret_type<float>(std::tr1::scalbln(f0, lex));
+  check_ret_type<long double>(std::tr1::scalbln(ld0, lex));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::scalbln(i0, lex));
-  check_ret_type<double>(trunc(d0));
-  check_ret_type<float>(trunc(f0));
-  check_ret_type<long double>(trunc(ld0));
-  check_ret_type<double>(trunc(i0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::scalbn(d0, ex));
+  check_ret_type<float>(std::tr1::scalbn(f0, ex));
+  check_ret_type<long double>(std::tr1::scalbn(ld0, ex));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::scalbn(i0, ex));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::tgamma(d0));
+  check_ret_type<float>(std::tr1::tgamma(f0));
+  check_ret_type<long double>(std::tr1::tgamma(ld0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::tgamma(i0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::trunc(d0));
+  check_ret_type<float>(std::tr1::trunc(f0));
+  check_ret_type<long double>(std::tr1::trunc(ld0));
+  check_ret_type<double>(std::tr1::trunc(i0));
Index: testsuite/tr1/8_c_compatibility/cmath/
--- testsuite/tr1/8_c_compatibility/cmath/	(revision 0)
+++ testsuite/tr1/8_c_compatibility/cmath/	(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+// { dg-do compile }
+// 2006-03-10  Paolo Carlini  <>
+// Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library.  This library is free
+// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+// Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+// any later version.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+// with this library; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+// Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
+// USA.
+// 8.16 Additions to header <cmath>
+#include <tr1/cmath>
+void test01()
+  typedef std::tr1::double_t  my_double_t;
+  typedef std::tr1::float_t   my_float_t;
Index: testsuite/tr1/8_c_compatibility/cmath/
--- testsuite/tr1/8_c_compatibility/cmath/	(revision 111841)
+++ testsuite/tr1/8_c_compatibility/cmath/	(working copy)
@@ -43,145 +43,145 @@
   long lret;
   long long llret;
-  ret = acosh(d0);
-  fret = acoshf(f0);
-  ldret = acoshl(ld0);
+  ret = std::tr1::acosh(d0);
+  fret = std::tr1::acoshf(f0);
+  ldret = std::tr1::acoshl(ld0);
-  ret = asinh(d0);
-  fret = asinhf(f0);
-  ldret = asinhl(ld0);
+  ret = std::tr1::asinh(d0);
+  fret = std::tr1::asinhf(f0);
+  ldret = std::tr1::asinhl(ld0);
-  ret = atanh(d0);
-  fret = atanhf(f0);
-  ldret = atanhl(ld0);
+  ret = std::tr1::atanh(d0);
+  fret = std::tr1::atanhf(f0);
+  ldret = std::tr1::atanhl(ld0);
-  ret = cbrt(d0);
-  fret = cbrtf(f0);
-  ldret = cbrtl(ld0);
+  ret = std::tr1::cbrt(d0);
+  fret = std::tr1::cbrtf(f0);
+  ldret = std::tr1::cbrtl(ld0);
-  ret = copysign(d0, d0);
-  fret = copysignf(f0, f0);
-  ldret = copysignl(ld0, ld0);
+  ret = std::tr1::copysign(d0, d0);
+  fret = std::tr1::copysignf(f0, f0);
