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[Ada] Add missing implicit type conversion

Test on i686-linux, committed on trunk.

There was an implicit type conversion missing in case of allocation
of an object implementing an abstract interface. As a consequence the
secondary dispatch table is not referenced and any dispatching call
that uses the secondary dispatch table fails. After this patch the
 execution of the following test is correct.
with Ada.Finalization; use Ada.Finalization;
package Demo is
   type I is interface;
   type I_Ptr is access all I'Class;
   procedure M (Self : in out I) is abstract;
   type Impl is new Controlled and I with null record;
   type Impl_Ptr is access all Impl'Class;
   overriding procedure M (Self : in out Impl);
end Demo;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
package body Demo is
   overriding procedure M (Self : in out Impl) is begin Put ("OK "); end M;
end Demo;
with Demo;        use Demo;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Do_Test is
   procedure Test (Ptr : access I'Class) is
      M (Ptr.all);
   end Test;
   P : constant I_Ptr := new Impl;  --  test 1
   Put ("Test 1: ");
   M (P.all);
   Put ("Test 2: ");
   Test (new Impl);                 --  test 2
end Do_Test;
Command: gnatmake do_test.adb
  Test 1: OK OK
  Test 2: OK OK

This patch also fixes missing validity checks for type conversions and
qualified expressions. These checks are under control of -gnatVo
(validity checking for operands).

A test program is:

pragma Validity_Checks ("a");
pragma Initialize_Scalars;
procedure B is
  X, Y : Natural;
  I : Integer;
  I := Integer (X);
  I := Integer'(X);
  I := Y;

Compiling this with -gnatG should show three validity checks, one
for each assignment (previously only the third generated a check).
When run, an exception is raised at the first assignment.

Finally, this patch also corrects an error in configurable run-time mode of
not allowing 64-bit divides by the constant 8 on some targets when using the
configurable run-time with 64-bit divides not supported.

The following should compile clean using a version of
that has Configurable_Run_Time set True, and Support_LonG_Shifts
set True, and Support_64_Bit_Divides set False.

   procedure Bit_Arrays (Length : Integer) is
      Len : constant Integer := Length;
      type Bit_Array_Type is array (1 .. Len) of Boolean;
      pragma Pack (Bit_Array_Type);
      Bit_Array : Bit_Array_Type := (others => False);
   end Bit_Arrays;

Note: this program does 64-bit divides by 8 when computing the
length of the packed array type.

2006-02-17  Javier Miranda  <>
	    Robert Dewar  <>

	* exp_ch4.adb (Expand_N_Allocator): If the allocated object is accessed
	through an access to class-wide interface we force the displacement of
	the pointer to the allocated object to reference the corresponding
	secondary dispatch table.
	(Expand_N_Op_Divide): Allow 64 bit divisions by small power of 2,
	if Long_Shifts are supported on the target, even if 64 bit divides
	are not supported (configurable run time mode).
	(Expand_N_Type_Conversion): Do validity check if validity checks on
	operands are enabled.
	(Expand_N_Qualified_Expression): Do validity check if validity checks
	on operands are enabled.

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