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Re: [Patch, fortran] PRs 20862, 23152, 25053, 25063, 25064, 25066, 25067, 25068, 25069, 25307 data transfer constraints


Here and immediately below a 'default INTEGER' is required, not a 'default integer kind'. Actually, a scalar-default-in-var is required, so you should tighten up that check some more.

Done and the tests duly changed.

The scalar-ness check is tested on line 40 of io_constraints_1.f90.

Is it not also an error if an internal unit is expr->ts.type == BT_CHARACTER && expr->expr_type != BT_CHARACTER.

This is already taken care of:
[prt@localhost svn]# /svn-4.2/bin/gfortran prs/test_iu.f90
In file prs/test_iu.f90:2

write ("hello", '(i6)') 42
Error: UNIT specification at (1) must be an INTEGER expression or a CHARACTER variable
In file prs/test_iu.f90:3

write (reshape(buffer, (/2,2/)), '(i6)') 42
Error: UNIT specification at (1) must be an INTEGER expression or a CHARACTER variable

<>+ not_no = strncmp (advance, "no", 2) != 0 && strncmp (advance, "NO", 2);
+ not_yes = strncmp (advance, "yes", 2) != 0 && strncmp (advance, "YES", 2);

What about 'No', 'nO', 'yeS' etc.? Fortunately, libiberty provides strncasecmp :-)

Done - thanks

Apart from that this is ok.

I believe introducing a gfc_is_writable (gfc_expr *), which encapsulates

Agreed; another day though?

I will commit this to trunk tomorrow morning, with the derived type patches, and to 4.1 on Christmas Eve.



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