+  ldret = std::tr1::copysignl(ld0, ld0);
-  ret = erf(d0);
-  fret = erff(f0);
-  ldret = erfl(ld0);
+  ret = std::tr1::erf(d0);
+  fret = std::tr1::erff(f0);
+  ldret = std::tr1::erfl(ld0);
-  ret = erfc(d0);
-  fret = erfcf(f0);
-  ldret = erfcl(ld0);
+  ret = std::tr1::erfc(d0);
+  fret = std::tr1::erfcf(f0);
+  ldret = std::tr1::erfcl(ld0);
-  ret = exp2(d0);
-  fret = exp2f(f0);
-  ldret = exp2l(ld0);
+  ret = std::tr1::exp2(d0);
+  fret = std::tr1::exp2f(f0);
+  ldret = std::tr1::exp2l(ld0);
-  ret = expm1(d0);
-  fret = expm1f(f0);
-  ldret = expm1l(ld0);
+  ret = std::tr1::expm1(d0);
+  fret = std::tr1::expm1f(f0);
+  ldret = std::tr1::expm1l(ld0);
-  ret = fdim(d0, d0);
-  fret = fdimf(f0, f0);
-  ldret = fdiml(ld0, ld0);
+  ret = std::tr1::fdim(d0, d0);
+  fret = std::tr1::fdimf(f0, f0);
+  ldret = std::tr1::fdiml(ld0, ld0);
-  ret = fma(d0, d0, d0);
-  fret = fmaf(f0, f0, f0);
-  ldret = fmal(ld0, ld0, ld0);
+  ret = std::tr1::fma(d0, d0, d0);
+  fret = std::tr1::fmaf(f0, f0, f0);
+  ldret = std::tr1::fmal(ld0, ld0, ld0);
-  ret = fmax(d0, d0);
-  fret = fmaxf(f0, f0);
-  ldret = fmaxl(ld0, ld0);
+  ret = std::tr1::fmax(d0, d0);
+  fret = std::tr1::fmaxf(f0, f0);
+  ldret = std::tr1::fmaxl(ld0, ld0);
-  ret = fmin(d0, d0);
-  fret = fminf(f0, f0);
-  ldret = fminl(ld0, ld0);
+  ret = std::tr1::fmin(d0, d0);
+  fret = std::tr1::fminf(f0, f0);
+  ldret = std::tr1::fminl(ld0, ld0);
-  ret = hypot(d0, d0);
-  fret = hypotf(f0, f0);
-  ldret = hypotl(ld0, ld0);
+  ret = std::tr1::hypot(d0, d0);
+  fret = std::tr1::hypotf(f0, f0);
+  ldret = std::tr1::hypotl(ld0, ld0);
-  iret = ilogb(d0);
-  iret = ilogbf(f0);
-  iret = ilogbl(ld0);
+  iret = std::tr1::ilogb(d0);
+  iret = std::tr1::ilogbf(f0);
+  iret = std::tr1::ilogbl(ld0);
-  ret = lgamma(d0);
-  fret = lgammaf(f0);
-  ldret = lgammal(ld0);
+  ret = std::tr1::lgamma(d0);
+  fret = std::tr1::lgammaf(f0);
+  ldret = std::tr1::lgammal(ld0);
-  llret = llrint(d0);
-  llret = llrintf(f0);
-  llret = llrintl(ld0);
+  llret = std::tr1::llrint(d0);
+  llret = std::tr1::llrintf(f0);
+  llret = std::tr1::llrintl(ld0);
-  llret = llround(d0);
-  llret = llroundf(f0);
-  llret = llroundl(ld0);
+  llret = std::tr1::llround(d0);
+  llret = std::tr1::llroundf(f0);
+  llret = std::tr1::llroundl(ld0);
-  ret = log1p(d0);
-  fret = log1pf(f0);
-  ldret = log1pl(ld0);
+  ret = std::tr1::log1p(d0);
+  fret = std::tr1::log1pf(f0);
+  ldret = std::tr1::log1pl(ld0);
-  ret = log2(d0);
-  fret = log2f(f0);
-  ldret = log2l(ld0);
+  ret = std::tr1::log2(d0);
+  fret = std::tr1::log2f(f0);
+  ldret = std::tr1::log2l(ld0);
-  ret = logb(d0);
-  fret = logbf(f0);
-  ldret = logbl(ld0);
+  ret = std::tr1::logb(d0);
+  fret = std::tr1::logbf(f0);
+  ldret = std::tr1::logbl(ld0);
-  lret = lrint(d0);
-  lret = lrintf(f0);
-  lret = lrintl(ld0);
+  lret = std::tr1::lrint(d0);
+  lret = std::tr1::lrintf(f0);
