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Re: patch advice needed: macro expansion for #pragmas

expand only the C99 pragmas.  But I see there's an internal table of
pragmas, which don't get expanded (IIRC there's a flag in the table
entry; I don't have the code in front of me right now).  So I'm
thinking of just adding the C99 pragmas to that table.  Is that a
reasonable approach?

I think that approach is reasonable if it works.

Also, the client is hoping that the GCC team will accept the patch
once it's finished, assuming it's clean and documented (I think I can
do that).  I think the patch should be accepted since it implements a
Microsoft C feature that some users rely on, and having the patch
makes it easier to port Win32 legacy code.  Of course for new code,
the C99 "Pragma" keyword, or GCC function attributes, are preferred.
Please let me know your thoughts on this.

We've gotten the same request here a few times so I'd definitely be up for
the option.


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