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Re: [FORTRAN] Avoid allocating unused WHERE masks

On Mon, Feb 06, 2006 at 08:27:25AM -0700, Roger Sayle wrote:
> SteveK, could you retry the code you mentioned to see whether the
> increased memory requirements you observed have now been resolved?

I'll have to dig out the code, which fortunately is under cvs
control.  The log message is 

* Update bhtecs.f90 to use start/stop times for each ring application.
  This allows dead time between the rings, which permits cooling.  Also,
  replace a WHERE statement with a nested DO-loop and IF-THEN-ELSE
  construct because the WHERE statement allocated/deallocated the needed
  space for the mask.  Ouch.

I won't have time to test the changes until this weekend, but I
should be able to review the new patch in the next day of two.


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