+  lret = std::tr1::lrintl(ld0);
-  lret = lround(d0);
-  lret = lroundf(f0);
-  lret = lroundl(ld0);
+  lret = std::tr1::lround(d0);
+  lret = std::tr1::lroundf(f0);
+  lret = std::tr1::lroundl(ld0);
-  ret = nan(str);
-  fret = nanf(str);
-  ldret = nanl(str);
+  ret = std::tr1::nan(str);
+  fret = std::tr1::nanf(str);
+  ldret = std::tr1::nanl(str);
-  ret = nearbyint(d0);
-  fret = nearbyintf(f0);
-  ldret = nearbyintl(ld0);
+  ret = std::tr1::nearbyint(d0);
+  fret = std::tr1::nearbyintf(f0);
+  ldret = std::tr1::nearbyintl(ld0);
-  ret = nextafter(d0, d0);
-  fret = nextafterf(f0, f0);
-  ldret = nextafterl(ld0, ld0);
+  ret = std::tr1::nextafter(d0, d0);
+  fret = std::tr1::nextafterf(f0, f0);
+  ldret = std::tr1::nextafterl(ld0, ld0);
-  ret = nexttoward(d0, ld0);
-  fret = nexttowardf(f0, ld0);
-  ldret = nexttowardl(ld0, ld0);
+  ret = std::tr1::nexttoward(d0, ld0);
+  fret = std::tr1::nexttowardf(f0, ld0);
+  ldret = std::tr1::nexttowardl(ld0, ld0);
-  ret = remainder(d0, d0);
-  fret = remainderf(f0, f0);
-  ldret = remainderl(ld0, ld0);
+  ret = std::tr1::remainder(d0, d0);
+  fret = std::tr1::remainderf(f0, f0);
+  ldret = std::tr1::remainderl(ld0, ld0);
-  ret = remquo(d0, d0, pquo);
-  fret = remquo(f0, f0, pquo);
-  ldret = remquo(ld0, ld0, pquo);
+  ret = std::tr1::remquo(d0, d0, pquo);
+  fret = std::tr1::remquo(f0, f0, pquo);
+  ldret = std::tr1::remquo(ld0, ld0, pquo);
-  ret = rint(d0);
-  fret = rintf(f0);
-  ldret = rintl(ld0);
+  ret = std::tr1::rint(d0);
+  fret = std::tr1::rintf(f0);
+  ldret = std::tr1::rintl(ld0);
-  ret = round(d0);
-  fret = roundf(f0);
-  ldret = roundl(ld0);
+  ret = std::tr1::round(d0);
+  fret = std::tr1::roundf(f0);
+  ldret = std::tr1::roundl(ld0);
-  ret = scalbln(d0, lex);
-  fret = scalblnf(f0, lex);
-  ldret = scalblnl(ld0, lex);
+  ret = std::tr1::scalbln(d0, lex);
+  fret = std::tr1::scalblnf(f0, lex);
+  ldret = std::tr1::scalblnl(ld0, lex);
-  ret = scalbn(d0, ex);
-  fret = scalbnf(f0, ex);
-  ldret = scalbnl(ld0, ex);
+  ret = std::tr1::scalbn(d0, ex);
+  fret = std::tr1::scalbnf(f0, ex);
+  ldret = std::tr1::scalbnl(ld0, ex);
-  ret = tgamma(d0);
-  fret = tgammaf(f0);
-  ldret = tgammal(ld0);
+  ret = std::tr1::tgamma(d0);
+  fret = std::tr1::tgammaf(f0);
+  ldret = std::tr1::tgammal(ld0);
-  ret = trunc(d0);
-  fret = truncf(f0);
-  ldret = truncl(ld0);
+  ret = std::tr1::trunc(d0);
+  fret = std::tr1::truncf(f0);
+  ldret = std::tr1::truncl(ld0);
Index: acinclude.m4
--- acinclude.m4	(revision 111841)
+++ acinclude.m4	(working copy)
@@ -1194,7 +1194,9 @@
   AC_MSG_CHECKING([for ISO C99 support to TR1 in <math.h>])
   AC_CACHE_VAL(ac_c99_math_tr1, [
   AC_TRY_COMPILE([#include <math.h>],
-	         [acosh(0.0);
+	         [typedef double_t  my_double_t;
+	          typedef float_t   my_float_t;
+	          acosh(0.0);

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